Waves are a great lining for a garden shed or porch. They are quick and easy to install even on their own. You will only need a few basic tools and materials. Follow these steps.
Method 1 of 2: Install the Corrugated Sheets
Step 1. Cut the slabs to the required length
You can use a circular saw or a jigsaw.
Generally the slabs are at least 2 meters long. Consider keeping at least 50cm longer than necessary if you need to overlap the slabs

Step 2. Drill the fixing holes at the highest point
Use a 5mm bit.
Leave at least 15-20 cm of space on the sides

Step 3. Place the sheets directly on the roof battens, starting with the outer corner
Seal the ends with a strip of plastic or wood under the panel to provide insulation against wind, rain and insects

Step 4. Screw the plates
Use 10cm screws and polycarbonate washers.
- Continue to work along the roof until it is completely covered, overlapping the slabs by at least 5 cm.
- Arrange the last sheet in order to complete the cover without having to make cuts.

Step 5. Complete the opposite side as well
If the roof has two sides, repeat the process on the other side as well, then install a ridge.
Method 2 of 2: Choosing the Material

Step 1. Choose the type of plates to use:
in PVC, fiberglass or metal. Usually they are available in various lengths, but the standard measure is 66 cm. Each material has advantages and disadvantages.

Step 2. The PVC sheets
The advantage of corrugated PVC / polycarbonate is that they allow the passage of light, being translucent.
- If costs are an issue, PVC is cheaper than metal.
- PVC insulates from heat much better than metal.
- Some PVC sheets are translucent, but they filter out ultraviolet rays. They are available in different colors.
The disadvantages of PVC are reduced durability, noise in the rain and brittleness in strong winds.
Install Corrugated Roofing Step 8 Step 3. The metal plates
The main advantage of metal corrugations is that they are durable. Modern galvanized steel or aluminum plates are rust resistant and can remain in good condition for up to a hundred years.
- Metal sheets make less noise than PVC sheets when it rains.
- They do not rot, are not damaged by insects and are not combustible (therefore they are particularly suitable in areas at risk of fire).
The disadvantages: they can get bruised, both during installation and in the event of a storm. They are also more expensive.
- Place the panels on the ground in the same position in which they will be fixed to facilitate assembly.
- Properly install the edging against the wall if you need to clad a porch. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for applying the sealant.
- As for the roof frame, the trusses should be placed at a distance of no more than 60 cm from each other, while the joists no more than 90 cm.
- You can use a pair of garden shears to cut the panels to the desired length if you don't have a circular saw or jigsaw.
- You can combine metal and PVC panels together to let the light filter through.
- The corrugations must be drilled at the highest point to avoid water infiltration.
- Do not step on the plates during installation. Work sideways and use a ladder or scaffolding.