Learning automotive mechanics can be accomplished in various ways. If you want to start a career as an automotive mechanic, you need to follow the path that grants you the best education. In this way you will learn all the necessary knowledge to carry out this job in the best possible way. To learn how to pursue a career as a mechanic, read the next steps.

Step 1. Recognize the breadth of knowledge and skills a mechanic must possess
If you are aware of this, the training path will not catch you off guard. Mechanics are required to be able to adjust, repair, maintain and test all the mechanisms of an automobile.

Step 2. Begin your training to become a mechanic by completing higher education
Your high school diploma forms the foundation on which to build your career as a mechanic. Understanding the technical aspects of automotive mechanics is easier if you have a solid foundation in mathematics, science, Italian and English.

Step 3. Take a training course to become an automotive technician
This type of course is usually offered by a vocational school or university. Some car dealerships or auto companies also offer this type of training. Having a college degree or diploma will add credibility to your resume.

Step 4. Look for apprenticeship courses offered by laboratories and workshops in your city to build you additional training
To find out more, look for information on the internet or in professional magazines.

Step 5. Get a certification or qualification in automotive mechanics
Search for advanced professional programs and courses and sign up. It is advisable to consult professionals in the chosen mechanical sector to understand which type of certification to choose. Certification, even if not required, will likely increase the chances of being hired by a major company.

Step 6. Choose to do a professional internship
You can do this in a garage, at a dealership, or at a company that produces cars. In any case, a work experience directly in the field is the best way to acquire knowledge and skills. An internship offers the opportunity to experience real situations that you can hardly experience in a school. The ideal would be to attend a training course and an internship at the same time. If the internship turns into a positive experience, your employer may offer you a full-time job as soon as you have completed your studies.

Step 7. Get in touch with the mechanics industry by working as an apprentice or assistant
If there is a company you would like to work for, find out if they are looking for a young apprentice. After starting like this, you can hope to apply for a full-time job. Just like for internships, by being an apprentice you have the opportunity to highlight yourself in the sector of your choice. If the employer is happy with your results, you can ask them to take an automotive mechanics training course at the company's expense.

Step 8. Keep up to date with the latest in automotive mechanics
Attend refresher courses to be informed about the technological innovations relating to the world of automobiles. Continuing education increases your credibility within the company and improves your chances of getting promoted.