How to Make a Quick and Healthy Breakfast: 14 Steps

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How to Make a Quick and Healthy Breakfast: 14 Steps
How to Make a Quick and Healthy Breakfast: 14 Steps

Many health professionals strongly advise anyone to have a nutritious breakfast every morning, young and old. This is the first meal of the day and is important because it reactivates the metabolism, provides the energy to start the day and helps control weight. However, if you are very busy (or just don't want to wake up early), you may not find the time to cook. With a few simple tips and tasty recipes, you can prepare a healthy and nutritious breakfast every morning, no matter how busy you are.


Part 1 of 3: Incorporating Nutritious Foods

Make a Quick Healthy Breakfast Step 1
Make a Quick Healthy Breakfast Step 1

Step 1. Always eat a portion of protein

They should be a staple of breakfast; Studies have shown that people who eat an acceptable amount of this nutrient during the first meal of the day feel fuller for longer and are able to maintain a normal body weight.

  • To make sure you're getting enough, try preparing a serving of protein meal that equals about 90-120g or 125ml.
  • Try these protein-rich foods: low-fat sausage (like bacon, sausage, or turkey ham), low-fat dairy, smoked salmon, or eggs.
Make a Quick Healthy Breakfast Step 4
Make a Quick Healthy Breakfast Step 4

Step 2. Choose grains with a high fiber content

They represent a typical breakfast food; they are a perfect source of energy and cook quickly so you can get out quickly and face the day.

  • Cereals, especially whole grains, are perfect for the first meal of the day, they also contain some protein and fiber.
  • The body uses carbohydrates, fats and finally proteins to obtain energy. These nutrients follow different metabolic pathways; Carbohydrates are a great source of calories, as they digest quickly and are readily available, so you need to integrate them into your breakfast.
  • Go for the integral ones. They are less processed and have a higher nutritional value (especially in regards to fibers) than refined ones.
  • Here are some whole grain foods you can have for breakfast: waffles, bread, oatmeal, scones, bagels, or grains.
Make a Quick Healthy Breakfast Step 2
Make a Quick Healthy Breakfast Step 2

Step 3. Try to eat a portion of fruit as well

Another key element at breakfast is fiber-rich fruit, which allows you to get plenty of vitamins and fiber right from the morning.

  • It represents the typical side dish of a good breakfast; consuming a portion, you can balance the meal, get a good dose of fiber, vitamins and antioxidants.
  • If you opt for this food source, remember to weigh the right portion, which equates to a small fruit or half a cup of diced food.
  • You can choose any fruit as an extra dish during breakfast, but you can also decide to use it as an ingredient to balance the meal; for example, garnish yogurt, oatmeal, or cottage cheese with half a cup of fruit.
Make a Quick Healthy Breakfast Step 3
Make a Quick Healthy Breakfast Step 3

Step 4. Add a portion of vegetables if you can

Generally, they are not served for breakfast; however, you can also decide to eat them in the morning to get a balanced meal and reach the goal of five daily servings.

  • Just like fruit, they are an excellent source of fiber, vitamins and antioxidants; paired with lean proteins, they are perfect for a very nutritious meal.
  • You can stir-fry them and add them to eggs or grate them to cook baked goods for breakfast, such as zucchini muffins.
  • A portion of vegetables corresponds to about 50 g (raw); this is a large dose, but if you can only consume half of it, it is still a good way to start the day.

Part 2 of 3: Quickly Prepare Breakfast

Make a Quick Healthy Breakfast Step 5
Make a Quick Healthy Breakfast Step 5

Step 1. Prepare meals on the weekend

Cooking meals in advance is a perfect solution for serving breakfast (and other meals) much faster. Try to prepare some during your free time, such as weekends, to speed up your time in the morning.

  • Dedicate a moment of the week to cooking, perhaps as soon as you get back from shopping at the supermarket or on Sunday afternoon.
  • Draw up a list of the breakfasts you want to eat during the week to understand which ingredients and dishes you need to prepare.
  • If you wish, you can cook the whole meal in advance, so that you only have to heat it up or eat it; alternatively, if you don't have a lot of time, you can limit yourself to organizing the preparation work and cooking the dish the same morning.
  • For example, you can make oatmeal overnight in a slow-cooker and take your portion the next morning, or slice the fruit so it's ready for a smoothie.
Make a Quick Healthy Breakfast Step 6
Make a Quick Healthy Breakfast Step 6

Step 2. Consider cooking breakfast in advance

If you don't have much time, you can prepare it the night before, to eat it on the way or once you arrive at the office.

  • Right after dinner or when you have time in the evening, prepare breakfast for the next day. Many dishes can be cooked completely to be able to "eat on the fly" in the morning.
  • If you plan to store food overnight, wrap it in cling film or store it in airtight containers inside the refrigerator.
  • Here are a few dishes you can make the night before: scrambled egg and cheese sandwich with a scone, cottage cheese or yogurt with fruit or oatmeal.
Make a Quick Healthy Breakfast Step 7
Make a Quick Healthy Breakfast Step 7

Step 3. Use the microwave more often

In addition to cooking breakfast in advance, you can also use this appliance to speed up the time in the morning; there are many dishes that only take a minute or two to cook in the microwave.

  • You can cook scrambled eggs in the microwave without any problems. Grease a cup with a little oil and pour in the beaten eggs; cook everything in the microwave for 60 seconds and the eggs become perfectly cooked without the need to dirty the pans!
  • Cup cakes are becoming popular for breakfast. Mix flour, eggs, butter and spices by adding some personal elements, such as fresh fruit or nuts; cook everything in the microwave for 1-2 minutes and you will get a perfect muffin.
  • Even oatmeal can be heated to perfection in this appliance; the instant version allows you to have a quick and easy to cook breakfast.
Make a Quick Healthy Breakfast Step 8
Make a Quick Healthy Breakfast Step 8

Step 4. Use a slow cooker

Just like the microwave, this appliance allows you to save a lot of time for preparing meals, including breakfast; arrange to have a hot and delicious dish, ready as soon as you wake up.

  • Microwaving isn't the only way to make oats. The one in flakes or in broken grains needs prolonged cooking times; however, putting it in the slow-cooker during the evening, you can have it ready and hot in the morning.
  • The timbale of bread is another dish that lends itself to preparation in the slow-cooker; choose the wholemeal one to ensure a high-fiber breakfast.
  • Alternatively, you can cook an egg timbale. Mix them with cheese, sausage or bacon and vegetables and pour everything into the slow cooker; in the morning, you can enjoy some puffy and delicious eggs.
Make a Quick Healthy Breakfast Step 9
Make a Quick Healthy Breakfast Step 9

Step 5. Take advantage of the convenience of commercial products

If you need breakfast foods that are nutritious but quick to prepare, you can find some solutions at the grocery store; they are a perfect option for that week or weeks when you really don't have time to cook.

  • Consider buying frozen low-calorie sandwiches or burritos. In the frozen food section you can find several products of this type; you can quickly heat one in the microwave for a low calorie, high protein meal.
  • Also consider frozen meatballs or breakfast sausages. You can heat them in the microwave and use them together with a piece of cheese to fill a sandwich or wholemeal focaccia.
  • Buy single-serving packs of yogurt, cottage cheese, or frozen yogurt sticks; you can grab one and eat it quickly or take it to work.

Part 3 of 3: Quick Breakfast Recipes

Make a Quick Healthy Breakfast Step 10
Make a Quick Healthy Breakfast Step 10

Step 1. Prepare the oats

It is a very simple and tasty recipe for breakfast, a new and very popular way to incorporate a portion of fruit and whole grains; moreover, it only takes a few minutes to cook it, eliminating preparation times in the morning.

  • Pour 40 g of rolled oats into a jar or Tupperware container;
  • Add 120 ml of milk (including soy or almond), 120 ml of your favorite yogurt and two teaspoons of chia seeds; mix to even out the mixture.
  • If you want to slightly increase the nutritional value of the dish, add 50 g of fruit; try a combination of raspberries, blueberries and blackberries for a berry oatmeal.
  • Close the container and store it in the refrigerator overnight; let it cool for at least 8 hours if you can. The next morning you just have to take the container, a spoon and enjoy your breakfast.
Make a Quick Healthy Breakfast Step 11
Make a Quick Healthy Breakfast Step 11

Step 2. Freeze homemade burritos

Another quick breakfast fix are cooked and frozen burritos; you can prepare them for yourself and the rest of the family.

  • To start, decide how many you want to cook; you need a 20 cm diameter tortilla and an egg for each burrito;
  • Cook the scrambled eggs in a skillet over medium-high heat; remove them from the stove and transfer them to a bowl;
  • If you wish, you can also prepare some sausages, bacon or ham; if so, cook 30-60g of these ingredients per serving.
  • Stir-fry vegetables such as onions, peppers or spinach; again, calculate 30-60g for each tortilla.
  • Mix the eggs with the vegetables and meat in the bowl; add your favorite cheese (about two tablespoons for each burrito) and mix to even out the ingredients.
  • Stuff each tortilla with the mixture, roll it tightly and wrap it in cling film before placing it in the freezer; in the morning you just have to defrost the burrito in the microwave for a few minutes or heat it completely.
Make a Quick Healthy Breakfast Step 12
Make a Quick Healthy Breakfast Step 12

Step 3. Toast a wholemeal waffle

In this case, "ask for help" from commercial products and buy ready-made waffles; they are a great source of fiber that you can quickly make in your toaster.

  • In the morning you can take a waffle or two (depending on how hungry you are or the diet you are following) and cook them in the toaster according to the instructions on the package.
  • Garnish with 1-2 tablespoons of your favorite nut butter (such as almond or peanut butter).
  • Then slice an apple or a banana (or a fruit of your choice) and cover it with a little nut butter; if you wish, you can sprinkle everything with cinnamon for a spicy touch.
Make a Quick Healthy Breakfast Step 13
Make a Quick Healthy Breakfast Step 13

Step 4. Make a smoothie

This is the fastest breakfast you can eat; however, there are some preparation steps you can plan ahead to be even quicker in the morning.

  • Start by weighing a serving of fruit. To make a smoothie you need about 50 g of frozen fruit, so remember to prepare the dose the previous evening or to organize single-portion bags in the freezer during the weekend; in the latter case, choose safe containers for use in the freezer.
  • There are other ingredients you can prepare in advance. Put 120ml of milk and 60ml of yogurt in the blender glass; if you wish, you can add some honey. Put everything back in the refrigerator after closing the container.
  • In the morning you just need to remove the glass from the refrigerator, add the fruit portion and blend everything to obtain a smooth drink; pour it into a glass or takeaway cup and have your breakfast on your way to work or school.
Make a Quick Healthy Breakfast Final
Make a Quick Healthy Breakfast Final

Step 5. Finished


  • Make sure your breakfast includes at least one source of lean protein.
  • Take advantage of the morning meal to eat a portion of fruit or vegetables.
  • If you don't really have a lot of time, you can occasionally have breakfast with a fruit or protein shake.
