3 Ways to Feel Loved

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3 Ways to Feel Loved
3 Ways to Feel Loved

Don't you feel loved? Thinking that no one loves you in your life can sting you and cause a feeling of emptiness. However, you may not know how much you really are loved due to an inability to communicate or misunderstandings. Many times we do not feel loved because we have closed in on ourselves by moving away from the ability to feel loved. You can still open up to these feelings and encourage the people you love to open their hearts; start with Step 1 below!


Method 1 of 3: Part 1: Love Yourself

Feel Loved Step 1
Feel Loved Step 1

Step 1. Build self-esteem

Very often people can love us with all their hearts but we don't feel loved anyway. Usually the reason is that we find it hard to believe that someone else can love us because we don't know how to love ourselves. If you don't feel loved by others, the best thing to start with is to learn to love yourself first and foremost. Build an opinion on yourself by praising your positives and accepting the negatives. Stop holding on to an ideal of perfection and realize that you are perfect just the way you are.

Feel Loved Step 2
Feel Loved Step 2

Step 2. Build self-confidence

Self-confidence is an extremely fascinating quality in a person. When others see that you think you can challenge the world and win, they start believing it too (and they love it!). Build self-confidence by taking on challenges in your life, voicing your ideas, and taking actions that make you proud of who you are.

Feel Loved Step 3
Feel Loved Step 3

Step 3. Get help if you need it

Sometimes our brains get sick. He doesn't work very well and needs some help to feel better again. If you think maybe your problems are too big to deal with alone, get help. Just like taking a drug when you have a cold, it is important that you take care of your body by obtaining the professional help of a doctor. We at wikiHow love each and every one of you individually and want you to be happy. Do whatever it takes to make it happen!

Method 2 of 3: Part 3: Evaluating Love

Feel Loved Step 4
Feel Loved Step 4

Step 1. Understand what love looks like

Make sure you know what love really looks like. Sometimes some truly horrible people in our life will convince us that love has a different appearance than what it actually has. Don't get confused: love should never hurt, it shouldn't be one-sided, nor subject to conditions.

Feel Loved Step 5
Feel Loved Step 5

Step 2. Observe how he behaves

Observe how the person or people you love behaves. Does he tell you bad things? Does it hurt you physically? Doesn't he show up when you really need him? Does he ignore you when you tell him how you feel? These are bad signs. If, however, he may not say it openly but shows it to you by being there for you, trying to avoid hurting you and never giving you a way to think that he thinks less of you, he probably loves you but is simply not good at showing it.

Feel Loved Step 6
Feel Loved Step 6

Step 3. Observe how you behave

Do you invest everything in a friendship or a relationship? Do you do much more for him than he does for you? Do you shower it with kindness and find yourself just empty thanks and nothing in return? These are bad signs. However, if you feel like you're getting as much out of the relationship as you invested, it's probably okay.

Feel Loved Step 7
Feel Loved Step 7

Step 4. Shake off the dead weights

If someone hurts you (physically or emotionally), or just gives more to do than they deserve, don't keep them in your life. You do not need it. Forget it and get back into the fray. Find friends and relationships that satisfy you because you deserve it!

Method 3 of 3: Part 2: Finding Love

Feel Loved Step 8
Feel Loved Step 8

Step 1. Be open about your feelings

It's tough, but it's the best way to get rid of the feeling of not being loved. Tell those in your life that you like how you feel. Tell them that you are going through some problems. And when they tell you they love you, take them at their word. Offer him the opportunity to prove it. Stop hindering them or questioning their feelings. They probably really love you.

Feel Loved Step 9
Feel Loved Step 9

Step 2. Open yourself to a new love

You may not feel loved if you have a very specific idea about the way in which love presents itself and where it comes from. Take a look at your definition of love and maybe think about redefining it. Love does not necessarily have to come from a romantic relationship and does not have to include expensive gifts, birthday cards, or meet a list of required characteristics.

Feel Loved Step 10
Feel Loved Step 10

Step 3. Volunteer

A great way to help yourself feel loved is to help your community. Volunteering in your area, anywhere from hospices to soup kitchens, can help you and your community a lot. People will appreciate everything you do to help them and you will find the love you are looking for while generating an incredibly positive impact.

Feel Loved Step 11
Feel Loved Step 11

Step 4. Get a pet

A dog or cat is an excellent way to feel loved. Our animals love us and depend a lot on us. You can have a wonderful impact on an animal by adopting one or even volunteering for a temporary adoption. This can be a wonderful gesture, especially if there is a shortage of animal shelters in your area.

Feel Loved Step 12
Feel Loved Step 12

Step 5. Find people like you

Finding a community of people just like you can be a wonderful way to feel loved. In this case the internet has made everything much easier than in the past. Fan communities are an easy way to start making friends online. Besides, you can also make new friends in real life. Try taking a class on a subject that interests you at your local community center.

Feel Loved Step 13
Feel Loved Step 13

Step 6. Join a church

Another possibility to help yourself feel loved is to join a church or other religious group locally or to participate more actively. Find one that shares your values and start participating regularly. You can also join a study group to help develop closer relationships with your fellow parishioners.

Feel Loved Step 14
Feel Loved Step 14

Step 7. Date a new person

If you really think that the best thing for you is a romantic relationship, you can try dating someone new if you feel ready (emotionally) to be with another person. Just remember: you should never start a relationship expecting the other person to make all your problems disappear, nor think that you cannot be happy without having a relationship with someone. They are not sensible ideas. However, if you are ready to deal with the challenges of being together, you can find a boyfriend or girlfriend.


  • Always express gratitude when someone makes a nice gesture towards you.
  • Always remember the birthday of all the people you care about and send them a gift or at least a virtual postcard on their birthday.
  • When you complain about something about a loved one, make sure your interlocutor knows that you are not blaming him / her.
