Taurus (April 21-May 21) is the second sign of the zodiac. Those born under this sign are reliable but stubborn. They do not like the unexpected and although they have a good dose of patience, they also have a tendency to hold a grudge. If you've just had a fight with a Taurus and are interested in a certain way to win them back, you need to understand the personality of this sign, prepare your apologies, and effectively expose them by coming forward first.
Part 1 of 3: Understanding Taurus People

Step 1. Appreciate the positive traits of Taurus
Those born under this sign have many positive traits and are reliable friends, relatives, managers and employees. They are financially and emotionally independent and love stability, so you can always count on them. They can also be very generous, straightforward, fun-loving and good in life, such as art, music and haute cuisine.
- Taurus people are incredibly reliable and this is the characteristic quality of the sign. They have a strong sense of duty and always get their job done. They perform best when they feel secure and material objects comfort them.
- Those born under the sign of Taurus also have a gentle side. They are patient and very loving.
- Taurus people are persistent and work very hard to get what they want. Obstacles, failures and setbacks do not discourage them.

Step 2. Recognize the negative sides of Taurus
The personality of this sign has many positive characteristics, but it can also have several negative traits that are difficult to manage. To understand how to approach a Taurus, you need to know what are the aspects that can give rise to problems. People of this sign can be stubborn, inflexible, selfish, lazy, materialistic and possessive.
- One of the most recognizable characteristics of the sign is obstinacy. It is the quality that helps Taurus people to keep the right course in life and achieve their goals, but also leads them not to change their mind willingly. You need to know that when a Taurus does not like the opinion you are expressing, they may stop listening to you.
- Taurus people love to enjoy material luxuries and pleasures. Because of this, they can give the impression of being lazy and not very motivated. You have to give them a good reason to get them out of their comfort zone.
- Those born under the sign of Taurus can be very attached to people and things, so they can easily become possessive, resentful or jealous.
- Taurus may not give you the impression that they have a strong character, but they often do. Always be careful before angering a Taurus. In that case, avoid the person until they have calmed down.

Step 3. Learn how a Taurus loves their partner
Venus, the goddess of love, is the planet that rules the sign. For this reason, Taurus people seek love to find satisfaction and rarely view it cynically. However, they are not the most romantic companions, because they value logic, facts and reality more than emotions and other abstract concepts. Their approach to love can be rough, brusque, and physical.
- The possessive nature of Taurus can make your partner feel in control rather than truly loved. It is important to remind those born under this sign that loved ones must be treated with dignity and respect.
- When a Taurus seeks love, they can be steadfast and unwavering. Those born under this sign are willing to wait longer than all other people to get what they want. However, this trait can become a flaw if the object of their attention does not reciprocate their feelings. Make sure Taurus understands what you want from your relationship.
- It can be difficult to compromise with a Taurus in a relationship. They should be encouraged to ask questions and come up with common solutions, instead of making decisions on their own.

Step 4. Familiarize yourself with the Taurus communication style
Those born under this sign are cultured people who know how to express themselves well. They are not passive aggressive and are not afraid to say what they think. If you're wrong about something, they'll let you know. In some cases, their disapproval can hurt you because they don't have a tendency to wonder how what they say will make you feel.
Taurus people can seem too bossy due to their critical eye and attention to detail. They will often tell you how you should behave. The best thing you can do is not to take their comments personally, because they just try to make everything perfect for both of you

Step 5. Learn how a Taurus behaves when they argue
Usually those born under this sign are relaxed and friendly until someone crosses the line or provokes them. If you challenge a Taurus, be prepared for a protracted conflict, because he will argue with you stubbornly until he can convince you to agree with him. In those cases you will have the opportunity to experience the legendary stubbornness of the Taurus firsthand and while they will not even be scratched by the harsh words they will say, you may feel deeply hurt.
Be careful before you tell a Taurus that they are doing something wrong. While those born under this sign don't mind pointing out mistakes, they are sensitive to anything that threatens their pride. They avoid confronting others when they are wrong and often try to apologize too late. This can lead them to alienate people and even make themselves into enemies
Part 2 of 3: Making an Apology

Step 1. Admit your mistake
The first step in making a compelling apology is figuring out where you went wrong. Don't find justifications for your behavior and don't blame other people. Try to be totally honest with yourself and understand what offensive actions contributed to the conflict.
Consider how what you did or didn't do affected the other person and their life

Step 2. Try to understand how the other person is feeling
Now that you know the Taurus personality a little better, think about how he felt during and after the episode that offended him. Put yourself in his shoes and consider his point of view, so that you can imagine his emotions (anger, pain or disappointment) clearly.

Step 3. Forgive yourself
Recognize that you would rather not have done an action or said certain words, but don't get too downhearted. Everyone makes mistakes, but your apology will only be effective after you've forgiven yourself. This happens because guilt is a big distraction and the apology isn't about you, it's about the person you hurt. To return to having a clear conscience forgive yourself, apologize to the other person and try not to make the same mistake again.
The purpose of guilt is to discourage you from going against your values, your principles, and your moral code. Remember that lingering on guilt has no positive effect

Step 4. Forgive the Bull
All conflicts have two faces and at least two people who contributed to the problem. If you've had a fight with a Taurus, you've probably been hurt too, in some way. Your apology won't be sincere if you haven't left the pain it caused you behind. Even if you don't say anything about it, you won't be able to forget the things that have hurt you, and resentment may emerge in other ways.
- Think of at least one reason why the other person reacted that way. Consider the previous exercise, in which you put yourself in the other person's shoes. It is easier to forgive someone if you analyze a situation from their point of view and understand their reasons, emotions and personality. This kind of compassion can lead to other people forgiving you more easily as well.
- Forgiving yourself and the person you have hurt is not only fair, but also liberating. It allows you to take the first step towards apologizing and overcoming the episode. Making peace can strengthen a relationship or help you let go of people who don't have the ability to forgive.

Step 5. Plan your excuses
Your apology must be a positive experience for both of you because you probably won't get a second chance to introduce them, so don't be impulsive. Choose your words well, based on your behavior and how you think the other person is feeling. A simple "I'm sorry" may be enough, but it is not enough for the most serious mistakes and transgressions.
- Don't worry too much about the best way to apologize. Apologizing is always better than not doing it. Overcome your anxiety and fear of being judged so that you can apologize.
- You may decide to apologize in person, over the phone, or with a written message. In-person apologies are usually best when dealing with a Taurus, because they demonstrate courage and sincerity, qualities that the sign appreciates. However, doing this can be very stressful and you may have a hard time remembering what to say when you're under pressure. In that case, a telephone conversation may be the best choice.
- Written apologies give you a chance to refine the message, especially if you have difficulty expressing yourself verbally. They give both of you a chance to consider what you will say unhurriedly, alone, and eventually forgive you. While this is the least stressful route, it may not be the best choice when dealing with a Taurus if they don't live very far from you.

Step 6. Think of a solution
Focus your energy on finding a way to fix that satisfies the other person. Ask yourself questions such as "How can I correct the situation and regain his trust?", Or "Where can I improve to make sure this situation does not reoccur?". The solution can be simple, or it can take a lot of time or energy.
Part 3 of 3: Apologize Effectively

Step 1. Offer a meaningful apology
Communicate that you are sorry, that you admit your responsibility, and that you will take action to make things better. This communication strategy is known as the "3 Rs": regret, responsibility and remedy. You need to express all three elements to effectively apologize.
Remember that you are apologizing for your actions and not the way you are. When you understand this, apologizing will be easier

Step 2. Start with "I'm sorry"
Saying that you are sorry for hurting the other person can help you disarm them if they are angry and let them know that you care. Be sincere and honest when you show your empathy towards her and show your remorse with your facial expression. Remember that by letting Taurus know that you are sorry you give them proof that you can recognize your mistakes and that you are strong enough to admit them.
- Even if you did not intend to hurt the other person, show them that you understand that your actions have contributed to their suffering or difficulties and that you suffer from it.
- You might say, "I'm so sorry. I know I hurt your feelings and it makes me feel bad." Another idea could be "I am sorry for hurting you. I'm sorry", or "I'm really sorry for the pain or problems I caused you."

Step 3. Admit what you have done
Don't be defensive, don't try to justify yourself, and don't say "but". You have already told the other person that you are sorry, now you must continue by explaining in a clear, respectful and direct way the behaviors you want to apologize for. Admit your mistake and accept responsibility for the consequences of your actions.
- Those born under the sign of Taurus are direct and frank. They appreciate those who admit their mistakes.
- Even if there are compelling reasons for your actions, remember that these excuses don't justify the consequences.
- Here are some examples of statements that represent an admission of responsibility: "I understand that by arriving late I made you worry about me and I wasted some time we could spend together", or "I know it is difficult for you to trust your neighbor. and lying to you did nothing but reinforce these difficulties of yours. There is no excuse for what I did, I shouldn't have lied ", or" I understand why you are angry. I shouldn't have talked to you like that. I know I hurt you."

Step 4. Tell the Taurus what actions you intend to take
Continue the conversation by demonstrating your willingness to remedy the problem. You could promise not to repeat the unwelcome behavior, or say what you will do to improve the situation, such as paying damages or going to a psychologist. You both know that it is not possible to go back in time, however much you may wish, but you still have a chance to undo the damage.
Here are some examples: "Let me forgive me by paying for the next dinner", "Next time I'll tell you in time when I feel jealous instead of keeping it all inside until I explode like that", or "From tomorrow I'll start seeing one psychologist to try to understand why I behave this way"

Step 5. Consider your attitude
With body language, you will communicate to the other person what you really think during the apology and what you want to achieve. Make sure you apologize because you have a desire to reconnect with Taurus, let him know that you are sorry and that you are going to do something to make up for it. Otherwise, your apology will not seem sincere and will not be accepted, as you may appear to be trying to manipulate the other person.
- Don't apologize just because another person told you to do it, because the situation requires it, or because that way you will get what you want.
- Also accept the Taurus apology. If you want others to forgive you when you make a mistake, you must do the same. If the Taurus person sincerely apologizes to you, respond courteously. Thank her for trying to improve the situation.

Step 6. Admit if it's too hard for you to apologize
If you just can't find the words or apologize properly, at least admit you can't. If you know that apologies can help, but aren't willing to make them at the moment, you can say something to Taurus like, "Right now I'm really angry. I know an apology would help, but I'm not ready yet." Taurus may read your own stubbornness in your attitude and appreciate your honesty.

Step 7. Take action
You can try sweetening the Taurus with special gifts, such as a dinner made with your own hands or a sentimental object that reminds him of how you met. Appeal to her loyalty to her partner, friends, and family, as well as her love of material and luxury goods. Always keep your promise to remedy the situation. For example, if you said you are going to see a psychologist, really do it.
- If you have to apologize to a Taurus woman, get her some flowers or chocolates (if she likes them). Write her a note like "Dear Paola, I'm very sorry for how I behaved the other day. I hope you can forgive me. Yours, Marco".
- If the Taurus is a man, get him something he has long wanted, like a new phone case or an electric razor. Give him the gift in person and apologize. You could also try writing him a funny-sounding apology card.