As a relationship progresses, we often find that our girlfriends just can't bear to see us hang out with female friends or hang on like hawks when we go out without them.

Step 1. You must always be honest
Even in situations where a little lie might be very convenient for you, don't tell it. Your woman it will come knowing the truth, and he will hardly forgive you.

Step 2. Always be one hundred percent honest
By always saying things the way they are, you will earn your girlfriend's trust.

Step 3. If you've done something, make sure your girlfriend is the first to know, before anyone else
When a woman hears gossip about her partner, before being informed by him, she always tends to come to the worst conclusions. Friends always distort the truth when reporting the facts to your girlfriend, and remember that, in one way or another, the truth always comes out. It would be best for you to go to her and ask for her forgiveness, so she can hear your version before anyone else.

Step 4. Trust her
If you don't trust your girlfriend, how do you expect her to trust you? To find out if you trust her, think about things you would like to do, and think about how you feel if your girlfriend does the same thing to her. For example, if you wanted to hang out with some friends to go to the mall, see if you can picture your girlfriend doing the same with some male friends. If not, you should try to understand that some things go beyond trust, including looking for situations that can serve as temptation.

Step 5. Keep your promises
To do this, make sure his promises are realistic, and that you are willing to keep them, before making them. If you can't, don't promise, or it will backfire devastatingly. Big or small, you need to understand that promises don't have an expiration date and could affect both yours and their future.
- Respect their feelings. You may believe that she doesn't trust you at all, but she may have her reasons for doing so. For example, she doesn't feel at ease because of that office colleague who often calls you; the best thing to do is introduce her to this colleague so she will feel calmer and stop doubting you.
- If you've made a mistake in the past, make sure you never do it again. If you noticed that she started sobbing when you did a special favor to a friend because she thought you were cheating on her, stop doing favors for that friend right away! But if you keep trying to defend yourself, she'll think you're doing it for that girl and feel even more betrayed. Girls are very sensitive and can't stand being disrespected or neglected.
- Don't make promises to a girl if you're not sure you can keep them.
- Avoid judging her. Always try to see things from her point of view and ask yourself what makes her doubt you in that particular situation.
- Don't ask her to trust you. Instead, try to earn their trust.
- Just because she doesn't trust you in a particular circumstance doesn't mean she doesn't love you. Even if it's not easy, try to always be patient in this regard.
- Remember: Girls love romance. There is nothing a girl loves more than a candlelit dinner. Be a boyfriend out of the ordinary and take your girlfriend and her wishes into consideration. In return, she should do the same.