Sure, it's embarrassing, but maybe there are times when you need to hold back… and you never know in what context they can happen. You are somewhere and you don't have a chance to escape to the bathroom, or you are too embarrassed to use it. What do you do? Here are some tips that will help you temporarily hold back poop.
Part 1 of 3: Holding Back By Using Gimmicks That Involve Body Control

Step 1. Try standing to hold the stimulus (or, alternatively, lie down)
The worst possible position for restraint if you're trying not to go to the bathroom is to squat. Sitting is not as good as standing or lying down.
- The reason is that the ideal position for defecating is the one in which you are squatting, as has long been discovered by scholars, as it is possible to apply pressure on the abdomen, favoring the expulsion of feces.
- While standing, you will remove some of the above pressure from your abdomen. Therefore, it is better to lie down.
- Even by just shifting your position slightly, you can hold it where you want it to stay - inside your body until you have a chance to get to a toilet. If you have to sit, shift your position to the chair. It may be helpful to squeeze your buttocks against a hard surface, such as that of a metal chair.

Step 2. Squeeze your buttocks as hard as you can
Basically, your goal is to put pressure on the stools that push out to stay inside. Yes, it really is the best way to do it!
- By squeezing your buttocks, you also contract the rectum and, thus, you are able to keep the stool inside.
- It is more difficult to hold back if the muscles around the rectum are weak. If the nerves are damaged in that area, you may not even notice that you are defecating. Consult a doctor in these cases.

Step 3. Try to stimulate the bowel movement several hours before an event and try not to eat
Basically, you should free yourself before going to a place where it may be difficult to go to the bathroom. It is a good idea to activate the bowel to empty it. Be provident!
- For example, many runners who cover long distances have to deal with this problem. They have the feeling of having to go to the body during a race. Another way to avoid this embarrassing problem is to not consume high-fiber foods before a sporting competition or event, as they may awaken the urge.
- Foods that produce gas, such as beans, bran, fruit, and salads, may also promote bowel movement and evacuation. Try not to eat two hours before an event, or you will feel the urge to go to the bathroom again.

Step 4. Try not to drink coffee
Some studies link coffee consumption to intestinal stimulation. Although it is not established, if you drink coffee while trying to hold back the stool, the urge to urinate will probably be activated as well.
- You will have a harder time restraining yourself if you haven't passed out during the day. One study found that coffee stimulates defecation especially in people who have not yet freed themselves.
- This study also found that the effect is most pronounced in the morning.
Part 2 of 3: Using Mind Tricks to Hold Back

Step 1. Don't fret
You have to be calm. If you always think about bowel movements, it will only make the situation worse. Relax and try to think of something else.
- Stand still! While standing helps you, it will be much more strenuous if you start making sudden movements or doing something that requires effort (like running).
- Above all, keep a certain demeanor and calm. Try not to panic and put your hand on your butt. It's just a matter of mentally applying yourself to deal with the situation.

Step 2. Distract yourself mentally so that you don't focus too much on the stimulus
Try to divert your mind, perhaps thinking about a loving kitten purring you. Nothing funny, otherwise there will be a mess in the pants.
- Find a sentence and repeat it several times in your mind to focus on something else. Another way to get distracted is to start chatting with someone.
- Watch TV, read a book or listen to music. Do everything in the moment to direct your mind to other thoughts. The best solution would be to choose a task that requires mental focus, such as playing a word game or writing a to-do list.

Step 3. Overcome the embarrassment and run to do it
If there's a bathroom nearby and you're too embarrassed to use it (for example, if you're on a date), don't care!
- Defecating is a natural act and everyone does it. It is not worth thinking about risking the toxic effects that result from the act of holding back regularly.
- You may be better off if you disguise the smell. For example, after you run out of steam, you can sprinkle some perfume inside the bathroom. Get ready. Bring a small size air freshener with you.
Part 3 of 3: Understanding the Risks of Holding Back

Step 1. Know the danger you run when you hold back
There is a lot of research on this topic. It's really not a good idea to hold back, especially repeatedly and for an extended period of time.
- There was a case of an English teenager who died because he didn't have a bowel movement for eight weeks. In reality, defecation is just the act of emptying the intestine. It is essential to stay healthy! If it is missing or malfunctions, the body re-circulates the fluids present in the stool. It's pretty disgusting when you think about it.
- If you want to go to the bathroom but can't, you should see a doctor. You could also try a laxative or fiber pills. However, this problem is different from wanting to temporarily hold stool to avoid momentary embarrassment.
- Although experts say that short-term restraint is unlikely to cause serious problems, at least until a suitable time to go to the bathroom can be found, it has been found that people who do it regularly due to their profession are at risk of having problems. constipation (for example, teachers or truck drivers).

Step 2. See a doctor if you have incontinence problems, ie if you happen to have unexpected loose stools
If you can't get to the bathroom in time, see your doctor.
- Stool is the term used for solid waste that is excreted by the bowel movement. Vulgarly it is called poop.
- Incontinence problems are quite common and affect millions of adults in the world population. They are more common in older people, but anyone can suffer from them. A difficult birth, poor health, illness or certain injuries can be the causes.

Step 3. Understand how defecation occurs
To pass the body, the body activates a muscle called the puborectal muscle. It is basically a kind of catapult for the rectum.
- When you sit on the toilet, the force on the rectum is partially loosened. If you squat, it relaxes completely, making it easier for the stool to pass through.
- Stool is a collection of fibers, bacteria, other cells and mucus. Soluble fiber, such as beans and nuts, make up a part of it. Some foods are more difficult to digest, such as wheat or oat bran.
- When you go to the bathroom, put a layer of toilet paper inside the toilet. This will reduce the noise of the stool coming down and not get your butt wet with the water underneath.
- If you run out of body, flush the toilet several times. The longer you wait to pull it, the more the bathroom will smell.
- Do not hold back the stool for long periods; you may have serious health problems!
- Put some old magazines, handkerchiefs or a small roll of toilet paper in your backpack or bag so you have something to use in case there is no toilet paper.
- Look for the most isolated bathroom there is: in your house, make up an excuse to occupy the less frequented one ("I have to brush my teeth" or "I just want to get something").
- Inhale and exhale slowly.
- Do not engage in any physical activity.