How to help a sick person feel better

How to help a sick person feel better
How to help a sick person feel better

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Do you have a sick friend or family member you would like to help? Try practicing the tips in the article to help him feel better.


Help a Sick Person Feel Better Step 1
Help a Sick Person Feel Better Step 1

Step 1. Send a card to the sick person

Create it yourself creatively. Convey a meaningful message to the recipient. Remember that this is probably a sad person so use bright colors, and try to make a funny card, maybe you will be able to brighten their day.

Help a Sick Person Feel Better Step 2
Help a Sick Person Feel Better Step 2

Step 2. Help the sick person by doing small tasks for her, such as bringing her missed lesson notes or washing the dishes

Don't act like you're taking care of everything while she can't cope with anything, just help her with several small things, you will be of great help to her.

Help a Sick Person Feel Better Step 3
Help a Sick Person Feel Better Step 3

Step 3. Do something to make her physically feel better

Buy her some mouthwatering cough candies, or make her a hot soup or a soothing bath.

Help a Sick Person Feel Better Step 4
Help a Sick Person Feel Better Step 4

Step 4. Keep her company and talk to her

Avoid constantly asking her how she feels, just chat normally, and make sure she doesn't feel lonely or bored. Even with small gestures you can do a lot.

Help a Sick Person Feel Better Step 5
Help a Sick Person Feel Better Step 5

Step 5. If you can't always be there, send her a bouquet of flowers

This way, when you are away, the sick person will be able to look at the flowers and still feel close to you. In addition, the flowers will give the home a pleasant scent, creating a pleasant environment in which to heal. Better yet, buy a plant, that way they will remember you for a long time.

Help a Sick Person Feel Better Step 6
Help a Sick Person Feel Better Step 6

Step 6. Lying is wrong, but if it can help the sick person feel better, do it

Give her the medicines and be courteous, compliment her appearance and be nice and helpful by accommodating her in her requests, for example by arranging her pillows.

Help a Sick Person Feel Better Step 7
Help a Sick Person Feel Better Step 7

Step 7. Make sure he drinks enough

Offer her healthy drinks that can help, such as water, tea, and fruit juices.

Help a Sick Person Feel Better Step 8
Help a Sick Person Feel Better Step 8

Step 8. Ask her what you can do to help and be helpful and listen to her response

Don't assume you know a priori, your answers aren't the important ones.

Help a Sick Person Feel Better Step 9
Help a Sick Person Feel Better Step 9

Step 9. Just be there for her

Even when she spits and sniffles, offer her a clean handkerchief and a shoulder to rest her aching head on. No kind gesture will be lost, and not only will the person be grateful to you, they will also immediately feel better! Make her a cup of tea too, she'll like it.

Help a Sick Person Feel Better Step 10
Help a Sick Person Feel Better Step 10

Step 10. Be understanding

Even if the condition of the sick person disgusts you, never let them know. Always offer her kind words and be positive.

Help a Sick Person Feel Better Step 11
Help a Sick Person Feel Better Step 11

Step 11. Drink some tea together

Tea is a great cure-all for anyone who is sick, especially if drunk in good company.


  • Offer kind, positive words. For example, say something like this: "Everyone at school / work hopes you get better soon" or "I'm sorry you're sick. School / work isn't the same without you." Or "Everyone at school / work misses you!"
  • Make sure you don't bother the sick person by staying too long, be there when they want to.
  • From time to time, check that everything is going well by asking her how she feels and what she needs.
  • Try to distract the sick person from the disease by playing with them.
  • Just talking to her will prevent her from feeling bored.
