4 Ways to Open an XML File

4 Ways to Open an XML File
4 Ways to Open an XML File

XML (eXtensible Markup Language) files are not active content, that is, they do not perform any operations, they are simply a means of storing data and information, making them easily accessible to other programs. The software that uses the XML language to store their data are numerous. Among the different options it is possible to open, edit and create an XML file with any type of text editor. XML is similar to HTML, although they are two distinct languages - the former is used as a vehicle to store and transfer data, while the latter is used to interpret and display it. HTML uses predefined tags, for example


, while XML allows you to create any tag according to the needs of the creator of the file.


Method 1 of 4: Use a Text Editor

Open XML Step 1
Open XML Step 1

Step 1. Locate the XML file to open

XML files are stored as plain text, so their content can be viewed and read with any editor, without the need for prior decoding.

Open XML Step 2
Open XML Step 2

Step 2. Select with the right mouse button the XML file you want to open, then choose "Open with" from the context menu that appeared

A list of programs will be displayed with which you will be able to access the contents of the file.

Open XML Step 3
Open XML Step 3

Step 3. Choose the option "Notepad" (on Windows systems) or "TextEdit" (on Mac)

Since these are text editors pre-installed on the Windows and OS X operating systems respectively, they should be present in the list.

  • If not, you will need to search your computer. The "Notepad" program can be found in the% SystemRoot% / system32 / notepad.exe folder, while "TextEdit" is located in the "Applications" folder.
  • If you wish, you can also use more advanced programs, such as "Notepad ++" or "TextMate", which provide specific functionality for code syntax management and much more. In any case, the content of an XML file is already viewable using a simple text editor.
Open XML Step 4
Open XML Step 4

Step 4. Interpret the text that appeared on the screen

The content of your XML file will be displayed within the interface of the text editor used. The degree of complexity of the information depends on the purpose for which it was created. Use the tag names to locate the information you are looking for. Normally these names are descriptive, so understanding their meaning is a very intuitive operation. In this case, just scroll through the list of tags to find the data you need.

  • At the beginning of the XML file you will find the string. This statement indicates that the following content is formatted according to the XML standard.
  • XML language uses custom tags to hold the entities that make up the data. Each of these tags is specifically created to be handled and interpreted by a particular program, so there is no general syntax for creating this information. For example, in one XML file we could find the tag, while in another the tag, but both could perform similar functions.
  • Tags can be nested within other tags, creating a tree structure. For example, each tag could contain a series of other tags, such as and.

Method 2 of 4: Use an Internet Browser

Open XML Step 5
Open XML Step 5

Step 1. Locate the XML file you want to open

Although it is possible to use a text editor to access the content of an XML file (as seen in the previous section), using an internet browser could make it easier to consult. This stems from the fact that most internet browsers automatically indent XML tags, allowing you to expand or collapse each node that makes up the data tree.

Open XML Step 6
Open XML Step 6

Step 2. Right-click the XML file, then choose the "Open with" option from the context menu that appeared

This way you will be able to choose which program to use to open the file.

Open XML Step 7
Open XML Step 7

Step 3. Choose an internet browser from the list of available programs

To open an XML file, you can use any browser. Normally your computer's default browser will already be in the list of programs suggested to open the selected XML file. If not, you will need to do a little search inside your computer.

Open XML Step 8
Open XML Step 8

Step 4. Consult the information contained in the XML file using your internet browser

The chosen file will open in a new browser tab. All the information contained will be displayed on the screen, already automatically indented by the program. This trick makes it easier to read and interpret, since it will be visually clear which data belongs to certain tags.

Open XML Step 9
Open XML Step 9

Step 5. Expand or collapse the XML tree nodes to make the data easier to read

The great advantage of using an internet browser to view an XML file lies in the ability to control the data to be displayed. Press the "+" and "-" buttons next to each node of the tree to expand or collapse its data section.

Method 3 of 4: Use Microsoft Excel

Open XML Step 10
Open XML Step 10

Step 1. Launch Excel

Excel doesn't normally appear in the list of suggested programs for viewing an XML file, so the fastest way to use it is to open the spreadsheet first.

Excel is capable of converting an XML file into a table, which can make it easier to visually interpret the information it contains

Open XML Step 11
Open XML Step 11

Step 2. Access the "File" menu, then choose the "Open" option

The "Open" menu will be displayed.

Open XML Step 12
Open XML Step 12

Step 3. Press the "Browse" button

In this way you will have the possibility to search the XML file inside the computer.

Open XML Step 13
Open XML Step 13

Step 4. Open the XML file

By default, by now you should be able to access the folder where the file you want to open is stored, being able to see its icon; if not, access the "File type" drop-down menu and select the "XML file" item.

Open XML Step 14
Open XML Step 14

Step 5. Choose the "XML Table" option

This will convert the selected XML file into an Excel table.

Normally you will be informed that the XML file does not refer to a data schema. Press the "OK" button so that Excel builds one based on the tags contained in the file itself

Open XML Step 15
Open XML Step 15

Step 6. Read the contents of the XML file

The information contained will be organized in a table based on the XML tag structure. You can use Excel's sorting features and filters to customize the resulting table.

You may have difficulty converting very complex XML files to tables. If the XML file in question is characterized by a large number of nested tags, it may be preferable to use a special software to consult the information contained

Method 4 of 4: Use an XML Viewer

Open XML Step 16
Open XML Step 16

Step 1. Download a program capable of viewing the contents of an XML file (XML viewer)

If you normally work with a large amount of XML files, it may be useful to use an XML viewer or XML editor. These programs make it easier to manage more complex XML files. There is a wide variety of such programs, both paid and free. One of the most used is XML Explorer (downloadable from xmlexplorer.codeplex.com), a free and open-source software.

Different programs meet different needs. If you need to create a large amount of XML files, consider using a professional XML editor. This type of software allows you to automate the management and collaboration of large XML projects

Open XML Step 17
Open XML Step 17

Step 2. Open the XML file within the chosen program

Many XML file management programs automatically configure themselves as default programs for this purpose. This device allows you to access the content of the XML files by simply selecting them with a double click of the mouse. If not, select the XML file to open with the right mouse button, then choose "Open with" from the context menu that appeared. Use the appropriate function to locate the program you have just installed to use.

Open XML Step 18
Open XML Step 18

Step 3. Read the content of the XML file

Programs such as XML Explorer allow you to expand or reduce the nodes of the XML data tree, as well as to highlight or not the terms related to the syntax. In addition, more advanced programs may allow you to modify existing entries or add new ones.
