Nobody wants to be a victim of a bully and nobody should be but it happens every day, in many middle schools. Bullies are basically insecure people. Follow this guide to increase your chances of avoiding them.

Step 1. Body language is very important
Don't look down while walking, don't bite your nails (it's a natural reaction in situations that cause nervousness), don't walk with your hands in your pockets. Analyze your habits: Do some make you look smaller, weaker, or less physically capable? If so, try to transform them into others that make you bigger and more confident.

Step 2. Remember that the most important thing is self-esteem, but it is also the most difficult to achieve
You are an important person, you are worth! You are important to your parents, teachers and relatives. Perhaps the one thing you miss from being a more popular kid in school is self-esteem.

Step 3. Don't try to answer unless you are really good at these things
Bullies practice on other guys every day and become experts at the subject of cutting jokes. Maybe you're not that good and will just say something they can use against you.

Step 4. If you are being ridiculed, don't say anything, but keep staring at them fiercely without being intimidated
It might be difficult at first, but you won't give them the reaction they hope to get. Their purpose is to instigate you into arguing so that they can overwhelm you. If you manage to avoid it, there will be no victory.

Step 5. Tell someone
Never shut up.

Step 6. Always be vigilant in the corridors
They are great hiding places for bullies because they can hit you when you are around others, without being noticed. Move among the other guys with your head held high, looking for threats. It may sound a bit paranoid, but it can come in handy.

Step 7. Remember that you don't deserve to be bullied
It's not your fault, and you haven't done anything to cause this kind of situation. Bullies have low self-esteem and a great desire to lead - a bad combination. Thousands of Nice Guys are bullied every day, but you have to rebel. Don't get into a fight, but don't let the bully keep harassing you either.

Step 8. Wait for them to deliver their first punch or attempt to physically hurt you
Only in this case can you say that you defended yourself and that you just wanted them to stop beating you. Never say things like, "He started it!" Use the word self-defense or the expression "I was afraid for my safety".

Step 9. Do nothing physical to bullies
You are the target and not them, you must avoid them instead. Don't do anything that will make them angry. If you lose your temper and want to slap them, choose to walk away with your head held high instead.

Step 10. If they make fun of you about something you do or wear, don't change your habits or you'll just show them that they have the power to control you

Step 11. The first time someone you don't know offends or hits you, stop them before it takes a turn for the worse
If you defend yourself right away, you'll make it clear that you don't want to be bothered. But if you let them, it may continue and other people may behave the same way. Look him straight in the eye without showing fear; bullies often retreat from such a reaction. Check your body language: don't look at the floor and keep an upright posture, even if you feel like you want to disappear. Confront the bully. Bullies usually choose their victim from among those who don't react.

Step 12. Talk to your school counselor, your parents, teachers and continue to do so if the business doesn't stop
Schools break the law if they allow bullying within their walls and "must" guarantee you a safe educational place.
- You have to be sure of yourself.
- Look on the bright side: Bullied victims often become successful artists or writers, philosophers, or people who can work hard as adults. Some of the most successful men have been bullied.
- Never start a fight.
- If they keep getting stuck you say something like "Enough, okay? You're just wasting your time."
- Don't try to answer with sharp jokes.
- You'll make it through this moment, life gets better. For real.
- Even if they try to get you into a fight, try to avoid it.
- Try ignoring them - it usually works.
- Never get thrown down, pretend you don't care what they say because they just try to look good in front of others.
- Do not tolerate any kind of physical violence: defend yourself!
- Don't avoid the bully, but try not to be too conspicuous.