Stress. We are all affected. Whether it is for work issues, family, economic problems, couple problems, dramas between friends… here it presents itself. Although in small doses it can sometimes be stimulating, allowing you to grow both physically and mentally, chronic and excessive stress is undoubtedly harmful. Prolonged stress can in fact cause the onset of tension-type headaches and other health problems that could limit your performance in every area: work, school or personal. Rather than letting stress prevail and take over your life, try some methods to help you manage it and prevent it from happening before it negatively affects the integrity of your health.
Part 1 of 5: Reframing Stressful Thoughts

Step 1. Be aware that stress originates from our perceptions
The human body reacts very efficiently to dangerous events by triggering the "attack or run" response, allowing you for example to make a sudden leap to dodge an oncoming car, saving your life. This reaction causes the heart to pump faster, the heart rate to accelerate and all the muscles to become tense. Unconsciously, however, you could trigger the same reaction even in situations that do not put you in real danger of life such as a traffic jam, an imminent deadline or a problem in the family. It is therefore important to learn how to counteract the body's response to stress and ensure that it is able to relax.

Step 2. Identify the thoughts that are causing the stress
You may have unproductive and negative thoughts that force you to worry and release stress hormones as a result. Such a reaction would be appropriate in situations that are truly life threatening, such as finding yourself alone in the woods facing a bear, but it could be totally inadequate if traffic forces you to be late for work. Identify the most common stressful thoughts by noting if they fall into the following categories:
- "I must" or "I should" statements: You have a long list of things you "should", "should" or "shouldn't" do, and you feel stressed or anxious when you break the rules.
- Catastrophism: You tend to expect the worst possible scenario or overstate things. Even the smallest problems are "horrible" or "disastrous".
- All or nothing thoughts: you see things only in black or white, good or bad. Instead of recognizing the complexity (or "gray areas") of being human, things are classified exclusively as right or wrong, with no middle ground.
- "What if" thoughts: you have an internal dialogue about the events you fear, for example "What if my child gets hurt?", "What if I make a mistake?", "What if I arrive late?" and so on.

Step 3. Reframe your thoughts
Sometimes the stress that comes with a situation is just a matter of perspective. Pessimism, for example, is an excellent demonstration of avoidable stress. Instead of focusing on the downsides and the issues that cause anxiety, focus on the positives.
- Negative thoughts lead to a negative mood, while positive thoughts lead to a positive mood. When you feel low, pay attention to your thoughts. What were you saying to yourself? Try to reverse course by turning negative thoughts into positive ones.
- For example, internally you might say "I'll never be able to finish in time". Modify that thinking by rephrasing it like this: "If I work at a steady pace, taking regular breaks, I will be able to get the job done in _ hours."
- Changing your point of view about a situation allows you to alter your stress levels at the same time. Do your best to view things positively and avoid cynicism at all costs.

Step 4. Reevaluate negative thoughts
Another way to combat stressful thoughts is to ask yourself if they really correspond to the truth. Questioning and refuting them will help you analyze them more objectively instead of accepting them as absolute truth.

Step 5. Try to compile two categories of information relating to the problems that are affecting you
Create one column for evidence to support stressful thinking and another for evidence that disproves it. If you don't have the time or the ability to do the exercise in writing, try doing it mentally.
Write the supporting proofs in the relevant column. So, for example, if you tend to be catastrophic because you are late (thinking "I will be fired"), your "in favor" column could be as follows: "I have already been late twice in the past week and on this occasion it will not come. tolerated ", while your" against "column might state that:" The boss was sympathetic when I explained to him that I have to take my child to kindergarten before I come to work "," We have a time and attendance policy that it allows me to be late a number of times and I'm a long way from catching up with it "and so on

Step 6. Keep a journal
While it may seem like a strange or boring idea, putting your thoughts in writing regularly can help eliminate stress. When you feel blocked by an emotionally or mentally stressful element, write it down in your journal. Writing your feelings on paper will give you a sense of relief that is difficult to achieve in other ways.
- Write sincerely and without fear. The diary is personal, no one will have the opportunity to read it or find out what worries you. It is a safe, judgment-free place in which to give vent to thoughts, feelings, worries and emotions. Once transferred to paper, your thoughts will no longer take up space in the brain.
- Keeping a journal can help you clarify and highlight the sources of your stress.
- Write down your problems to better organize your thoughts; when they are confused and messy, you cannot think clearly and tend to feel stressed. If you have a problem and can't decide between two possible solutions, divide a sheet into two parts to list the pros and cons of both choices.
Part 2 of 5: Avoid unnecessarily stressing yourself

Step 1. Accept that stress is inevitable
You can take steps to help reduce it and learn how to manage it more effectively, but you can't completely get rid of it. Stress is in fact a healthy response to threats and stimuli perceived as excessive and can be treated in an equally healthy way.
- Stressors that may prove unavoidable include for example school tests (homework or exams), hectic days at work, new births, marriage or moving. Some of these factors are actually good things, but they can still be stressful.
- Learning about some stress management techniques will help you "defuse" your alarm system so that you can avoid living in a constant state of tension.

Step 2. Avoid stress when you have the chance
That might seem like obvious advice, doesn't it? But sometimes staying away from worries is more difficult than it sounds in words. If you are aware that a certain person or activity is the source of your stress, remove them from your life or do what you can to export us as little as possible. There are at least seven responsible for unnecessary stress, so be careful not to become a victim of it.
- Stress related to money spent (for example following an expensive purchase, a loan to friends or family, etc.)
- Clutter in the home or workplace
- Pessimism
- To be late
- Spending too much time comparing your life to that of others through social media
- Wait until the last moment to complete a task
- Ruminating on past events

Step 3. Get organized
Stress often comes from a feeling of oppression. Use an agenda to keep track of things to do. Tidy up your desk and visit Pinterest to find effective ways to organize documents and household responsibilities. Planning and organization will allow you to break down the most onerous tasks into easily manageable tasks and to focus on the things that you consider really important.

Step 4. Learn to say "no"
You can't fulfill every request, so why keep pretending otherwise? The more promises you can't keep, the less people will trust you. Instead, learn to be assertive and to say "no" in a polite but firm way. Keep your agenda handy to clearly recognize when you don't have the time or resources to take on additional work.
- Assertive people maintain eye contact, speak clearly, and use a friendly tone even when they stand up for themselves. If you know you're already very busy, say so. If you do this in a respectful way, it is correct to say "no".
- Some people are very afraid of having to give up on new and exciting opportunities. In order not to take this risk, however, they end up obtaining poor results because they are forced to divide their energies between too many tasks or activities. Think carefully about the pros and cons of new engagements and evaluate the effort required based on your current workload.

Step 5. Learn to delegate
Just like trying to do everything, never delegating implies that you want to have control over everything and think that others are not as capable as you are of doing something well. Learn to "let go" by giving more credit to other people's skills. Giving up an assignment may seem stressful in theory, but in practice it will allow you to have more free time for yourself. Look for reliable people to whom you can entrust those tasks that would cause you an excessive amount of stress or anxiety.
Part 3 of 5: Relieve Stress by Changing Your Environment

Step 1. Clean your home
Even the most determined soul will begin to waver in a constantly disordered environment. If your house, car or workplace is extremely cluttered or dirty, it is definitely having some influence on your mental well-being. Take a few minutes to clean up the most untidy areas, your mind will breathe a sigh of relief. Here are some suggestions:
- Get rid of valueless and rarely used items instead of setting them aside.
- Organize a work team (for example by asking your partner, family or friends for help) to help you clean up. Teamwork makes the process quicker and more fun.
- Sort mail and documents; archive or discard them according to your need. Establish a work routine that helps you stay organized, preventing the piling up of unnecessary paperwork.
- Designate places to store the items you use most often so that they are always close at hand when you need them.
- Tidy up your work environment at the end of each day to keep clutter from taking over.

Step 2. Take the time to prepare
It's not easy to feel ready for the day if you don't take the time to prepare. Take a long shower every morning, put on your favorite clothes and start the day in the right mood, ready to take on anything.

Step 3. Listen to some music
Music has been shown to greatly influence mood and mental state; therefore find some tranquility by listening to your favorite relaxing songs. Even if you are a lover of heavy metal or rap, try listening to something slower and more peaceful for better results. Working, studying or dealing with your daily tasks with adequate background music will help you subconsciously alter your stress levels.
Researchers have found that music and drugs act in similar ways on changing brain function. So, listening to music regularly can help you "cure" anxiety and stress

Step 4. Try aromatherapy
In fact, what you perceive through smell has the ability to alter your stress levels. Some scientific studies have linked the fragrance of oranges and lavender to a decrease in anxiety and stress levels. Use a lavender-scented air freshener at home, in the office or in the car, or sprinkle a small amount of lavender essential oil in your hair or skin before throwing yourself into daily tasks. You can also tap your temples if needed to relieve a stress-induced headache.

Step 5. Change the environment around you
If making small changes isn't enough to cheer you up, try temporarily moving elsewhere. If working or studying at home, in the library or in the office seems too difficult, move to a park or a cozy coffee shop. Being surrounded by a new environment will help distract you from the common causes of your stress, giving you a chance to catch your breath and stave off anxiety.

Step 6. Talk to new people
There is a possibility that the people you communicate with normally are the cause of your stress. Don't push them out of your life completely, but try to make new contacts. Sometimes they will help you gain new perspectives on things you have never considered before, or they will give you the opportunity to get involved in new stress-relieving activities.
Part 4 of 5: Recommended Relaxing Activities

Step 1. Take a nice warm bath
Some people love to shower, while others seem born to relax in the tub. Whatever category you belong to, it's hard to deny the pleasure that comes from being immersed in the foam while sipping a drink and reading a good book. If you feel stressed, linger in the bathtub for a while. The heat will promote relaxation of the muscles helping you to release tension.

Step 2. Feed your passions
When we are stressed and anxious we tend to put aside our hobbies to focus exclusively on what we consider "priorities". However, by depriving ourselves of our free time, we only make ourselves more stressed. Dust off your favorite passion, for example by taking up sports, painting or going away from the city to go trekking; you will feel refreshed and more capable of dealing with the causes of your stress.

Step 3. Experiment with a new activity
If you don't have any old hobbies to unearth or want to try something different, try pursuing your current interests. It is never too late to learn. You can decide to attend courses, seminars or even enroll in university. Alternatively, you can embark on a path as a self-taught and try your hand at studying a new language or manual skill, committing to do a lot of practice to improve. Studying a new subject forces you to distract yourself from the causes of your stress by helping you relax.

Step 4. Go outside
Sunlight is a natural remedy for depression, a pathology related to stress and anxiety. Even on sunny days, mother nature will be able to help you significantly reduce your stress levels. Go fishing, take a walk in a park or a trip to the mountains or whatever else piques your interest. Exercising while witnessing the wonder of the natural world makes it difficult to feel stressed.

Step 5. Laugh
Laughter is said to be the best medicine in the world. When we are stressed and anxious we tend to think that we have no reason to do it, but laughing regularly allows us to really improve our lives. Watch your favorite TV series, search for some hilarious YouTube videos or meet a hilarious friend. In the brain, smiles and laughter cause the release of hormones that can relieve stress, allowing you to instantly feel better.

Step 6. Have a cup of hot tea
Research has shown that those who drink tea habitually tend to be less stressed than those who do not, indicating that it is a gesture with remarkable relaxing properties. For an ideal result, you can choose good black tea, but any variety is equally recommended. Holding the hot cup in your hands will help you relax, while the aroma of the tea will provide you with something sweet to focus on.

Step 7. Relax with a massage
Massages are not only beneficial for the body; in fact, they also trigger the release of wellness hormones in the brain. The next time you're feeling stressed, make an appointment with a massage therapist. Promoting the release of built-up tensions in your muscles will have the same effect on your mind as well. Better still if the person you love is giving you the massage; the combination of positive factors will in fact favor the release of a greater number of hormones, demolishing practically any accumulation of stress.

Step 8. Do yoga regularly
If your goal is to relieve stress, you can practice any form of yoga. For example, try hatha yoga, which combines meditation, stretching and breathing techniques. It relieves the stress of your mind, lightens your thoughts, tones the muscles of the body and allows you to reach a state of awareness never experienced before.
Regular practice makes the benefits of yoga last longer. The early hours of the morning are the ideal time to practice yoga, but you can do it whenever you feel the need. If you have a fast-paced life, try combining yoga with your daily physical activity routine; for example, during the warm-up and cool-down phases

Step 9. Experience guided meditation
Meditation has repeatedly been shown to relieve stress considerably. Different forms of meditation can help you release tension and calm your mind by allowing you to focus better and think more clearly. You can choose for example between Zen, Tibetan or transcendental meditation, regardless of your religious faith.
If you are a beginner it is advisable to choose a guided meditation program run by an expert. There are a number of great books and videos available in stores and online that can help you meditate regularly
Part 5 of 5: Adopt an Anti-Stress Lifestyle

Step 1. Eat healthily
Few people know that a healthy diet, in addition to bringing multiple benefits, is also an effective remedy for stress. Don't let sugar-rich sweets and junk food hinder your well-being and raise your anxiety hormone levels. Therefore, incorporate an abundant amount of whole grains, fruits and vegetables into your diet; your body will reward you by creating more stress-fighting hormones.

Step 2. Exercise every day
The infamous "runners high", a feeling of euphoria that runners (and many other athletes) experience during or after vigorous exercise, is not an isolated phenomenon; getting physically tired allows you to release endorphins that make you happy. This means that if you are stressed, you can cheer yourself up and actually release anxiety by simply speeding up your heart rate a little. Ride your bike, swim, lift some weights or play your favorite sport to improve your mental and physical health.

Step 3. Get quality sleep
When people are stressed and plagued with a huge number of things to do, they often tend to immediately sacrifice their sleep. Unfortunately, however, it is one of the main ways to jeopardize their health. By sleeping an adequate number of hours you allow your body to find new energy and vigor, guaranteeing you the ability to restart every day.
When you don't get enough sleep, your body can't get rid of the buildup of hormones and toxins that cause your stress, forcing you into a vicious cycle of anxiety. So aim for 7-9 sleep every night

Step 4. Give more space to pampering
If you are involved in a happy relationship, approach your partner in search of some physical contact. Studies have shown that cuddling, kissing, and healthy intercourse stimulate the release of oxytocin, a hormone that produces happiness and reduces stress. Exactly! Some of your favorite activities are able to promote your mental well-being. Dedicating them regularly can help keep your hormone levels high and consequently relieve stress.

Step 5. Find your spirituality
One of the main reasons people engage in religious practices is that they help relieve anxiety and stress. If you are already part of a religious community, try to attend it more regularly during times when you feel highly stressed to benefit from the many benefits that come with it. You will most likely be able to get the relief you are looking for while developing your spiritual side.
If you suffer from chronic stress, consider joining a religious group to find out what kind of wellness and inner guidance it has to offer

Step 6. Live a healthy and fulfilling relationship
It's easy to feel stressed when the people around us prove to be toxic and codependent. Instead of having negative relationships with people who annoy you or make you anxious, start cultivating relationships that give you support and make you happier. While it's hard right now, establishing and maintaining healthier, happier friendships will make you feel better in the long run.
- Note that not all stress-relieving activities guarantee the same results for everyone. Experiment with different techniques to find out which ones work best for you.
- Focus on the positives in your life and on something special that happened today. Make it a daily practice.
- When you feel stressed, you can find comfort in reading a good book.
- If you have suicidal thoughts or think you can harm yourself, seek help immediately! Call emergency services, a psychiatric support hotline, or the suicide prevention toll-free number. If you don't know who to contact, call the local police department; they will be able to help you receive the necessary assistance.
- Just like if you have constant or severe physical pain, contact a therapist if you are suffering from ongoing mental illness. His professionalism will allow him to help you identify possible solutions that you would not be able to see on your own.
- Your primary care physician may prescribe certain medications to help control anxiety and depression.