How to Reduce Sugar at Breakfast: 14 Steps

How to Reduce Sugar at Breakfast: 14 Steps
How to Reduce Sugar at Breakfast: 14 Steps

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Most people consume an average amount of sugar that far exceeds their body's needs. In general, those who follow the typical Western diet consume about 30 kg of sugar per year, while doctors suggest very different limits: about 9 teaspoons a day for men and only 6 for women. This excess sugar can cause undesirable effects on the overall health of the body, but even worse, it can increase the risk of developing serious conditions, such as diabetes and heart disease. If you've decided you want to eat less sugar, changing your breakfast habits is a great place to start. First you should try to eat only simple and natural foods, rather than packaged cereals, treats or snacks loaded with sweeteners and preservatives. You should replace sugar-rich foods with those that provide the body with the correct amount of protein, fiber and healthy fats - substances that can help you counter the craving for sweets throughout the day.


Part 1 of 3: Shopping for Breakfast

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Step 1. Monitor the amount of sugar

The nutrition label on the packaging of all packaged foods lists the amount of sugar contained in each serving of that food. Carefully evaluate how many grams each serving corresponds to because it could be higher or lower than your usual consumption.

  • In general, the calories you consume from sugars shouldn't exceed 5% of the total. For an average adult this translates into a maximum of about 30 g of sugars per day.
  • Any food that contains more than 22.5g can be defined as high in sugar and should be avoided, especially at breakfast. Eating something that contains so much sugar means reaching (or even exceeding, based on the real portion) the daily amount allowed with the first meal of the day.
  • Generally foods that contain a maximum of 5 g are defined as low in sugar. If you want to have a healthier breakfast, but don't want to give up packaged foods, the best thing you can do is choose those that belong to this category.
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Step 2. Read the ingredients list carefully to recognize the different types of sugars

In addition to the word "sugar", which we all know, there are many others that indicate the same substance but in different forms.

  • Focus on terms that are suffixed with -ose, such as glucose, fructose, maltose, or sucrose. They are all sugars.
  • Highly refined sugars, such as corn syrup (simple or high in fructose), are present in most of the packaged foods available on supermarket shelves.
  • Also be wary of technically healthier sugars, such as molasses, fruit juices, and honey. While they are very different from refined ones they are still sugars, so you should limit them.
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Survive an Apocalypse Step 17

Step 3. Be careful when choosing packaged breakfast foods

Ready-made, processed or frozen foods are known to be high in sugar. Many may contain sugars even though they do not belong to the category of sweets, for example in the form of preservatives.

  • Even if the label on the front of the package describes the product as "light", "sugar-free" or "diet", you should still check the ingredients list and nutrition table. Remember that many of these terms, for example "light", are not regulated, so they could be misleading advertising.
  • Particularly with foods advertised as dietary, you should be wary of artificial sweeteners used to replace or supplement normal sugars.
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Step 4. Avoid artificial sweeteners

In many cases, versions labeled "light" or "diet" of classic breakfast foods contain large doses of chemical sweeteners which, like sugars, can cause unwanted side effects. In addition, these substances do not help you in any way to counteract the craving for sweets during the day.

  • If you feel you need some kind of sweetener, at least initially, you can use stevia - a plant that provides a naturally sweetening, health-promoting and low-calorie substance.
  • Try to gradually reduce the use of artificial sweeteners until you no longer need them to enjoy food.

Part 2 of 3: Making Breakfast

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Step 1. Try making an omelette

It is a simple recipe, quick to cook and represents a well-balanced and protein-rich single dish. You can stuff it with vegetables or salty ingredients or with something sweet, but without adding sugar.

  • For example, you can make a sweet omelette by adding some berries or a little raisins to the eggs and maybe even some nutmeg or cinnamon. Once ready you can fill it with fresh fruit and natural yogurt and then fold it in half and serve it.
  • In a savory omelette you can include spices, herbs and vegetables. If you're short on time to cook in the morning, slice a few peppers, courgettes, or onions ahead of time and store them in a sealed container in the refrigerator.
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Step 2. Yogurt and cereals must be simple and natural

By simply replacing the classic breakfast cereals, notoriously high in sugar, with oat flakes or other simple grains you can take up to 70g less sugar over the course of a week. If you feel the need for some sweetness, you can add some dried fruit or spices, such as nutmeg or cinnamon.

  • In most cases, plain cereals cost less than those specially formulated for breakfast. Since they can last a long time, it may be even more beneficial to buy them in large quantities.
  • If you want to reduce your breakfast sugars gradually, you can buy a pack of breakfast cereals and mix them with a small amount of plain grains. Day after day you will be able to gradually reduce the dose of ready-made ones until you no longer feel the need.
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Cleanse Your Kidneys Step 21

Step 3. Include fruit

Fruit contains natural sugars, but also vitamins and nutrients necessary for a balanced diet and a healthy body. It can also help you counter the urge to eat packaged sweets.

  • You can make a delicious smoothie made from fresh fruit and natural yogurt. One of the benefits of smoothies is that you can prepare them in advance and store them in the refrigerator to drink when you're in a hurry in the morning.
  • Many of the ready-to-eat breakfast cereals that contain pieces of fruit also include large amounts of sugar that your body doesn't need. Buy plain grains, with no added sugar, and mix them with fresh or dehydrated fruit.
  • There is nothing tastier than a cup of cereal or yogurt to which you have added pieces of seasonal fruit.
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Step 4. Sweeten your recipes with spices

For example, you can use cinnamon, nutmeg, cardamom, cloves or coriander to add a sweet note to a slice of toast or oatmeal. Your palate will enjoy the sweet taste it craves and at the same time gradually learn to do without sugars.

  • Cinnamon is a versatile spice that can add complexity and flavor to a large number of breakfast recipes. For example, you can use a pinch of it when making scrambled eggs.
  • During the cold months, you can add nutmeg, cinnamon and dried apple bits to the oatmeal.
  • Spices can also be added to plain yogurt or your favorite fruit smoothies.
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Step 5. Reduce the amount of sugar added to your tea or coffee

Often these two typical morning meal drinks are showered with cream or sugar. If you have decided to cut back on sugars for breakfast, don't neglect this daily habit.

  • Try to gradually reduce the amount of sugar you add daily to your tea or coffee until it is completely eliminated.
  • If you can't help but sweeten them, try using honey or molasses. Even though they are sugars they are slightly healthier than refined white sugar.
  • As previously suggested, you can also try using stevia.

Part 3 of 3: Countering the Cravings for Sweet Foods

Gain Weight Naturally Step 14
Gain Weight Naturally Step 14

Step 1. Eat a breakfast rich in protein, fiber and healthy fats

Among the many benefits they allow you to feel full for longer and help keep blood sugar levels stable. When it comes to breakfast, eggs can represent protein, while whole grains will provide you with fiber. Extra virgin olive oil and avocado are two healthy fats.

  • You can cook an omelette stuffed with peppers, onion, turkey and tomatoes and add a drizzle of raw extra virgin olive oil or a few slices of avocado before serving. It's a simple, easy-to-make recipe perfect for breakfast that will keep you full for several hours while providing your body with a healthy amount of protein, fat and fiber.
  • A cup of oatmeal, dried fruit (especially almonds) and dehydrated fruit is another excellent option, providing the amount of protein, fat and fiber needed to meet the body's needs.
Distract Yourself from Hunger Step 6
Distract Yourself from Hunger Step 6

Step 2. Stay active

Exercising is one of the simplest and most effective ways to counteract the craving for sweets and keep vital energy high. Aim for at least 20-30 minutes of cardiovascular activity every day.

  • If you currently have a sedentary lifestyle or are elderly, you can take a 15-minute walk in the morning and another in the evening. This amount of exercise should be enough to keep you healthy. If, on the other hand, you are a young or active person, you should try to do more movement and alternate cardio activity with exercises to train muscle strength and endurance.
  • Training muscle strength and endurance allows you to build muscle and start burning abdominal fat that excess sugar tends to cause.
  • When you feel like eating something sweet, walk for a few minutes or go up and down the stairs several times. After exercising, your body feels the need to take in minerals rather than sugars, so moving around a little can help you counter the craving for sweets.
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Cleanse Your Kidneys Step 29

Step 3. Take a multivitamin

In some cases, nutritional deficiencies are hidden behind the desire for sweets. Maybe your body needs something different, but the message gets confused. Try taking a multivitamin daily right after breakfast.

  • Studies have shown that chromium, vitamin B3 and magnesium are of great help in balancing blood sugar levels.
  • Normally in the absence of nutritional deficiencies the desire for sweets is considerably reduced. When the body is healthy, it is less difficult to counteract the seductive capacity, on a mental and physical level, of sugars.
  • If you suffer from a serious or chronic illness, you should consult your doctor to find out which vitamins are best for you and avoid those that could interfere with your health or with the medications you usually use.
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Make Yourself Feel Better (When You're Sick) Step 12

Step 4. Get enough sleep

Lack of sleep causes an imbalance in hormone production. One of the consequences is that you feel like you are hungry even when in reality you are not. Providing your body with about 6-8 hours of sleep a night can help counteract the craving for sweets.

  • Remember that the brain associates sugar consumption with an energy boost. For this reason, if you are tired or fatigued, it causes you to want to eat something sweet.
  • Fortunately, by resting well and interspersing the day with short exercise sessions, the chances of needing to take in sugars to feel energetic decrease.
  • Also remember that sleep deprivation can cause nervous tension, stress, and anxiety - all of which can increase cravings for sweet foods.
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Cleanse the Lymph System Step 6

Step 5. Drink lots of water

In addition to its general importance in keeping the body properly hydrated, water helps you reduce or eliminate the craving for sweet foods. Often the brain tricks you into thinking that you are hungry when in reality you are only thirsty.

  • Drinking a large glass of water before meals can help keep your appetite in check, which is important if you're trying to lose weight.
  • When you feel like eating something sweet, drink a large glass of water and wait a few minutes. You can also go for a short walk or try to distract yourself in another way to stop thinking about food. After five minutes it is very likely that the sugar craving will have passed.
