How to Relieve Back Pain (with Pictures)

How to Relieve Back Pain (with Pictures)
How to Relieve Back Pain (with Pictures)

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Sooner or later in life it happens to everyone to suffer from back pain, in a chronic or sporadic way. A doctor may be required to treat it. However, before consulting a specialist, try taking over-the-counter medications, stretching, practicing the right exercises, and making changes to your daily routine.


Part 1 of 4: Relieving Acute Back Pain

Relieve Back Pain Step 1
Relieve Back Pain Step 1

Step 1. Take an anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID)

Follow the instructions in the package insert. NSAIDs, or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, help reduce inflammation and relieve pain.

  • These are over-the-counter products, such as Brufen, Nurofen, and Aspirin, which do not require a prescription and provide quick relief. The most common side effects include the accumulation of intestinal gas, heartburn, nausea, lightheadedness or diarrhea. If symptoms persist, stop taking it and consult a doctor.
  • Many doctors advise against taking aspirin for people under 18 because it is linked to Reye's syndrome, a rare but serious disease that affects the liver and brain.
Relieve Back Pain Step 2
Relieve Back Pain Step 2

Step 2. Apply hot and cold packs

Start with a warm one for 15 minutes, followed by another cold one. Alternate them every two hours for 5 days. They help reduce inflammation in acute, subacute or chronic pain.

To make the cold pack, wrap a cooler gel bag or ice pack in a t-shirt or towel before placing it on the affected area. Otherwise, the cold could traumatize the skin

Relieve Back Pain Step 3
Relieve Back Pain Step 3

Step 3. Take regular baths with Epsom salts

This is a particularly useful treatment if you suffer from back pain caused by manual labor or activities that require you to stand for a long time. Epsom salts contain minerals that relax inflamed muscles. Doctors refer to this as "hydrotherapy". To avoid burns, don't use water that is too hot. Baths stimulate the nervous system and promote blood circulation in tense or injured areas of the body.

Treat yourself to a massage while taking a warm bath. Since water loosens your muscles, it's a great way to relax any tense parts. Grab a baseball or tennis ball and place it behind your lower back. Move your hips from side to side. Then do the same with your upper back

Part 2 of 4: Contact a Professional

Relieve Back Pain Step 4
Relieve Back Pain Step 4

Step 1. Know when to seek help

See your doctor right away if you feel numbness or tingling in the groin area or legs, lose bladder or bowel control, or notice impaired walking.

See your doctor even if you can't pinpoint the cause or if the pain is getting worse. Also, a closer check is needed if you have a fever or develop new symptoms

Relieve Back Pain Step 5
Relieve Back Pain Step 5

Step 2. Get examined

Make an appointment with an orthopedist. Try to describe the exact nature of your back pain, how often it occurs, which movements are impaired, and any other information that is useful for the doctor's evaluation. The latter will prescribe an NSAID to manage the disorder, but also some stronger medication if the pain becomes unbearable.

Relieve Back Pain Step 6
Relieve Back Pain Step 6

Step 3. Consider steroid injections

Based on the severity of your back pain, your doctor may recommend a steroid injection. Some people get relief for months or years once they undergo a cortisone infiltration in particularly inflamed areas of the spine.

Relieve Back Pain Step 7
Relieve Back Pain Step 7

Step 4. Consult a chiropractor

He specializes in the non-surgical treatment of musculoskeletal conditions, especially those affecting the spine and surrounding areas. Chiropractic is a manual technique that aims to relieve pain in the lower back and problems caused by a herniated disc.

Relieve Back Pain Step 8
Relieve Back Pain Step 8

Step 5. See a physical therapist

As your doctor prescribes medications, this professional will advise you on some basic exercises. It will teach you to stretch and strengthen your back muscles, but it will also help you prevent unnecessary strain.

Physiotherapists who practice the Egoscue method are specialized in postural therapy. They focus on back pain by identifying any patient posture problems. They examine the way he walks, sits and sleeps. Next, they plan a series of exercises that aim to reduce the pressure and strain on the back

Relieve Back Pain Step 9
Relieve Back Pain Step 9

Step 6. Get a massage

The most effective massages to relieve pain in the lower back are those aimed at the muscles of the quadrate of the loins and the gluteus medius.

  • The square loin massage focuses on the region between the ribs and the pelvis, from which pain in the lower back normally radiates. This area builds up tension when your lower back moves while your upper body stays still or when you sit with your back bent. The physical therapist can stretch and massage this point by focusing on the square of the loins.
  • The massage of the middle buttock is miraculous in combination with the previous one. When the region between the ribs and the pelvis builds up tension, it spreads the pain to the top of the buttocks as well.
Relieve Back Pain Step 10
Relieve Back Pain Step 10

Step 7. Consult an acupuncturist

He will insert fine needles into specific points on the body. Most acupuncturists claim that this technique is able to stimulate the production of endorphins, serotonin and acetylcholine, which are painkillers produced naturally by the body. Although the medical community is unsure about the scientific effects of acupuncture, some clinical trials are promising. Obviously, there are many patient accounts that support the efficacy of this therapeutic practice.

Relieve Back Pain Step 11
Relieve Back Pain Step 11

Step 8. Get treatment to stimulate the affected nerves

Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) is an alternative medical technique that can help inhibit nerve-borne pain in severe cases. It is not a cure, but simply a pain management technique. Basically, it blocks the pain signals that reach the brain, so the patient no longer feels back pain or perceives it less frequently. Only consider this technique after consulting your doctor and in case all other methods are not effective.

Part 3 of 4: Adopt a Lifestyle to Relieve Pain

Relieve Back Pain Step 12
Relieve Back Pain Step 12

Step 1. Change your position when you sleep

Lie on your side with your back straight. Curl your knees in a fetal position. Place a pillow along your knees and ankles to support your hips. Hug a chest pillow to relax your neck and arms.

Relieve Back Pain Step 13
Relieve Back Pain Step 13

Step 2. Get more comfortable footwear or insoles

If you stay on your feet often, you need to give top priority to comfort. Make sure your shoes have good arch support. This system will help you maintain balance without straining the base of the foot. See a podiatrist if you suffer from pronation or supination.

Relieve Back Pain Step 14
Relieve Back Pain Step 14

Step 3. Decrease the weight of the bag

Be practical. Don't carry around things you probably won't need. Prepare everything you need so that it is not too heavy and throughout the day alternate the bag between one shoulder and another. Put it on the left one, then the right one, carry it on your arm or hold it in your hand and rest it on your lap or on the floor every time you sit down. By doing this, you will shift your weight evenly over your entire body.

Part 4 of 4: Strengthen the Back

Relieve Back Pain Step 15
Relieve Back Pain Step 15

Step 1. Stretch your muscles several times a day

The following stretching exercises can greatly reduce pain if performed at least once a day:

  • Bring your knee to your chest. Lie on your back with your knees and head on the ground. Lift your right knee and grab the thigh with both hands. Pull it lightly towards your chest for 30 seconds. Relax the limb and repeat twice with both legs.
  • Stretch the piriformis muscle. If your sciatic nerve hurts, the piriformis muscle has most likely built up tension. Lie on your back with your knees raised. Bring the outer part of the right calf over the top of the left thigh. Raise your left thigh and grab it with your hands. Pull it towards you until you feel your right glute stretch. Hold the position for 30 seconds and release. Repeat twice on each side.
  • Focus on the neck. Often the stiffness of the back is accompanied by that of the neck muscles. Tilt your head forward so that your chin touches your chest. You should feel the muscles in the back of your neck tense. Stay in place for 30 seconds. Lift your head and tilt it to the right, bringing your ear closer to your shoulder. You should feel the lateral muscles of the neck stretch. Stay in position for 30 seconds and tilt your head to the left, repeating the exercise for another 30 seconds.
Relieve Back Pain Step 16
Relieve Back Pain Step 16

Step 2. Strengthen your core muscles by doing wall squats

Put your back against the wall. Then, gradually lower yourself so that you are in a sitting position. Your back, abdomen, and quadriceps should begin to tense. Hold for 5-10 seconds, depending on how long it takes to feel a burning sensation in your muscles. Then slowly straighten your legs and return to an upright position. Do 10 repetitions every time you train.

Relieve Back Pain Step 17
Relieve Back Pain Step 17

Step 3. Lift your pelvic muscles to strengthen your core

Lie on your back and bend your knees by placing your feet comfortably on the floor. Then, slowly lift your hips off the floor until your thighs line up with your torso. Do not overdo it. You don't have to arch your back. Stay in place for 5 seconds, then lower your pelvis to the floor. Do 10 repetitions every time you train.

Relieve Back Pain Step 18
Relieve Back Pain Step 18

Step 4. Extend your legs

Find an open space for this exercise. Get on all fours, with your hands and knees on the ground. Keep your head straight so you are looking at the floor. Keeping your body still, slowly stretch one leg back. Extend it fully so that it reaches back height and stays in place for 5 seconds. Then lower it. Do 10 repetitions with each leg.

Relieve Back Pain Step 19
Relieve Back Pain Step 19

Step 5. Use the Swiss ball

For this exercise you will need a large Swiss ball. Lean back so your stomach fits snugly. Then, stretch your upper body and legs. Go slowly forward so that the ball is under your thighs. Keep your body as straight as possible. Then go back so that the ball is under the stomach again. Repeat the exercise 10 times each time you work out.

Relieve Back Pain Step 20
Relieve Back Pain Step 20

Step 6. Increase cardiovascular activity when exercising

Half an hour a day of low-impact aerobic exercise, such as swimming, brisk walking, or recumbent biking, reduces back pain caused by prolonged atrophy.

The increase in blood pressure will help you awaken the sleeping muscles. After 30-40 minutes of cardiovascular exercise, the body will begin to produce endorphins which, in turn, will help relieve back pain

Relieve Back Pain Step 21
Relieve Back Pain Step 21

Step 7. Practice yoga

Yoga allows you to improve physical performance during the exercises described above, as well as reduce the stress that promotes back pain. Focus on breathing during each position.

  • The cobra, baby and mountain postures are excellent for strengthening the core and stretching the back muscles.
  • There are dozens of other poses that are aimed at strengthening the core and back muscles. Try the ones that seem best suited to your physical condition. Do not overdo it. If you're not careful, overstretching can cause further back problems.
