When camping, hosting a friend for the night, or just wanting a comfortable place to lie down, an air mattress can be the solution. It is comfortable enough to sleep on and, once deflated, takes up very little space compared to its actual size, which makes it practical and easy to carry. Whether you are using a specific pump or are simply relying on the tools you have at your disposal, inflating a mat is just a matter of forcing air into it (and preventing it from coming out!).
Method 1 of 3: Use a Pump
Step 1. Open the valve cap
Most mats are equipped with a check valve (which allows air to enter, but not to exit), or a hole somewhere on the surface. The first thing to do is to identify the opening and remove the protective cap; you cannot inflate the mattress without access to allow it.
Be aware that some modern models have built-in pumps on one side. In this case, simply turn the switch to "On" and wait for the mattress to inflate - as long as the pump is receiving power from the batteries or an outlet
Step 2. Insert the pump
Regardless of whether it is electric or manual, the first step does not change: insert the nozzle into the valve or into the hole. The nozzle should fit snugly against the valve material; otherwise there is a possibility that the air will escape, making the procedure more difficult.
If you are unable to secure a watertight seal on the nozzle (for example using a pump that is not suitable for the type of mat), you can try wrapping it with masking tape, to create some thickness. However, this remedy can prove ineffective if the spout is really very small. Alternatively, melt some plastic around the pump to make it thicker and get a good fit. this method is a bit more complex for those who don't have much experience in repairs

Step 3. If you have an automatic pump, start it
Most modern sleeping pads are sold with an electric pump. If that's the case with you, make sure it's plugged into a power outlet or has batteries and turn it on! The mattress should immediately begin to inflate.
Electric pumps are quite noisy, so you should be careful and not turn them on while others are sleeping
Step 4. If you have opted for a hand pump, start pushing air into the mattress
If your model is quite old or you have lost your electric pump and need to buy a replacement, the hand tool may be the only thing at your disposal. While not as fast and practical as electric hand pumps, hand pumps are effective within their range. The two main models that are used to inflate a mattress are:
- Hand pump: it is a tool that develops vertically; it is usually quite large and is used by moving a plunger up and down. Small bicycle pumps are also sometimes used.
- Foot pump: usually has the shape of a foot pedal connected to a tube with a spout; repeatedly pressing the pedal forces air into the mattress.
Step 5. Screw the cap back into place
When the mattress is fully inflated, to the point of being firm to the touch, unplug the pump and screw the valve latch or plug the hole to trap the air inside. At this point, you are ready to sleep! Get some sheets, blankets, and pillows.
Remember that models equipped with a check valve automatically retain the air inside them. However, it is worthwhile to screw the cap on, to add an extra layer of protection against possible leakage. Conversely, mattresses that have a simple hole (and not a valve) start to deflate as soon as you unplug the pump, so you have to screw the cap on quickly
Method 2 of 3: Inflate the Mat without a Pump

Step 1. Use a hair dryer if you don't have a pump
If you don't have any specific tools for this job, don't worry; you can still get the desired result thanks to some tools in the house. For example, you can use a normal electric hair dryer. Turn it on and hold it near the valve or open hole to fill the mattress. Since the opening of the hair dryer does not fit into the access hole of the mattress, the process will be slower than with the pump.
Remember to set the air temperature of the hairdryer to minimum or to "cold" if possible. Most mats are made of plastic or vinyl and can warp or melt when exposed to heat

Step 2. Use a household or industrial vacuum cleaner
To inflate the mattress you can use any tool that emits a fairly intense flow of air. For example, many industrial vacuum cleaners also have a blower function and not just a suction function. Other machines, such as the leaf blower or the snow blower, are specifically designed to emit a stream of air. In this case, you just have to hold the spout near the valve or hole and inflate the mattress.
You can also turn an ordinary vacuum cleaner into a blower. To do this, remove the bag and replace it with the long, thin spout that comes with most appliances. By doing so, the air is expelled through the spout and can be used to inflate the mattress

Step 3. Use a bicycle or tire pump
If you have traveled to the place where you need to use the mattress with your bike or car, you may have a pump available without even knowing it. Most bicycle and car models can be used to inflate a mattress, although it is not always easy to get the nozzle to fit snugly onto the valve. It may be necessary to use a specific adapter or increase the diameter of the nozzle by wrapping it with other material.
Step 4. Use a garbage bag
Most people are unaware that it is possible to inflate an airbed with nothing more than a regular trash bag. First, open the bag and shake it to catch a lot of air. Place it over the valve or hole in the mattress and keep the open end around this element. Squeeze the bag to force air into the mattress (to make this easier, just lie down slowly on the bag). Repeat the procedure as many times as necessary.
If you have a choice, use a very sturdy garbage bag. The very thin ones can burst under your weight
Step 5. Inflate the mattress by mouth if the other solutions don't work
If you can't get any of the tools described above, take a deep breath and try the old method. Use soap or hand sanitizer to clean the valve or hole, place your mouth over it and blow. Keep blowing until the mat is hard. This technique takes time.
If yours does not have a check valve, you will need to maintain pressure with your mouth and close your throat to prevent air from escaping between puffs. Breathe in through your nose and not your mouth
Method 3 of 3: Deflate the Mat
Step 1. Unscrew the valve cap
When you no longer need to use it and want to store it, unscrew the cap from the opening. If there is a simple hole, the mattress begins to deflate immediately. However, those with more complex systems require more intervention on your part. If it doesn't deflate right away, try one of these tips:
- Look for a release switch to operate;
- Activate the release mechanism on the valve to let the air out;
- Unscrew the valve from its housing.
Step 2. Fold or roll up the mattress to force the air out
As the air comes out, the mat stabilizes in a partially inflated state. To force all the gas out, start bending or rolling it, starting at the opposite end of the valve and moving towards it. This way you are sure that, once deflated, it will take up minimal space.
To expel all the air, roll or fold the mattress a little at a time, squeezing it tightly just as if you were squeezing a tube of toothpaste

Step 3. Use a vacuum cleaner to save time
If you want to speed up the process, use the vacuum cleaner. You can use the one for housework, an industrial model, or another specific device to create sucking. Simply open the hole, wait for the air to start coming out of the mat, and hold the nozzle of the vacuum cleaner over the hole to speed up the process.
Hair dryers and blowers work best if you create a seal with your hands
- Do not pass out trying to blow the mattress by mouth! If you start seeing bright spots or feel lightheaded, stop and take a few breaths to recover.
- The hot air from the hair dryer could melt or wrinkle the mattress. If possible, set the appliance to "cold".