Many girls flirt with guys all the time without restraint. However, deep down, almost all girls would like to flirt properly to get guys drooling behind them. To make this happen, here are the basics to ensure your success.

Step 1. Do your part
Nobody likes a girl who can't have a decent conversation or who is snooty or rude. Ask him what he likes, ask simple questions, like what his favorite food is. Be yourself and be kind to the people around you. Even if you don't like some people, try to be neutral with them, without openly despising them. If you behave neutral towards someone who is not your friend, you will gain respect and people will begin to admire you.
Be sociable. Join other groups and don't stay alone in yours! Invite those sitting alone to join you if your friends are okay with it. However, don't become an outcast just to match up with some other outcast. You have to keep your reputation while being nice

Step 2. Be sexy
It might sound superficial, but guys are actually attracted to the pronounced lips and pink cheeks. Nice clothes, light makeup and a slim body are recommended. However, none of these things are necessary to impress a guy. Wearing clean, comfortable clothes and light make-up will suffice. Exercise and shower daily, wash your hair at least three times a week and do it every day.
- Wearing nice but comfortable clothes will boost your confidence and give you a casual and reassuring touch. Both you and your crush will be at ease!
- It doesn't matter if you're not the skinniest girl in the world. Wearing beautiful clothes and putting on some makeup will make the difference.
- Excessive makeup won't look good on you. The makeup just has to give you an extra touch, not change the color of the face. Avoid the look of "a rainbow spread on my face".
- Inappropriate clothes that show too much look bad and lower your reputation, not to mention your integrity and looks! It's better to look modest than the other way around!

Step 3. Trust yourself
Confidence is the key to impressing a guy. Guys like a confident girl, but don't overdo it. If you are proud of yourself you will notice why you will shine. If you have no confidence in yourself you will see and you will not achieve anything.

Step 4. Listen
This article will never repeat it enough! There is no point in having a relationship where you are the center of everything, so take a break and pay attention to the feelings of others. Let the boy do the talking too. Normally, people like to talk about themselves, unless they are shy. Even if the guy you're trying to get is shy, that doesn't give you permission to just be in the spotlight. You just have to be a little more delicate with questions and flirting!

Step 5. Be fun
That doesn't mean funny-drunk, but making jokes and laughing as much as possible. Avoid plastic and forced smiles and leave room for natural and beautiful smiles. Make sure your jokes are not trite and silly and silly, but that they are really funny!

Step 6. Flirt not excessively, but enough to see if he likes you
Too much flirting will likely scare him and make you look desperate, while too little won't even make him notice you're doing it.
- Don't overdo the flirting and never obsess someone if they don't fall into your arms. Not everyone will be attracted to you, that's life.
- A light makeup will do just fine. Guys don't like it when you overdo it. The makeup just has to give you an extra touch and not change the color of your face.
- Being sexy doesn't mean dressing provocatively. It's not an appropriate look and will only attract the wrong kind of guy.
- Some guys just won't like it. Don't persist if they've had enough and avoid giving them the chills by making them think you're trying hard.