The rosary is a set of beads strung on a string, each of which corresponds to an invocation, and is used to recite a particular Christian prayer. It is usually associated with the Roman Catholic tradition, although other Christian churches use it occasionally. While it is not necessary to be a Catholic to pray the rosary, it is important to remember that it is a form of devotion with a long and rich history and should be treated with respect. When used in the right way, the rosary is a meditation and prayer tool that allows you to praise the Lord as you reflect on the life events of Jesus and Mary.
Part 1 of 2: Pray the Rosary

Step 1. Begin by holding the crucifix in your hand while making the Sign of the Cross
The rosary is recited while you go through a beaded necklace with one hand, at each of which you have to stop and say a prayer. Usually, a person who wants to recite the entire rosary and not just a portion of it starts from the crucifix located at the "bottom".

Step 2. Say the "Creed"
This prayer is the declaration of the Christian faith that contains all the concepts in which the faithful believe, including the existence of God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit and the Resurrection.
- The words of the "Creed" are: "I believe in God, the Father almighty, creator of heaven and earth and in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord, who was conceived of the Holy Spirit, was born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried; he descended into hell; the third day he rose from the dead; he ascended to heaven, sits at the right hand of God, the Father almighty: from there he will come to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy Catholic Church, the Communion of Saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, eternal life. Amen."
- When Protestant Christians pronounce the Creed, they modify the meaning of the word "Catholic" contained in the phrase "I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy Catholic Church, the Communion of Saints …" to reflect a concept of universality rather than referring to the earthly institution of Roman Catholic Church.

Step 3. Go to the first grain immediately after the crucifix and say the "Our Father"
Hold the bead in your fingers and say the prayer. This was taught directly by Jesus to the disciples as a way to express devotion to God in Heaven.
The words of the "Our Father" are: "Our Father who art in Heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come and your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us today our daily bread and forgive us our debts as we forgive them to our debtors and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. Amen"

Step 4. Move to the next group of three beads and say three "Hail Marys"
For each bead, you have to say a prayer, taking them one at a time between your fingers. Traditionally, for Catholics, these three prayers are offered to strengthen the three virtues of Faith, Hope and Charity and to guide the Pope's actions.
- Here is the "Hail Mary": "Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you. You are blessed among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us. sinners, now and in the hour of our death. Amen."
Some Protestants are reluctant to recite the "Hail Mary" because it is a prayer offered to Our Lady rather than to God or Jesus. Although the choice of whether or not to say this prayer is entirely up to you, the many arguments made by members of the Church Catholic and various Protestant churches on the biblical basis of prayer could help you in your decision.
If you are hesitant to say the "Hail Mary" know that many Protestant churches have their own modified version of the rosary that omits this prayer

Step 5. Follow the chain of beads or chain by saying the three "Hail Marys" and move on to the next bead by saying the Doxology
This term indicates a brief hymn of praise to God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit (usually the "Glory to the Father").
- The words of the Doxology are: "Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning and now and forever, forever and ever. Amen."
- Usually, when the rosary is made with a cord instead of a chain, the Doxology is highlighted with a thicker or knotted section.

Step 6. Go to the next bead and say the "Our Father"
This grain, usually larger and / or with a decorative medal, indicates the beginning of the first "decade" of the rosary. The rosary is divided into five decades, each consisting of ten "Hail Marys" and separated by the "Our Father".

Step 7. Say the first decade by saying an "Hail Mary" for each grain
After the center bead, move counterclockwise to the first group of ten beads. Recite a "Hail Mary" for each grain you encounter as you move on the rosary.
Some people say a single decade of the rosary as a "short version" of the prayer when they don't have time to say it all

Step 8. Continue along the chain or string that separates the first decade from the next bead and pronounce a Doxology
If you wish, you can also add a Fatima prayer and / or a prayer for the priests at this point; you have to do it without moving from the bead you arrived at.
- The words of the Fatima prayer are: "My Jesus, forgive our sins, save us from the fire of hell, take all souls to heaven, especially those most in need of your mercy. Amen".
- The words of the prayer for priests are: "Oh Jesus, hear my prayers on behalf of our priests. Give them deep faith, a firm and luminous hope and a fervent love that will increase in the course of their priestly life. Comfort them in theirs. loneliness. Strengthen them in their pain. In frustrations, show them that the soul is purified in suffering and that they are necessary for the Church; they are necessary for souls and for redemption ".

Step 9. Move on to the next decade and start with a "Our Father"
You have finished the first decade of the rosary and you must continue for the whole chain following the same pattern: a "Our Father" for the first bead followed by a "Hail Mary" for each of the ten beads that follow and finally a Doxology. Continue in this way throughout the rosary until you have finished the beaded chain and returned to the central and larger one.

Step 10. Go to the central tag and say "Hello Queen"
This is a hymn of exaltation for the Holy Virgin Mary very similar to the "Ave Maria". When you are done, make the Sign of the Cross. Congratulations, you have said the whole rosary!
- The words of the Salve Regina are: "Hello, Queen, Mother of mercy; our life, our sweetness and our hope. Hail. We exiles children of Eve have recourse to You; to You we sigh, weep and weep in this valley of tears. Come on then., our advocate, turn your merciful eyes to us. And show us, after this exile, Jesus, the blessed fruit of your womb. O merciful, o pious, o sweet Virgin Mary! Pray for us, Holy Mother of God, and render us worthy of the promises of Christ ".
- Catholic tradition agrees that, if desired, any prayer is added to the end of the rosary. It can be an "official" prayer such as the "Our Father" or the "Creed" or a personal and improvised invocation.
Part 2 of 2: Recite the Mysteries of the Rosary

Step 1. Meditate on the Mysteries to deepen your relationship with Christ and Our Lady
The rosary is not only a prayer tool, but it is also a way to reflect on the important events in the lives of Mary and Jesus. Many observant Catholics choose to pray it to meditate on a certain range of Mysteries as they pray. Each series contains five Mysteries grouped according to an emotional criterion. Each Mystery is an event in the life of Jesus and / or Mary taken from the Bible. Each one is associated with a certain religious virtue or a "fruit of the Holy Spirit" (such as charity, patience, and so on). By meditating on these events, the person who recites the rosary seeks to strengthen their personal relationship with Jesus and Mary, also reflecting on any related virtues. Know that not everyone who recites the rosary decides for this "meditated" version, but anyone can.
There are currently four series of Mysteries. The fourth was added in 2002 by Pope John Paul II; the others are centuries old. The series are:
- Joyful Mysteries.
- Painful Mysteries.
- Glorious Mysteries.
- Luminous Mysteries (added in 2002).
30385 12 Step 2. Reflect on a Mystery for each decade of the rosary
To recite it while observing one of the series of the Mysteries, the faithful must proceed as usual from the crucifix to the first beads. When he reaches the first decade, he must contemplate the first while he recites the "Our Father", then the ten "Hail Marys" and so on. Having reached the second decade, he must meditate on the second Mystery while praying. The devotee must proceed in this way throughout the rosary reflecting on a different Mystery for each decade. Each series contains five mysteries, one for each decade of the rosary.
Traditionally a person meditates on a different set of Mysteries every day for a week. Below you will find detailed instructions
30385 13 Step 3. Contemplate the Five Joyful Mysteries on Mondays and Saturdays, and also on Sundays during Advent
The Joyful Mysteries are the happy events in the lives of Jesus and Mary. These are events that occur quite early in their mutual existences, two of which even predate the birth of Christ. The Joyful Mysteries and the related fruits of the Holy Spirit are listed here:
- The Annunciation: Humility.
- The Visit of the Virgin Mary to Saint Elizabeth: Charity.
- The Birth of Our Lord: Poverty or Non-Attachment to the World.
- The Presentation of Jesus in the Temple: Purity of Heart; Obedience.
- The finding of Jesus in the Temple: Pietà.
30385 14 Step 4. Reflect on the Five Sorrowful Mysteries on Tuesdays, Fridays, and Sundays during Lent
The Sorrowful Mysteries are the sad events in the lives of Jesus and Mary (especially of Christ). They center around Jesus' death by crucifixion. The Sorrowful Mysteries and associated virtues are listed below:
- The Agony of Jesus in the Garden of Olives: Repentance for Sins.
- The Flagellation of Jesus at the Column: Mortification of the Senses.
- The Crowning with Thorns: Internal Mortification.
- Jesus is Loaded with the Cross: Patience in Difficult Moments.
- The Crucifixion and the Death of Jesus: that we die for Ourselves.
30385 15 Step 5. Meditate on the Five Glorious Mysteries on Wednesdays and Sundays in ordinary time
These are events associated with the resurrection of Christ and his entry into Heaven with the Mother. The Glorious Mysteries and associated virtues are:
- The Resurrection: Conversion of the Heart.
- Ascension into Heaven: Desire for Heaven.
- The Descent of the Holy Spirit: Gifts of the Holy Spirit.
- The Assumption of the Virgin Mary into Heaven: Mary's devotion.
- The Coronation of the Virgin Mary: Eternal Happiness.
30385 16 Step 6. Reflect on the Five Luminous Mysteries on Thursday
These are the most recent Mysteries and were added to the Catholic tradition in 2002. These are events from adult life and the priesthood of Jesus. Unlike the other Mysteries, the Luminous ones are not necessarily close to each other from a chronological point of view. In fact, for example, the Sorrowful Mysteries follow a temporal logic and occur within a short period, while the Luminous Mysteries do not. These and the fruits of the Holy Spirit associated with them are:
- The Baptism of Jesus in the Jordan: Opening to the Holy Spirit, the Healer.
- The Wedding at Cana: Jesus is reached through Mary. An understanding of the Faith's ability to show itself through people and facts.
- The Annunciation of the Kingdom of God: Trust in God (Call to Conversion).
- The Transfiguration: Desire for Holiness.
- The Institution of the Eucharist: Adoration.
- Not everyone has the ability to clearly visualize mental images. If you can't, just think about the story. Consider the behaviors of Jesus or Mary in the Mysteries you are celebrating and what example you can draw for real life. This is the most important feature of the whole rosary.
- Remember that the rosary is a very powerful spiritual weapon against the forces of evil. In fact, Our Lady told her visionary Lucia of Fatima that, in these times of danger, God has made the power of the rosary even greater and there is nothing, however impossible it may seem, that cannot be obtained by reciting this prayer.
- Any priest can bless your rosary.
- There are recordings of beautiful music that can be listened to while praying the rosary; it is also possible to record the prayers of the rosary. You may find this very useful.
- Slowly say the words of the prayers. Think about the meaning of what you are saying. Do not rush. A well-recited rosary is a garland of roses for the Virgin Mary.
- People look at the images and statues while praying not because they adore the image, but because it helps them to focus on what these representations really represent. People use them to form a mental image while they think about the Mysteries.
- A small rosary, called a decade, which contains only 10 beads and a cross may be more convenient. There are also rings.
- Remember that the rosary is a tool for entering into great communion with God. It is not a talisman or a spell.
- Some people will tell you that it is not correct to say the rosary to help you fall asleep. Not true, it is a completely acceptable practice. What's better than going to sleep with the words of these beautiful prayers in mind? Saint Bernadette, who had the vision of Mary in Lourdes, always recommended this practice and said: "It is just like when a small child falls asleep repeating 'Mum, Mum'". There is also a very tender tradition that your guardian angel finishes the rosary for you when you fall asleep.
- In addition to meditating on the life events of Jesus and Mary, you can also offer the tens of the rosary for prayer intentions. These can be requests for grace or appeals to practice a virtue illustrated by the Mystery; it could be a prayer for a group of people (the homeless, the poor, the elderly, the abortion victims) or any other valid intention you wish.
- Don't be afraid to make mistakes, God will understand.
- The Church has a tradition of "indulgences" and in this tradition the rosary is a prayer of "indulgence". This simply means that when you pray to God with purity of heart and love, without sinning, prayer involves a partial remission of the sins you have committed. You can give this indulgence to the Holy Souls in Purgatory but not to another living being. For a more in-depth explanation, do an online search. Don't obsess over the rosary. The saints who have written on the subject say that quantity is less important to God than quality. A rosary heard and prayed with love is worth more than a hundred hurried rosaries.
- Make sure you pray seriously. "And when you pray, do not use unnecessary repetition, as pagans do: they believe that the more they speak the more they will be heard" (Matthew 6: 7). Believe and accept that God already knows your needs, prayers, and desires.