How to Become a Successful Student: 9 Steps

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How to Become a Successful Student: 9 Steps
How to Become a Successful Student: 9 Steps

To learn correctly you have to put a lot of effort into studying. However, not all people who apply are bound to learn as efficiently as possible. For this reason, some students who study a lot fail to progress. So what does a student have to do to learn best? Read on to find out how.


Be a Successful Learner Step 1
Be a Successful Learner Step 1

Step 1. Check and study first the new topics that will be covered in the next lesson

Be a Successful Learner Step 2
Be a Successful Learner Step 2

Step 2. Pay attention to what is said in class and take both mental and written notes

When taking notes, don't just use your hands, but also your brain - keep gathering ideas.

Be a Successful Learner Step 3
Be a Successful Learner Step 3

Step 3. Ask questions

It is the most basic method of learning. Don't feel embarrassed and don't be afraid to ask questions. There are no stupid questions. As the saying goes "Those who ask may look stupid for five minutes, but those who don't ask will be stupid forever."

Be a Successful Learner Step 4
Be a Successful Learner Step 4

Step 4. Review what you learned after the lesson

If necessary, work until you have learned by heart.

Be a Successful Learner Step 5
Be a Successful Learner Step 5

Step 5. Underline the part of your notes or text that you don't understand well so that you can discuss it in class with teachers and peers

Be a Successful Learner Step 6
Be a Successful Learner Step 6

Step 6. Use the online resources to search for the information you need to fill gaps and to consolidate learning by making real connections with the topics of study

Be a Successful Learner Step 7
Be a Successful Learner Step 7

Step 7. Do your homework when it is assigned and turn it in on time

Be a Successful Learner Step 8
Be a Successful Learner Step 8

Step 8. Follow a healthy lifestyle and eat right

Follow a good sleep routine often eats fruits and vegetables. This way, you will feel fitter and have more energy to study.

Be a Successful Learner Step 9
Be a Successful Learner Step 9

Step 9. Apply what you have learned

Not only is it the most important part of learning, but it completes the process.
