How to Approach Shooting (for Beginners)

How to Approach Shooting (for Beginners)
How to Approach Shooting (for Beginners)

Table of contents:


Have you ever seen Usain Bolt sprint on the track and thought "I wish I could run that fast"? Then this guide is for you, and for all people who want to approach the world of athletics and in particular that of shooting.

Each step in this article describes a day of the week, with daily training to follow.

Sooner or later, if you really want to get good, you'll need the help of a professional coach.

But if you just want to experience the thrill of shooting, this article is perfect. If after some time the training program described here is no longer a challenge for you, seek more advanced advice.

Have fun!


Get Into Sprinting (Beginners) Step 1
Get Into Sprinting (Beginners) Step 1

Step 1. Monday

This is the day dedicated to speed. This day's exercises focus on explosiveness of the legs and body, building fast twitch muscle fibers, the most important for running fast. For all the exercises of the day, you will have to try to be as fast as possible. Push your limits.

  • Warm up by running for 5 minutes on the track. Don't get tired, because you'll have to keep the stamina for later.
  • Do some stretching exercises. These are very simple and will allow you to prepare for the first exercise:
  • Exercise 1. Start by running 80m five times, with a 3 minute rest between shots. If you don't know, one side of the oval track you are running on is 100m long. You should see a mark at 80m. If you don't see it, stop before you reach the finish line. Running with the right technique is important, and this video illustrates it: If the language used is too complex, watch this video instead: Between exercises, take 10-minute breaks, drink water, and slow your heart rate.
  • Exercise 2. 4x70m, with a 3 minute rest between shots. You will understand where approximately 70m is. It is not important to be too precise.
  • Exercise 3. 3x60m, with a 3 minute rest between shots.
  • Exercise 4. 2x20m, with a 3 minute rest between shots.
  • That's it for Monday. Go on.
Get Into Sprinting (Beginners) Step 2
Get Into Sprinting (Beginners) Step 2

Step 2. Tuesday

This is the day dedicated to gym. Today you will train in the gym to improve the strength needed to shoot faster. The most important muscles for shooting are the legs, shoulders and core. Search the internet or wikiHow for the best workouts to build these muscles.

Get Into Sprinting (Beginners) Step 3
Get Into Sprinting (Beginners) Step 3

Step 3. Wednesday. Resistance training. These workouts are designed to improve your endurance so that you can keep running even when your muscles are full of lactic acid. It is also good for the heart.

  • Warm up for 10 minutes.
  • Stretch.
  • Exercise 1. You will run 300m twice, at the maximum speed possible. If you are not fully exhausted after the first 300m, you are not doing the exercise right. Rest until you feel you can run again.
  • 300m is three quarters of a turn on the track. The two straights are 100m long and the two curves equally.
Get Into Sprinting (Beginners) Step 4
Get Into Sprinting (Beginners) Step 4

Step 4. Thursday

Day a half between speed and resistance.. Today you will run the two most common distances for sprinters, the 100m flat and the 200m flat. You will finish with a nice 50m shot.

  • Warm up like Monday.
  • Stretch.
  • Exercise 1. Start with i 200m. You will repeat them 3 times. Don't push hard, because otherwise you won't be able to go over 150m. Start with a good fast pace, and accelerate to 130m. Rest 5-10 minutes between shots.
  • Exercise 2. Now let's move on to 100m. The real challenge. You will run them twice. Push hard. Rest 5-10 minutes between shots.
  • Exercise 3. Let's finish the workout with one 50m shot. Push boy!
  • Stretch.
Get Into Sprinting (Beginners) Step 5
Get Into Sprinting (Beginners) Step 5

Step 5. Friday. Gym. Repeat the workout on Tuesday.

Get Into Sprinting (Beginners) Step 6
Get Into Sprinting (Beginners) Step 6

Step 6. Saturday and Sunday. REST


  • Train with a partner. Everything becomes easier if you have a friend to support you. You can even time yourself on the 100m!
  • Try not to eat junk food.
  • Always carry water with you when you exercise. Drink before, during and after training.


  • DO NOT train if you are injured. You will risk permanent damage.
  • Don't be afraid to reduce the volume of your workouts if they are too demanding for you. This program is not definitive, the only really important thing is to follow the themes of the days.
