Having young, glowing and healthy skin is much easier when you follow a good skin care routine and keep your body fit. However, there are many factors that make hands look old, including age-related spots, wrinkles and wrinkles, thin, dry skin, and dark or brittle nails. You can make your hands rejuvenate for several years by treating these problems; Plus, by taking care of your hands, eating right, avoiding sun exposure and maintaining a healthy lifestyle in general, you can achieve supple and glowing skin for many years to come.
Part 1 of 2: Rejuvenate the Hands

Step 1. Treat age spots
These blemishes, also called lentigo senilis, are not actually linked directly to the passing years, but to exposure to ultraviolet rays. These are in fact hyperpigmented areas, which appear as a consequence of an excessive production of melanin triggered in turn by UV rays. You can reduce their appearance:
- Applying skin whitening products that contain hydroquinone; however, remember that this active ingredient has been shown to be a skin irritant and its sale is banned in Europe.
- Spreading illuminating or reducing creams that contain glycolic or kojic acid, vitamin C, licorice and mushroom extract.
- Undergoing laser or intense pulsed light therapy.

Step 2. Address the signs of aging
As we age, the skin on the hands becomes wrinkled and wrinkled (taking on the appearance of crepe paper), due to the loss of fat and the depletion of collagen and elastin stores. The skin may become sagging, red or blotchy, have a bad texture or show growths. Dryness and cracking make hands appear even older; By regularly moisturizing them and applying "anti-aging" creams you can avoid this type of blemish.
- Always moisturize your hands after washing them or after taking a bath; pat them dry and apply your favorite moisturizer while they are still damp.
- Make a moisturizing mask by mixing a tablespoon of oatmeal with a tablespoon of each of the following: rose or almond water, olive oil, coconut or jojoba. Heat the mixture in a saucepan on the stove and apply it on your hands; wrap everything in cling film and rinse off the mask when it gets cold, usually after 10-15 minutes.
- Look for anti-aging creams that contain ingredients like retinol, antioxidants, and peptides.
- To make your hands firm again, try a retinoid cream, apply a collagen mask to the back once a week, or rub an ophthalmic ointment containing hyaluronic acid over them.

Step 3. Exfoliate the skin
Exfoliation makes it brighter and softer by removing dead cells and also improves skin tone. You can gently scrub your hands with home remedies from the kitchen, such as ground coffee or oats, or opt for commercial products that contain alpha-hydroxy acids, vitamin C, and retinoids.
Next time you apply a facial scrub, rub it on your hands as well

Step 4. Massage your hands
Rub a small amount of olive or coconut oil before bed to improve hydration and blood circulation. Add a little sugar to enjoy a gentle exfoliating effect at the same time; massage with great care without neglecting the backs, palms, fingers, cuticles and nails.
If you have decided to use sugar as well, rinse your hands after the massage, otherwise they will become sticky; remember to hydrate them again after washing

Step 5. Get a manicure
Poorly manicured nails, with partially removed nail polish and long cuticles give the hands a neglected look. Professional treatment can be expensive and puts you at risk of yeast infections; however, you can achieve numerous excellent results even at home. Every week:
- Remove the old nail polish, trim your nails and file them. Apply a cuticle oil, let it sit for a few minutes and then push the cuticle back with a special tool.
- You can leave your nails natural to give them some respite from the polish, or try a new vibrant color to draw attention to the nails themselves, rather than the hands.
- Never cut your cuticles, as this could cause them to bleed and expose them to infection.

Step 6. Use cosmetics
If you need to temporarily and quickly give your hands a youthful look, apply a small amount of liquid concealer to the backs. Although the result is not permanent, it allows you to hide wrinkles, uneven color and texture, sun spots and other age-related imperfections.

Step 7. Consider using a filler or getting injections
As you get older, the fatty tissue in your hands shrinks, making your veins and bones more noticeable. The injections of fat and fillers are designed to "flesh out" the hands again. If you have decided for this solution, choose a filler with hyaluronic acid, which is a great moisturizer and helps tone the skin.
There are also laser treatments, which you can undergo to stimulate the production of collagen, which in turn makes the skin fuller
Part 2 of 2: Keeping Your Hands Healthy

Step 1. Stay out of the sun
Since UV exposure causes aging spots, the best way to prevent them is to protect your hands from the sun. Spread a cream with an SPF between 30 and 50 daily throughout the day. Try to get your hands out of direct sunlight as much as possible, especially in the middle of the day, between 10am and 4pm.

Step 2. Eat the right foods
Several foods that are good for the body also help your hands stay younger. Eating a balanced diet that includes whole grains, fruits and vegetables of all colors and healthy fats helps to have glowing, youthful skin. Don't forget hydration! Whenever you feel thirsty, drink a glass of water.
- Consume foods that fight wrinkles and are rich in protein, selenium, antioxidants, and coenzyme Q10. This means eating whole grains, fruits and berries, beans and legumes, mushrooms, nuts, olive, canola and sesame oils, and green tea.
- Promote collagen and elastin production by eating foods rich in vitamins A, C, and E. Try tofu, dark green leafy vegetables, sunflower seeds, oranges, avocados, peppers, and citrus fruits.
- Supplement your diet with foods that promote nail health, containing biotin and omega fatty acids; also add several onions and carrots to meals, sprinkle salads and cereals with flax seeds.

Step 3. Get regular physical activity
A consistent exercise routine is good for mental, physical health, and the appearance of the skin. Movement keeps and makes the mind, body and skin feel younger, improving blood circulation and bringing more oxygen to the cells.
- You should exercise at least half an hour a day three to six times a week.
- Walking is an excellent, low-impact activity.
- Swimming is an excellent cardiovascular workout that does not exert tension and does not subject the body to impacts, as is the case with other sports, since water saves the muscles and joints part of the pressure of the body weight.

Step 4. Protect your hands
This means avoiding that they come into contact with chemicals, abrasive substances, detergents and atmospheric agents. Do not use harsh soaps, detergents, cleaning products for industrial use and those based on alcohol with bare hands; try not to wash them too often and do not use the soaps provided in public restrooms.
Choose delicate, fragrance-free soaps to wash your hands, face and body; opt for those that contain aloe vera, vegetable oils (like coconut or olive oil) and soothing ingredients like lavender and witch hazel

Step 5. Always wear gloves
They provide an extra layer of protection against harmful chemicals and adverse weather conditions; get different gloves for different occasions and seasons. Here are some suggestions:
- A warm pair for the winter to protect your hands from the cold and wind;
- Rubber or latex gloves for cleaning or washing dishes;
- A pair to protect your hands from the sun (when you are not wearing winter gloves) to avoid exposure to UV rays.

Step 6. See your doctor if you have any health concerns
The signs of aging are part of the normal life cycle of the skin. However, there are pathologies that cause abnormal problems and you should know what to look for. Talk to your doctor if you notice symptoms such as:
- Skin rashes or lesions
- Blisters or spots detected;
- Areas of skin that is too dry, red, or flaky
- Warts or abnormal growths;
- Spotted nails (symptom of mycosis).