3 Ways to Say Goodbye in French

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3 Ways to Say Goodbye in French
3 Ways to Say Goodbye in French

The most commonly used expression in French to say "goodbye" is "au revoir", but there are actually more ways to say goodbye to someone.


Method 1 of 3: Common Greetings

Say Goodbye in French Step 1
Say Goodbye in French Step 1

Step 1. You can say "au revoir" in any context

Translated it is equivalent to our "goodbye", and can be used both in formal and informal contexts, therefore both with strangers and with friends.

  • Au means "a". Revoir means seeing each other again.
  • The pronunciation of au revoir is o revuàr.
Say Goodbye in French Step 2
Say Goodbye in French Step 2

Step 2. In more informal contexts, use "salut"

You can use salut to say "hello" between friends or otherwise in informal situations.

  • Avoid using salut in formal situations.
  • Note that salut can also be used as a greeting when you meet someone, as well as when you say goodbye.
  • This term has many translations, such as "greetings", "see you soon" and "hello".
  • The pronunciation of salut is saliù.
Say Goodbye in French Step 3
Say Goodbye in French Step 3

Step 3. Use "adieu"

Although adieu is not as common as it used to be, it can still be used in most situations to say goodbye.

  • A means "a", and Dieu means "God". Literally translated it means "to God", in the sense of "go with God" or "good luck".
  • The pronunciation is more or less so.

Method 2 of 3: Wish Something

Say Goodbye in French Step 4
Say Goodbye in French Step 4

Step 1. Wish someone a good day with "bonne journée"

Translated it means "good day".

  • Bonne means "good".
  • Journée means "day".
  • The phrase is pronounced bonn sgiurné.
  • In slightly more formal situations, use “passez une bonne journée.” Literally it means “have a good day” or “I wish you a good day.” It is pronounced passé iun bonn sgiurné.
Say Goodbye in French Step 5
Say Goodbye in French Step 5

Step 2. Wish someone a good evening by saying "bonne soirée"

It literally means "good evening".

  • Bonne means "good".
  • Soirée means "evening".
  • The pronunciation is bonn suaré.
Say Goodbye in French Step 6
Say Goodbye in French Step 6

Step 3. Wish someone a good trip by saying "bon voyage", "bonne route", or "bonnes vacances"

All of these expressions stand for "good trip", and can be used to skip someone leaving for a trip or vacation.

  • Voyage means "trip", "trip" or "excursion". It is pronounced bon vuaiàsg with the final sweet "sg" sound.
  • Route means "road", "way". It is pronounced bonn rut.
  • Vacances means "holidays" or "holidays". It is pronounced bonn vacans.
Say Goodbye in French Step 7
Say Goodbye in French Step 7

Step 4. Use "bonne continuation" after a short meeting

This phrase is usually only used to say hello to someone with whom you have spent little time and will probably never see each other again.

  • The expression can be translated as "good luck" or "good continuation".
  • It is pronounced bonn continued.
Say Goodbye in French Step 8
Say Goodbye in French Step 8

Step 5. Tell someone to take care of themselves with "prends soin de toi"

In Italian it is equivalent to "take care of yourself".

  • Prends means "take".
  • Soin means "cure".
  • De means "of".
  • Toi means "you".
  • The whole sentence is pronounced pron suan de tuà.
Say Goodbye in French Step 9
Say Goodbye in French Step 9

Step 6. Wish someone good luck using the expression "bonne chance" or "bon courage"

Both can be used to say goodbye and mean "good luck".

  • Bonne chance is used when luck has something to do with it. Chance means "luck". It is pronounced bonn scians.
  • Bon courage is used to tell someone "strength and courage" or "hold on". Courage means "courage" or "fortitude". It is pronounced bon curàsg.

Method 3 of 3: More Greetings

Say Goodbye in French Step 10
Say Goodbye in French Step 10

Step 1. Offer a temporary greeting with "à la prochaine" or "à bientôt"

Both expressions stand for "goodbye".

  • More literally translated, à la prochaine means "see you next time", in the sense of "goodbye until next time we see you".
  • The pronunciation of à la prochaine is "a la proscèn.
  • Literally translated, à bientôt means "see you soon", in the sense of "see you soon".
  • The pronunciation of à bientôt is a biantò.
Say Goodbye in French Step 11
Say Goodbye in French Step 11

Step 2. You can also use "à plus tard"

The meaning is "see you later".

  • à means "a", plus means "more" and tard means "late".
  • The expression itself is informal enough, but if you want to make it even more informal you can eliminate tard and say only à plus.
  • The pronunciation of à plus tard is a plù tar.
Say Goodbye in French Step 12
Say Goodbye in French Step 12

Step 3. Say hello to someone you will see the next day with "à demain"

This expression means "see you tomorrow".

  • Demain means "tomorrow".
  • The pronunciation is a demèn.
Say Goodbye in French Step 13
Say Goodbye in French Step 13

Step 4. Use "à tout à l'heure" or "à tout de suite" when you see the person you are greeting soon again

Both expressions mean "see you soon".

  • Say à tout à l'heure to say "see you soon" or "see you soon". It is pronounced a tut a lor.
  • Say à tout de suite "to say" see you very soon. "The pronunciation is a tu de suìt.
Say Goodbye in French Step 14
Say Goodbye in French Step 14

Step 5. To someone you've just met, you can say "ravi d'avoir fait ta connaissance"

This expression "Nice to have met you".

  • Ravi means "happy.
  • "D’avoir fait ta connaissance" means "to have made your acquaintance".
  • The pronunciation is ravì d'avuàr fè ta conesons.
