How to Pass the Exams in Middle Schools: 7 Steps

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How to Pass the Exams in Middle Schools: 7 Steps
How to Pass the Exams in Middle Schools: 7 Steps

Do you want to pass your middle school exams with excellent grades? This is the article for you! Or is there a friend who can't do well in school? Again you have found the right article.


Pass Any School Test in Middle School Step 1
Pass Any School Test in Middle School Step 1

Step 1. Get organized in all matters

Bring everything you need to class: binders, pencils, pens, notebooks, eraser, pencil sharpeners, textbooks and sheets of paper or notepads. Do not forget this material at home because it is indispensable. Do not ask others, otherwise the teachers will think that you are an unresponsive student and your classmates may be annoyed at the thought of always having to lend you something. Organization is one of the most important things in school and in any subject.

Pass Any School Test in Middle School Step 2
Pass Any School Test in Middle School Step 2

Step 2. Don't miss a thing

Try to be tidy! Keep all notes in special binders and arrange them by date. Never throw them away. Even if they date back to the past term or the beginning of the school year, you never know if the teachers can question you about an old topic or if they set up a summary class test. If they take up too much space in a binder, simply transfer them to a folder or flexible plastic binder. It is a great solution if you want to study for the most important exams or questions. In these cases, notes are essential. Always keep them!

Pass Any School Test in Middle School Step 3
Pass Any School Test in Middle School Step 3

Step 3. Never neglect homework

One of the important things is to always complete the assigned tasks. During the school year think about all the ones you have done. Even if you don't get high marks in class tests, at least you can make up for it with home study. You may think they are useless and even a waste of time because professors don't graduate homework, but actually prepare you for final exams and keep your mind trained. So, by doing your duty even in the afternoon, you will show that you are a responsible and willing student. Teachers will take this into account.

Pass Any School Test in Middle School Step 4
Pass Any School Test in Middle School Step 4

Step 4. Be careful in class

That way you won't have to slog over the books. Also, instead of remembering what was explained, take quick notes during class.

Learn to take notes correctly. If you want to make sure you hear and remember everything, quickly jot down only the most important details of each explanation. Eliminate negligible elements, such as articles and auxiliary verbs. For example, instead of writing "The fox chased the rabbit into the hole", write "Fox chased the rabbit into the hole"

Pass Any School Test in Middle School Step 5
Pass Any School Test in Middle School Step 5

Step 5. Find out which study method is most useful

For example, you could come up with a song and remember it.

Pass Any School Test in Middle School Step 6
Pass Any School Test in Middle School Step 6

Step 6. Find an area to study

Choose an environment where you can focus. Turn off the TV, your computer (unless you need it to study and, in this case, disconnect from social networks and your email) and any electronic devices. Warn family members that you need to study and ask them not to get distracted. If you don't find the right concentration, change rooms.

The places to avoid are the bed, the living room in front of the TV or the areas of the house that are rather busy (ie where everyone passes)

Pass Any School Test in Middle School Step 7
Pass Any School Test in Middle School Step 7

Step 7. Take your time

Read your notes and review any previously assigned lessons or homework. Make sure you review the most difficult or hard-to-learn topics.


  • Get plenty of sleep the night before exams and don't skip breakfast on the day they are held. That way, you'll be awake and charged for testing.
  • Ask your parents for help if there is something you don't understand.
  • Don't stress yourself out with teen drama.
  • If you can, ask your teacher what topics the exam will be about. Will it be multiple choice, short answer or long answer questions? Will a theme need to be developed or will it be a combination of these possibilities? Make sure you know exactly what you need to investigate.
  • Study for every question and class assignment! Don't be too sure what you remember because you may forget everything at the time of the exam.
  • Make sure you understand the lessons correctly, otherwise ask for help.
  • Get a journal to write down the check.
  • As the exam approaches, ask your teacher about the main topics that will be touched upon. This way, you can summarize the chapters or think about the questions that will be asked of you.


  • Before exams, don't stay up late and don't spend a sleepless night. The next morning you will not only be very tired, but you will hazy remembering what you have learned.
  • Don't study unnecessary topics. You may be confusing them with the notions you need to remember.
