How to Make Your Girlfriend Feel Loved

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How to Make Your Girlfriend Feel Loved
How to Make Your Girlfriend Feel Loved

Real men know how to make a girl feel special. It is certainly an important skill, and it can be useful for building lasting relationships, so that the special girl and the man in question take the relationship more seriously.


Make Your Girlfriend Feel Loved Step 1
Make Your Girlfriend Feel Loved Step 1

Step 1. If the girl is close enough, playful and innocent kisses in various parts of the face, such as the cheeks, forehead, corner of the mouth, etc

they will please a girl a lot and entice her to spend time with you.

Make Your Girlfriend Feel Loved Step 2
Make Your Girlfriend Feel Loved Step 2

Step 2. In case the girl isn't within kissing distance, or you don't appreciate them that much, hugs are great and have the same effect

Wrapping your arm around her shoulders, hips, or stroking her back are great things. Squeeze her in your arms and make sure that your bodies are in contact from chest to legs. Don't be creepy, weird "I'm hugging you, but you have lice, so our bodies won't touch each other much." Nobody likes such a thing.

Make Your Girlfriend Feel Loved Step 3
Make Your Girlfriend Feel Loved Step 3

Step 3. Compliment her, no more than once every half hour though

Too many compliments are disturbing, as is saying the same thing more than once. For example, if you keep telling her how sexy and gorgeous her lips are, she might be afraid you want to rape her, and that's not funny. But just telling her once she has nice lips might be cute. Or, even better, you could say "You are very pretty today".

Make Your Girlfriend Feel Loved Step 4
Make Your Girlfriend Feel Loved Step 4

Step 4. Tell her that you love her at least once a day, sometimes every other day

If you say it too often, it stops having meaning, and if you don't say it enough, the message won't get through. Say it at the right time. LEARN to recognize the right time.

Make Your Girlfriend Feel Loved Step 5
Make Your Girlfriend Feel Loved Step 5

Step 5. When you are on your own and you find something small and meaningful, buy it for him

Do this only once in a while. Don't shower her with gifts. Don't get her something anyone could buy her. If it's something symbolic or something she likes, or something you have in common, show interest and listen to what she says.

Make Your Girlfriend Feel Loved Step 6
Make Your Girlfriend Feel Loved Step 6

Step 6. Don't be a Don Juan

Pay much more attention to them than you reserve for others. Don't talk too much or put too much weight on other girls, especially when she's around. You may find other girls attractive, but don't give in to temptation, Adam, until you are really attracted to them.

Make Your Girlfriend Feel Loved Step 7
Make Your Girlfriend Feel Loved Step 7

Step 7. Show her your affection in words as well, using words like "sweetheart", "dear", "love", "darling", "little one" … Use her name, however, at least as much as her nicknames

Girls like to hear their name and something nice in the same sentence (combine this with the previous step on compliments: “You are very nice today, Julia”).

Make Your Girlfriend Feel Loved Step 8
Make Your Girlfriend Feel Loved Step 8

Step 8. Look her in the eye, smile and listen

Make Your Girlfriend Feel Loved Step 9
Make Your Girlfriend Feel Loved Step 9

Step 9. Make sure he knows you are faithful

Don't just tell her, “I'm so faithful. You are so lucky to have me”. That way you will appear presumptuous, and / or with something to compensate for or hide. But, if you notice another pretty girl (in some cases prettier than her), tell her that you think there is no competition. Be honest though, if you lie she will notice (when a girl is around you, she hears your thoughts).


  • Remember…

    • Hugs
    • Kisses
    • Well done
    • Verbal expressions of love
    • Small meaningful gifts
    • Recognition (of her, not of others)
    • Fidelity
    • Elements of affection
    • Any other sign of affection, physical, verbal, etc.
  • When she's in a bad mood, ask her what's wrong and pay attention to what she responds to. You may not be able to solve the problem, but listening to her shows your interest.


  • Don't do these things if you're not convinced. In fact, if you're not convinced, don't even commit to the girl.
  • Don't overdo any of these things.
