4 Ways to Be Attractive in Middle Schools

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4 Ways to Be Attractive in Middle Schools
4 Ways to Be Attractive in Middle Schools

Middle school is the part of your life where you start to really define yourself. Attractive girls can be described as cute, gorgeous, beautiful, graceful. To be too, use these tips without upsetting your personal style.


Method 1 of 4: Have Amazing Hair

Each person's hair is different. Some are thick, some are straight like pins, and some are very curly, but no matter what type of hair you have, you can find a beautiful and easy-to-maintain hairstyle that suits you.

Be Hot in Middle School Step 1
Be Hot in Middle School Step 1

Step 1. Choose a nice haircut that suits you

Ask your stylist what type your face shape is, then look below for hints on which style might work for you.

  • Round Face: The best hairstyle for round faces is to be long, slightly layered, with long bangs and a side parting. If your hair is already long enough, go to the hairdresser and choose a layered cut that can reshape the shape of your face - you will be surprised how much it affects your style.
  • Oval face: there are many hairstyles suitable for oval-shaped faces! Luckily for you, it will fit almost any hairstyle, as long as it doesn't hide your features and is done right. If your hair is still short and you feel you have enough willpower, then make it grow. Experiment with different styles, while you wait for them to grow, to breathe new life into your look with layered cuts or thin, angled and long fringes. This will also keep you from getting bored and cutting them short again.
  • Heart-Shaped Face: The best hairstyle that will do wonders for your heart-shaped face will include a side parting, a soft and long layering, a light and wide bangs, highlights or moon strokes, waves and curls without l frizz effect. But remember to create volume around the lower part of the face, making the hairstyle smooth and elegant in the upper part, to balance the shape of the face and show off its particularities!
  • Square face: long hair with a concentrated scaling on the upper part of the head manages to conceal the square jaw very well. Soften the boxy features of your face with waves and curls, which will also add femininity to your style. You can choose both long and short hairstyles, but remember not to overdo it either way. Keeping the hair a couple of inches below or above the chin would be perfect. Add a side fringe to soften the broad forehead and you will look fabulous.
  • Diamond-shaped face: Most hairstyles will look good on you, but the hairstyles that would look best on you are the layered or side parted ones.
Be Hot in Middle School Step 2
Be Hot in Middle School Step 2

Step 2. Always wash your hair

All shampoos are meant to cleanse hair, although some may eliminate frizz from curly hair, moisturize dry hair, protect dyed hair, or thoroughly cleanse oily hair.

If your hair is oily, ask your hairdresser how to fix it or search online for tips and tricks on how to make it less oily. You can also get shampoos and conditioners that are suitable for your hair type

Be Hot in Middle School Step 3
Be Hot in Middle School Step 3

Step 3. Try changing your hairstyle

You can do a lot of things with hair. Try straightening them, curling them or waving them, braiding them in a herringbone pattern, doing a side ponytail, a messy bun… the possibilities are endless.

  • If your hair is frizzy or dry and you don't have time to fix it, try an anti-frizz product (in the form of a spray, mousse or leave-in conditioner). Then, choose your favorite hairstyle, like a ponytail, or leave it loose naturally.

    Be Hot in Middle School Step 3Bullet1
    Be Hot in Middle School Step 3Bullet1

Method 2 of 4: Hair Care

Be Hot in Middle School Step 4
Be Hot in Middle School Step 4

Step 1. Be hygienic

Everyone knows the basic rules of hygiene. The first step to looking good is to be clean.

  • Take a bath. This is something obvious. Shower or bathe twice a day.
  • Use a brush, floss, and mouthwash. Your smile is one of the first things people notice about you, so keep it white!
  • Use deodorant before going out.
Be Hot in Middle School Step 5
Be Hot in Middle School Step 5

Step 2. Wash your face

If you have acne problems, be sure to wash your face twice a day (when you wake up and before going to bed). Of course, everyone's skin is different, but for some, an oil-free cleanser (useful against oily skin), an exfoliating scrub (useful against blackheads), and an oil-free moisturizing lotion that won't clog pores work best (useful against dry skin).

Be Hot in Middle School Step 6
Be Hot in Middle School Step 6

Step 3. Remove unwanted body hair

Use tweezers, a depilator, razor, wax or hair removal treatment for the upper lip, legs, pubic area, and armpits. However, don't do any of these things if you don't feel the need to.

Be Hot in Middle School Step 7
Be Hot in Middle School Step 7

Step 4. Try provocative fragrances and choose one that is totally “yours”

Be Hot in Middle School Step 8
Be Hot in Middle School Step 8

Step 5. Enhance your face with make-up:

makeup can make you gorgeous in many ways, highlighting your particularities and enhancing your face. For a gorgeous natural look that you can wear every day, read this article.

  • Use a concealer. Avoid making a full base by spreading the foundation all over your face. Get a concealer that matches your skin complexion as much as possible. Use it to cover up small imperfections, such as pimples, discolorations, dark circles, black and whiteheads.
  • Use an eyeliner. Eyeliner is great! It defines your eyes and makes them stand out! Try using brown eyeliner. Black is drastic, while brown gives you a more delicate, natural look.
  • Use mascara. Mascara will make your eyes look more beautiful, but be careful, it can also stain a lot, become lumpy and completely ruin your look. Choose a clear mascara, which tends to create fewer lumps and does not stain. Use an eyelash curler before applying mascara to make your lashes curl more (so the mascara will clump less) and make them stand out more.
  • Take care of your lips. Don't wear lipstick, as it will make you look older than you are. Instead, try a lip gloss, petroleum jelly, lip balm, shimmer gloss. If you use lip gloss, put lip balm with it as well, so your lips don't get chapped.
Be Hot in Middle School Step 9
Be Hot in Middle School Step 9

Step 6. Wear clothes that flatter your shape

We all have something that grabs other people's attention, like nice legs, a bright tan, or maybe you're one of those few people who look good with all colors.

  • Try shopping at youth-friendly clothing stores, such as Abercrombie, Hollister. However, if they don't suit your style, choose others! You can also just wear a shirt of your favorite team with jeans. The important thing is to feel comfortable.
  • It's no secret that poise is what matters, so make sure you choose clothes that flatter you and are comfortable in.
  • Wear colors that suit you.
  • As for shoes, avoid heels and Crocs. Instead, try ballet flats, canvas shoes, t-bar sandals or Uggs. Make sure the shoes are comfortable for walking and comfortable.

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    Be Hot in Middle School Step 9Bullet4
  • Don't feel like you have to shop at designer stores to look pretty, in fact you can find a huge "abundance" of gorgeous clothes for a lot less. Try thrift stores. They are cheaper. You can get a new pair of Hollister jeans for 20 euros, or a used pair for around 10.
  • Be humble. Don't wear skimpy clothes to be cool. In fact, some will think badly of you. Instead, try to uncover your legs a little when wearing high-necked tops, and vice versa wear long trousers or skirts when you uncover the cleavage.
  • Do not stuff never your bra and don't choose a size too big just to be attractive. The trick will be easily noticed. Wear one that is the right size.
Be Hot in Middle School Step 10
Be Hot in Middle School Step 10

Step 7. Take care of your body

Eat right, exercise and drink lots of water every day. If you take care of yourself the right way, you will look more radiant. Your body will thank you! After a while, you will notice a big difference in your skin, health and complexion.

  • Have your nice nap! Most teenagers should get at least nine to ten hours of sleep. You have to stay awake at all times of the day, because you can never know what great things await you during the day.
  • If you want to start a physical activity to get leaner, try running, dancing to the "fast" music you love, or use an elliptical, a treadmill or go for a bike ride.
  • If you want to look more muscular and strong, and not skinny, try doing knee pushups, situps, wall pushups, or lifting weights or your backpack. Focus mainly on biceps and triceps.

Method 3 of 4: Maintain your Charm

Be Hot in Middle School Step 11
Be Hot in Middle School Step 11

Step 1. Be mature

You can't be considered attractive if you remind people of a stereotypical little girl who constantly complains, overreacts, and argues with others. Work on improving your common sense by keeping a relaxed attitude and being polite to anyone you come in contact with.

Be Hot in Middle School Step 12
Be Hot in Middle School Step 12

Step 2. Be brave

To be considered attractive, you have to expose yourself. Always try to make a good impression and have fun with those who put you in a good mood. Laugh often, be charming, understanding, and try to talk to as many people as you can in a single day, but don't overdo it or others may think you're annoying.

Method 4 of 4: Be Yourself

Be Hot in Middle School Step 13
Be Hot in Middle School Step 13

Step 1. Be yourself and trust yourself

This can be tricky. The middle school period is the time in your life when you begin to define yourself as a person. You develop your own style and personality and sometimes it will seem like you just can't fit in. Don't feel like you have to adapt to other people's standards. "Inclusion" is something every middle school student worries about at some point, but eventually you will laugh at yourself for thinking such a thing and realize that "fit" is not that important.

  • Defend yourself and others if you or your loved ones become involved in bullying.
  • Laugh at your mistakes, but work to improve.
  • Most importantly, don't let someone else tell you how you should live your life. As Oscar Wild said, "Be yourself. Everyone else is already busy."


  • Have a good sense of humor.
  • Make sure you don't wear too heavy makeup. If you go around with sky blue eyeshadow and bright red lips, you will look like a clown.
  • Be yourself.
  • Have a great fashion style. Don't copy others to fit in - have a unique style. Try to stand out, not fit in, no matter what people think of you.
  • Compliment others.
  • Laugh - always laughing makes you 20 times more attractive. However, only laugh at the things you find really funny.
  • You do well in school, because if you don't, others will think you don't want to go to school. Guys like smart girls.
  • If you aren't allowed to wear makeup, don't worry. The girls are so beautiful (especially those who are themselves!) That makeup, for some, would make no difference in their appearance.
  • Stand and sit with good posture.
  • Put the nail polish. If you are not comfortable with nail polish or are not allowed to wear it, have a manicure and pedicure every two weeks to keep your nails looking healthy and fresh.
  • Watch celebrities for inspiration. For example: Selena Gomez, Beyonce Knowles, Jennifer Lopez, Victoria Justice, Angelina Jolie, Sofia Vergara, Marylin Monroe, Miley Cyrus, Kate Upton, Audrey Hepburn, or Taylor Swift, just to name a few. Also try reading magazines for more tips.
