How to Feel Better (When You Are Sick): 7 Steps

How to Feel Better (When You Are Sick): 7 Steps
How to Feel Better (When You Are Sick): 7 Steps

Table of contents:


You have a cold? Do you have the flu? When you are sick, you feel tired and confused, and nobody wants to be in this condition. Keep these tips in mind to feel better when you are sick.


Make Yourself Feel Better (When You're Sick) Step 1
Make Yourself Feel Better (When You're Sick) Step 1

Step 1. Stay warm

When you are sick, for whatever reason, you tend to feel colder than usual. Wear a cotton t-shirt, sweatpants, comfortable pajamas, or to keep warm, wrap yourself in your favorite blanket or dressing gown.

Make Yourself Feel Better (When You're Sick) Step 2
Make Yourself Feel Better (When You're Sick) Step 2

Step 2. Eat hot food

When you are sick, eat hot foods like oatmeal, soup, hot chocolate, or a cup of tea. It's another way to keep you warm. Make sure you stay hydrated, drain your body by drinking as much water as possible. Juices high in vitamin C (cranberry, orange, mango) will help help your immune system.

Make Yourself Feel Better (When You're Sick) Step 3
Make Yourself Feel Better (When You're Sick) Step 3

Step 3. Indulge in laziness

Avoid doing activities that require a lot of effort. Stay home for a couple of days and sit down. Sit on the sofa, lay back and watch a movie or the news. Or get distracted with some videos on Youtube or linked to Facebook. Lie back on the sofa or bed and read a book. Find a way to pass the time while sitting or lying down.

Make Yourself Feel Better (When You're Sick) Step 4
Make Yourself Feel Better (When You're Sick) Step 4

Step 4. Take a nap

Although you may have trouble sleeping normally, when you are sick you tend to feel tired more often. In the middle of the day, when you feel exhausted, drink a cup of warm milk, go to bed and get a good night's sleep. When you get up, you will probably feel more energized than before.

Make Yourself Feel Better (When You're Sick) Step 5
Make Yourself Feel Better (When You're Sick) Step 5

Step 5. Use a hot water bottle

If you experience stomach pain or cramps, then put a hot water bottle on your stomach while you rest. Relieves pain and also keeps you warm!

Make Yourself Feel Better (When You're Sick) Step 6
Make Yourself Feel Better (When You're Sick) Step 6

Step 6. Take a shower

Take a shower a day to cleanse yourself, it's also a way to get rid of all bacteria, and it makes you feel more energized. It can be very relaxing to take a hot shower and then slip into your pajamas and can facilitate an afternoon nap.

Make Yourself Feel Better (When You're Sick) Step 7
Make Yourself Feel Better (When You're Sick) Step 7

Step 7. Snuggle up with your puppy

If you are home alone to recover from illness, pamper yourself with your faithful "friend". He will keep you company, you won't feel so alone, and the warmth of his body will help keep you warm. If you are sick with an allergy, avoid contact with animals that may be carriers of allergens. If you are allergic, hug a soft toy.


  • Don't be disturbed when you are sleeping or relaxing.
  • Stay warm and find a way to pass the time when you're in bed!
  • Think positively, get distracted by watching a movie so as not to think about your discomfort.
  • Watch a movie in bed.
  • If you want to rest, turn off all the lights.
  • Warn parents, especially if you are a child.
  • Thinks positive! Don't sit and think you're sick. Think that sooner or later you will feel better! (Better sooner than later!)
  • Relax and stay warm… Drink hot soups… And get plenty of rest.
  • Drink hot broth soups. It will give you relief if you have a cold, cough or sore throat.
  • If you're feeling well enough, build a small shelter using blankets, sleeping bags, duvets and pillows (I'm writing this just as I'm in a shelter like the one under my bed struggling with a cold!).
  • The most recommended soup when you are sick is the one prepared with chicken broth.
  • Don't stay out of bed, you risk getting worse.
  • Think positive! Don't stay in bed thinking how bad you are!
  • Remember, colds usually last 3-7 days, so you won't be sick for that long.
  • Eat healthier nibble on hazelnuts, fresh fruit, or raw vegetables. Keep yourself hydrated, you will help the immune system and heal faster.
  • Give yourself a long hot bath.
  • Place a wet napkin on your forehead.
  • Avoid drinking milk, it will worsen your nasal congestion, try Nesquik dissolved in water, herbal tea and ice water instead.
  • Go out AT LEAST once a day, if you can't, open the window.
  • Keep a basin (bucket or old container) next to you in case of an emergency. It could prevent you from having a nasty accident or rushing to the bathroom.
  • Don't stuff yourself with medicine, it could make you feel worse!
  • Read magazines with interesting news or trivia.
  • You just have to be patient, there is no real cure for a cold (at least so far).
  • Do some yoga, drink tea, keep yourself warm and happy!
  • Light the fire to keep yourself warm.
  • Unless you think you are in serious condition, don't go to the doctor.
  • Play cards or board games with friends or family (remember to stay relaxed and warm!).


  • Check the expiration date of the medicines you are taking.
  • Be careful not to burn yourself when eating hot foods.
  • If you don't live alone, avoid making contact with family members or roommates. You don't want to infect them, they could get sick and bounce back, generating the so-called ping-pong effect.
