Once the trigger is pulled it is almost impossible to "dodge the bullet". It is too fast for the human being. However, you can follow these steps to prevent them from being shot at you.
Method 1 of 4: When you are NOT the direct target

Step 1. Leave the area if you can
If you are in the middle of a shootout or someone is shooting at someone other than you, the main purpose is to get as far away as possible. If you see that you can disappear in a reasonable way, do so as soon as you hear the shots. If you don't understand where they come from but you know there is a safe place nearby, go right away.

Step 2. Find a hiding place
If you don't see a way to escape, you'll need to find shelter. Hide behind something that stops bullets, such as a car or other solid object. Thin walls or a door won't be enough because the shooter might know if you're behind it. Stay hidden and if the object is large enough lie down on the ground. In fact, being down significantly reduces the chances of being hit.

Step 3. Leave everything
Don't stop to collect your things before you escape. It could affect your escape time and make the difference between being able to save yourself before the shooter notices you and dying. Just go away. You are worth more than your wallet.

Step 4. Remain silent
While you are hiding or running away, don't make any noise. Breathe slowly and avoid crying. Alerting the shooter of your presence can put you in danger. Don't talk to those around you and don't make phone calls. If you can, turn off or mute your phone. Text only you want to get someone's attention or ask for help.

Step 5. Don't move
Once you are safe, stay there. Don't move unless you have to. Staying quiet reduces noise and draws less attention to your presence.

Step 6. Barricati
If you can hide inside a secure room, barricade the entrance. Lock the door, move the furniture to the front, cover the windows and turn off the lights and anything that makes noise. Stay calm and move as little as possible.

Step 7. Wait for help to arrive
Once you are in a safe place, barricaded inside or at least sheltered, wait for help. It's the only thing to do. Most shootings last less than three minutes, but even if it seems like an eternity, you won't wait long.
Method 2 of 4: When you are the direct target

Step 1. Assess the situation
If someone is trying to shoot you, you will need to figure it out first. If they are robbing you, comply with the requests of the person in front of you, following the instructions as in the first section. If you are in a fight, your options are limited.
Step 2. Escape if you can
If they are chasing you, do what you can to escape. If they have caught you, but you see an opportunity to escape or distract your tormentor, do so, but only if you have a good chance of getting away with it. Turning your back on the attacker makes it easier to hit you.
- If you are able to run very fast, do it in a straight line directly to a spot where you can take cover. The faster you are, the fewer shots they will be able to fire.
- If you're not quick to run, zigzagging might be a better option. In this case they may still be able to hit you, but the chances of being hit in vital places are reduced.
If you can, create visual distractions, for example by using a fire extinguisher.
Avoid Being Shot Step 9

Step 3. Take refuge somewhere if you can
You may not have time to escape, but being able to hide can be helpful. If you see that they are about to shoot you, dive in to cover yourself with whatever is close to them.

Step 4. Try to find a weapon or a distraction
In comparison, look for an item to use to defend yourself. Heavy, sharp-angled ones are great, but if you have access to something more powerful it's better.

Step 5. Talk to whoever wants to shoot you
If you don't know where to hide and there are no options, the best one will be to try to negotiate. Don't ask for mercy and don't feel sorry for him. Sympathize, ask him questions to know what he wants. Offer him help and ask him why he does it. You may be buying time while help arrives.

Step 6. Get out of the way as soon as you realize that the person is intent on shooting you
If he seems to want to shoot you anyway, the best thing to do is try to get out of line. Moving around decreases the chances of being hit in vital areas because it is difficult to hit a target accurately if it is moving.
Method 3 of 4: With the Police

Step 1. Take off your sunglasses and hat if they haven't seen you yet
If they stop you while you are in your car or you have time for the police to approach, remove your hat and glasses if you are wearing them. If the cop can look you in the eye, he'll be less nervous. However, if he is looking at you or is already close to you, don't make any unexpected moves that might make him nervous.
You should only do this if they haven't seen you yet. If the cop looks at you and sees you making these movements, he may think you are looking for the gun

Step 2. Keep your hands in sight
In the car, keep them on the dashboard. On the street - slightly ahead of you. This will reduce the policeman's tension.

Step 3. Move as little as possible
Don't try to catch anything or move if you don't have to. Obviously no sudden movements that can be considered as an attempt to take a weapon.

Step 4. Stay calm
Don't try to argue with the cop and don't be clearly angry. Even if you feel your rights have been violated, which is possible, don't blame yourself. Rather, mention the cops once you're done and don't clash with them.

Step 5. Speak slowly and don't shout
Be quiet, peaceful, and speak in a regular tone (well, don't yell). It will help show that you are not hostile and will avoid panicking you. Yes, it is they who "should" keep cool but with the "shoulds" you can't go far.

Step 6. Do what you are asked to do
If they tell you to stay still, stop. If they tell you to get out of the car, get out. If you have to keep your hands on a wall, put them on. As mentioned, the time to fight for your rights will be later, not now. All that is needed is not to over-stress the police so as not to risk dying.

Step 7. Tell the officer what you are about to do
Whenever you need to make a movement, explain what you are doing. Let him know why you do it and where you go; make those movements slowly. Speak with serenity. Otherwise they'll always think you're trying to get to the weapon.
Method 4 of 4: Avoid the Situation

Step 1. Stay in the safe areas of the city
Avoid those with high crime and violence rates. Sometimes it's not possible, so if you really have to, stay there only for what is strictly necessary.

Step 2. Move quickly in dangerous areas
If you have to go to areas considered high risk, do it quickly and don't stop on the road alone. Avoid walking and use a car or bus instead.

Step 3. Avoid going out at night
The nighttime crime rate is higher so avoid unsafe areas as soon as evening falls. Nothing good can happen at two in the morning. Stay safe at home.

Step 4. Dress to avoid attention
Certain clothes will arouse suspicions from the police and neighbors. It being understood that you can wear what you want, this however does not change reality. You won't have to wear gang colors if you move around neighborhoods where there are several. Dressing like a gangsta in red in certain areas of Los Angeles, for example, is suicide.

Step 5. Avoid drugs, gangs and crime
Do not take drugs, do not get involved in feuds and let go of the life of the criminal. You really shouldn't even get close to gangs, where killing random people is often part of initiations. If you find yourself in these situations of extreme danger, you will greatly increase the chance of being hit.

Step 6. Don't bother
A wise man once said, "You don't do it first to be nobody." This is to say that if you are not the one who ignites the fuse, you will avoid trouble. Stealing the stereo or sleeping with someone's girlfriend is not a smart move. Avoid weird people as well as problems.
- It is a good practice to get an idea of the weapons, at least enough to allow you to identify the one in front of your nose, to make you understand how many bullets there may be in the magazine (from 7 to 15), and its effectiveness. Most people die from lack of knowledge. If you get hit, it will help to know if it was a 9mm Parabellum or a 45 ACP.
- Bad criminals are notoriously bad shooters, they don't get much practice so move around without a pattern and let them rely on luck.
- Try to get into the optics of carrying a self-destructive weapon with you, such as a retractable blade, boot knife, or laser pen.
- If you are hiding, pick up a rock or find something that can help you hurt the wielder as he approaches you.
- Remember that these instructions are suggestions and should not replace common sense or be used in place of correct instructions, orders or help from law enforcement.
- It is always better to try to dodge a bullet than not get hit by it.
- In most semi-automatic pistols, if the slide (the top) is not forward, the magazine is empty and you are safe for a while.
- If the person in front of you uses a short weapon, the more distance you put between you the better. Contrary to the movies, pistols are difficult to use accurately and only the most crafty shooters manage to catch their target from a distance.
- If you have a cell phone while in hiding call the police, DO NOT threaten your assailant with the fact that you might. If he knows you have the phone, he'll have it delivered.
- If the attacker uses a point-blank revolver, remember that the barrel must rotate BEFORE the shot goes off. So if you can get your hands on the track, make sure the drum locks. ONLY do this if the gun is not already cocked. You can tell this from the position of the dog, which is above the handle. If it is raised, the gun is not ready to fire.
- If whoever has the gun hasn't fired yet, try not to give them a reason to do so. Pretend to agree with him. Sympathize with his troubles.
- Do whatever it takes to increase your chances of survival. If whoever has the gun wants you to agree with their demands, do it! If you want to be quiet, do it! If you want him to squawk like a duck, go for it! Do whatever he asks of you and wait for the right moment to escape. Dying from pride is useless.
- If the semi-auto does not have a magazine, it may still have a round in the barrel.
- If every other attempt fails, Not groped the road of "you don't have the balls to do it" because in that case you have more to lose than to gain.
- Tell the attacker "don't do this to yourself" by implying that he is the person who has the most to lose between the two.
- Try talking to get yourself out of trouble. Resistance increases the chance of being killed so, unless following orders poses an extra danger (e.g. kidnapping), indulging whoever has the weapon is the best tactic. (Often even with kidnapping, it's better to go along with it. The police will find you. They won't be able to do anything if you're dead.)
- The best answer when confronted with an armed person is the passive one. In the unlikely event that it happens to you, increasing the tension or making the gun owner nervous would lead to the worst reaction.
- Never charge someone with a gun. Unless you are close enough to touch the gun directly or out of sight of the person holding it, you should run away. Going on him could scare him and lead him to shoot.