How to Gain Your Girlfriend's Father's Trust

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How to Gain Your Girlfriend's Father's Trust
How to Gain Your Girlfriend's Father's Trust

Dads are always protective, even when their little girls grow up and find a boyfriend. In fact, this could lead them to be even more so. If you want your girlfriend's father to trust you, you will need to earn it and be patient. This article will tell you how to get started.


Get Your Girlfriend's Dad to Trust You Step 1
Get Your Girlfriend's Dad to Trust You Step 1

Step 1. Ask your girlfriend to tell you about her father

Ask her general questions, such as "Where do you work?" or "Does he like any sport in particular?". Listen to it and mentally take notes. Knowing his interests early on will help you know what to talk about with him

Get Your Girlfriend's Dad to Trust You Step 2
Get Your Girlfriend's Dad to Trust You Step 2

Step 2. Try to hang out with him

  • Get to know him.
  • Try talking to him in a friendly way, using the notes you have taken, such as "So, how is the championship going this year?".
  • Tell him you think his daughter is beautiful, but don't overdo it - he may think you only think about sex.
Get Your Girlfriend's Dad to Trust You Step 3
Get Your Girlfriend's Dad to Trust You Step 3

Step 3. Watch it

  • If he starts to fidget, talk about neutral topics.
  • Try to understand what he approves of and what he does not tolerate.
Get Your Girlfriend's Dad to Trust You Step 4
Get Your Girlfriend's Dad to Trust You Step 4

Step 4. Go to dinner at your girlfriend's parents' house

Sit next to your girlfriend, but don't move away from them. Be careful what you say. Don't be rude. If you don't like food, don't make silly excuses to avoid eating. If you are unable to tell a credible lie, dine without making a disgusted expression. It would be disrespectful to the cook and the whole family

Get Your Girlfriend's Dad to Trust You Step 5
Get Your Girlfriend's Dad to Trust You Step 5

Step 5. Invite your girlfriend's parents over to your house for dinner

Act as if you are comfortable with both families (obviously showing a special union with yours). Don't invite family members you know will make your girlfriend's parents uncomfortable. At the table, try to respect the classic good manners. Use expressions like "Can you pass me the potatoes, please?", "Thank you", "You're welcome", "Sorry". You should earn the trust of the whole family

Get Your Girlfriend's Dad to Trust You Step 6
Get Your Girlfriend's Dad to Trust You Step 6

Step 6. Try to avoid gibberish

  • Talking about the weather can ease the tension, but remember that you'll need to focus on getting to know your girlfriend's dad better.
  • Direct the conversation towards his interests and share yours when he asks you questions.


  • Find an interesting topic for both of you in order to break the ice.
  • Find out at least a little about his father's preferences, but still show interest and curiosity when he tells you about them, even if he already knows about them.
  • Use good manners.
  • Respect the ideas and opinions of his parents. Try not to dwell too long on sensitive topics like religion or politics, unless you are sure you share the same ideology.
  • Call him her until you are asked to do otherwise.
  • Smile, but spontaneously. A silly grimace printed on your face won't do you any good, and a stressed look will only communicate all the tension you feel.
  • Don't pretend to be someone else, or at least don't make it obvious.
  • To make a good impression, you may want to shake his hand firmly when you meet him for the first time. It will make you look mature and friendly. He will know that you intend to take care of his daughter. Don't squeeze his hand, but also avoid the softened grips. Also, look him in the eye!
  • At first, use a sense of humor that is suitable for everyone, then change it if that seems appropriate. Try to steer clear of black humor at first.
  • If his father has a specific interest, such as playing the trumpet, he tries to inform you about it; should it hit you, you can start cultivating it yourself.


  • Limit showing affection to your girlfriend in the presence of her parents. Friendly hugs are generally harmless. Wait until they feel comfortable with you before kissing her in front of them.
  • If you smoke, limit your tobacco use in front of your girlfriend's parents. Similarly, don't drink too much alcohol. On the other hand, you can accept a glass of wine with dinner if you like, provided you are of the right age.
