Burying a statue of St. Joseph is a popular traditional practice if you want to sell a house. The exact location of the statue can change based on who you ask, but there is still a standard procedure to follow.
Part 1 of 3: Bury the Statue

Step 1. Buy a statuette of St. Joseph
Choose a small, simple one so that it is easy to bury it. You can buy these statues at a religious goods store or online.
- The ideal height is between 7 and 10 cm.
- Today, you can also buy a kit to sell St. Joseph's house in some shops and real estate agencies. These kits usually include a statue of the saint, a postcard with a prayer, and instructions on how to bury the statue.

Step 2. Wrap the statue in a cloth to protect it
Take a clean, soft cloth or similar piece of cloth and wrap the statue over it several times covering it completely, including the head and feet. You can also place the draped statue in a resealable plastic bag.
- You can also roll the statue into a piece of plastic or put it directly in the bag without using a piece of cloth. The aim is to protect it as best as possible from dirt and damage.
- Protecting the statue is a practical matter, but above all a sign of respect. Even if you are burying his statue, St. Joseph is still a saint, and you need to show some degree of respect for his role.

Step 3. Bury the statue
Dig a hole in your garden deep enough to fit the statue comfortably. Put the statue wrapped in its protection on it, and cover it. Remember that the directions for the precise location of the statue vary depending on who you ask, so there is no definitive choice.
- The most common tradition has it that you bury the statue near the For Sale sign or near the road. Place the statue upside down in the dirt and face the house.
- Others say the statue should face the street to symbolize the act of leaving the house.
- Some traditions suggest placing the statue on its side or back, so that it points towards the house like an arrow.
- You could also bury the statue three feet from the back of the house or in a flower bed behind the house.

Step 4. You can bury the statue in a flower pot
If you live in an apartment or condominium, you may not have a courtyard in which to bury the statue. In this circumstance, you can bury it in a large flower pot. Place the pot on a patio, patio or windowsill.
- There may be a plant in the pot, but it is not strictly necessary.
- Note that the rest of the tradition does not vary. You should still wrap the statue in protective cloth and treat it with the same reverence.

Step 5. You can also keep the statue indoors
If the act of burying the statue seems disrespectful to you, you can also keep it indoors. Place it near a window or on a piece of furniture so that the “For Sale” sign is visible in front of the gate.
- If you do that, you don't need the protective drape.
- Burying the statue of St. Joseph is a popular practice, it is not related to religion. There is no Catholic doctrine that states that if you bury a statue of St. Joseph you will be able to sell a house. Church teachings suggest that turning to St. Joseph for an intercession for the sale of the house can help, which is why keeping the statue at home during the sale can be as useful as the burial ritual.
Part 2 of 3: Saying a Prayer

Step 1. Pray near the burial site
When you bury the statue, you should say a prayer for Saint Joseph, asking for his intercession. The version can change, and you can use a preset or follow your heart.
- Some prayers "threaten" St. Joseph, stating that he must help sell the house if he wants to be unearthed. However, these prayers somehow undermine the value of the request for intercession, so it would be better not to use them.
Use a simple, humble prayer, like this:
"O blessed Saint Joseph, tender father, guardian of Jesus, chaste spouse of the Mother of God, please intercede for me with the Father through his divine Son who died on the cross and rose again to give new life to us sinners. sacred name of Jesus, pray so that we can obtain from the Eternal Father what we ask: to sell our house. We are unfaithful to the infallible love of God the Father; beg Jesus to have mercy on us brothers and sisters. splendor of God's loving presence, do not forget the pain of those who are suffering Through your prayers and those of your sacred bride, our blessed Lady, may the love of Jesus respond to our hopeful call Amen

Step 2. Pray every day until you sell the house
Saying prayer at the time of burial is fine, but asking for intercession from that day on demonstrates a higher degree of faith and sincerity. You can say the same prayer or change every day.

Step 3. Try a 9-day novena
Instead of saying the same standard prayer every day, try saying a novena. A novena is a series of prayers covering a period of 9 days. There are different variations, but essentially, you say a different prayer each day followed by an "Our Father". You could use this novena:
- Day One. O God, guide of those who listen and hear your voice, speak with me, as you did with St. Joseph, to help me do what you give me to do.
- Day Two: O God, you love your people and bless the ordinary lives we live with peace of mind. As you blessed St. Joseph, bless what I do, however hidden and simple it may be, and make sure that everything I do is done with love.
- Day Three: O God, always faithful, you always remember us and bless us over time. Help me trust you, as Saint Joseph trusted blindly, and never let me lose faith in the wonderful gifts you promised me.
- Day Four: God of families, bless mine. Keep us safe and don't let evil touch us. Give peace to our hearts.
- Day Five: O God, who love children, be merciful to our children today. Give them eyes to have faith and see far away, a loving heart to welcome life and a place always by your side.
- Day Six: God of our heavenly home, bless our earthly home. Let the spirit of Mary and Joseph sit at our table, shape our words and actions, bless the children.
- Day Seven: God the Father, give your fatherly spirit to those who are fathers now. Like Joseph, give them hearts full of love for their wives and children and the strength to forgive and patience.
- Day Eight: Give shelter, O God, to those who need it and reunite broken families. Give us enough food, and honest work to earn our bread. Take care of us, oh God.
- Day Nine: Bless our families, O Lord, especially those in need. Remembering the life of your Son, let us pray for the poor, for those who do not have a home, for those who are in exile. Grant them a protector like Saint Joseph, O God.
Part 3 of 3: Free the Statue

Step 1. Dig up the statue once the house is sold
Once you've signed the contract and settled the formalities, dig up the statue from your garden. Remove it from the protective cloth and clean it.
- According to legend, if you leave the statue buried in the garden, the new owners of the house will not live there long. New owners will continue to come and go until the statue is unearthed.
- While there is no evidence to support this legend, unearthing the statue is a sign of respect.

Step 2. Give thanks
Offer a prayer of thanks - first to God and then to St. Joseph for his intercession. You can offer a prayer from the heart and in your own words, or recite a generic one already written. The important thing is to be honest.
An example of a prayer of thanks might be:
"Heavenly Father, I am grateful to you for my life and for the blessings you have showered on me and my people, today and in the past. I am grateful to you for good and evil, for understanding forgiveness, and for your sacred power, without which we would have nothing. I am grateful to you for this day and for all your blessings, your gifts and your everlasting love for us. Even though we are all sinners, I ask you to forgive me every day for my mistakes, even those I don't realize. Even though we are nothing compared to the glory of God, I thank you for sacrificing your only son Jesus Christ for our sins. You and only you know us, Father, and you know that intentions of our heart are sincere. So again, I thank you with all my heart and soul. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen

Step 3. Give the statue a place of honor in your new home
Since St. Joseph's intercession helped you sell the house, it is a must to show the statue you buried in the new one. This way you show gratitude and reverence.