Pergo is a brand that produces durable and easy-to-make laminate floors, with a focus on the well-being of its users. Installing the Pergo is a breeze for DIY enthusiasts. While it is not recommended to apply it inside mobile homes, boats or planes, laminate can be installed in any room in your home, whether on wood or concrete floors.
Method 1 of 2: Mount the Pergo Over the Wood

Step 1. Prepare the floor
Remove any kind of debris and fix any laths that are not properly fixed before mounting anything on the screed. Make sure this is perfectly level using a carpenter's level. Floor leveling is usually done only on concrete surfaces, but if you notice any imperfections in the alignment you can go to a specialized shop and look for grout products to use with the help of large spatulas. You can also mount the laminate on slightly uneven floors, but you risk damaging it or the tiles will separate.
- If you want to remodel the already assembled Pergo, remove any carpet or padding on the surface. Remove any skirting boards, air vents and any other fixtures that obstruct the assembly of the flooring. Everything must be free down to the subfloor.
- If you need to remove the skirting, use a circular saw with plastic spacers. Saw the bottom edge of the liner or chip it using a chisel or utility knife. It should come off easily.

Step 2. Install the vapor barrier
Whether you are mounting the Pergo on wood or concrete, it is a common practice to install a vapor barrier to counteract moisture, which would otherwise deform the fiberboard. You should be able to find the vapor barrier in the flooring section of any home repair shop.
Place the screed in strips so that they touch each other without overlapping. Any overlap will cause irregularities in the surface, so make it as smooth as possible

Step 3. Choose the angle from which to start laying the laminate
In most cases, it is best to start from the far left corner of the room and then work your way up to the front door. If you start from the center, once you reach the walls you will need to make cuts in order to obtain tiles of the right size.
- To mount the tiles, remove the tab from the first piece. This side will go against the wall. Then put the tongue side of the second plank into the groove of the first, starting at one corner. When the tab is in the groove, press it into place. Work by file. When you have finished the first row, proceed to the next.
- Leave a little more than half a centimeter of space from the walls of the room to allow for expansion due to changes in temperature. A common practice is to lay the boards in a direction such that the light entering the room illuminates the board lengthwise.

Step 4. Continue with the row
At a 30 ° angle to the long side of two boards, insert the new piece into the groove. They should fit easily; if not, use a crowbar or hammer to gently secure them.

Step 5. Start the next row
Arrange the boards of the second (and subsequent) row so that they do not end in the same position. The best way to do this is to cut a 60cm plank and use it to start the second row. Then use a whole plank for the third row and rotate around the rest of the room. Cut the various parts in a different area than where you will install the floor, so that the dust does not get between the seams.
There are always some unfinished boards that leave two or three sides sticking out. Measure from the end of the last piece, subtract about half a centimeter, and calculate the finished surface at that size. Make the cut using a miter saw. Even if the cut is not accurate on the edges, it will still be covered by the skirting board

Step 6. Continue with the rows until you have covered the floor of the whole room
Connect the seams on the long side of the starting axis with the groove of the last laid row. Press down on the board until it sticks to the floor. Block it using a tap near the edge of the plank and tap gently. Repeat the process each time you pin a plank within a row.

Step 7. Install the skirting board
Once the rows are complete, you have finished installing the Pergo. Assemble the skirting board and put back any previously removed fixtures in their place. If this is the first installation of the Pergo, some modifications may be necessary.
Method 2 of 2: Install the Pergo on the Concrete

Step 1. Check that the concrete is level
If you are going to lay the Pergo on concrete, remove carpets, gaskets and everything covering the screed to bring out the underlying concrete. Before mounting the Pergo, it is a good idea to smooth the concrete to make sure the surface is as flat as possible. Use the level to make sure the floor is smooth and, if necessary, take some time to apply a new layer of concrete so you can work in the best conditions.

Step 2. Prepare some cement paste
Uneven surfaces must be smoothed with cement paste. It is usually found in packs of 20-25 kg, and for the preparation it requires an addition of water. In a bucket, pour a small amount of cement along with water, following the instructions. Do not prepare more than you need in the next hour or it will dry out and become hard and unusable.
Start at the lowest point in the room and set aside a small tank so that you can wet it with concrete if needed. Use a putty knife or trowel to smooth the concrete as thinly as possible, finishing the edges as well

Step 3. Install the vapor barrier when the concrete has dried
Wait at least 48 hours to avoid mounting the vapor barrier on the still fresh leveling concrete, then apply the barrier as previously described. These polyurethane panels are usually supplied directly by Pergo as part of the whole package. Cover the entire floor surface with these panels. Lay them well on each side so that any trace of steam goes to the back of the skirting board. Tape the various panels together before proceeding with the installation.

Step 4. Mount the Pergo as previously described
Once the concrete has been smoothed out and the vapor barrier added, the procedure for installing the Pergo on concrete will be the same as for installing the Pergo on wood. Choose a corner, start joining the various boards leaving the right amount of space between the various rows, and adjust them so that they fit the edges.