If you feel full and bloated after eating a large meal, you will need to give yourself some time to rest and digest. Eating more than necessary makes you feel tired and causes a general feeling of discomfort, sometimes accompanied by nausea. Give yourself time to recover before embarking on any strenuous activity. A short walk and herbal tea can help you digest. If you tend to binge regularly, you should take steps to avoid this bad habit.
Method 1 of 3: Facilitate Digestion

Step 1. Eat slower
Eating slowly and in a relaxed atmosphere will help you digest without stress, as digestive enzymes will have more time to break down the food you eat. Chewing each bite thoroughly will automatically make it more digestible and increase the time it spends in contact with saliva, which contains important substances to facilitate digestion.
- Eat at a slower pace; see the meal as an opportunity to get together and talk to friends and family.
- If you chat, you eat more slowly, making digestion easier and smoother.

Step 2. Take a walk
After a big meal, you'll probably just want to lie down and maybe take a nap, but so many studies suggest that walking for 15-20 minutes actively promotes digestion. After a meal that is too rich, a glycemic spike usually occurs followed by a sharp drop, however by walking you can restore the correct level of blood sugar.
A walk after eating helps clear glucose from your blood making you feel better

Step 3. Sip herbal tea
There are many herbs that promote good digestion; among them, ginger is one of the best. You can use a ginger tea in a sachet or infuse a couple of slices of fresh ginger directly into boiling water. Herbs that promote good digestion also include chamomile, peppermint, and cinnamon.
- Try adding a little lemon juice and a sprinkle of cayenne pepper to the ginger tea to speed up your metabolism and counteract the bloated sensation.
- Cayenne pepper has the ability to speed up your metabolism, while lemon juice helps you feel less bloated.

Step 4. Drink some water
Water helps you feel refreshed and also aids digestion as it facilitates the passage of food through the digestive system. Drink a glass of water 20 minutes after a meal. Consider drinking it hot rather than cold.
Method 2 of 3: Rest and Recover

Step 1. Try to relax
After eating too much you should try not to tire yourself out. It often happens to have a very rich meal, especially during the holidays and on special occasions. Try to relax and give your body time to digest all that food. After taking a short walk and drinking a ginger tea, indulge in laziness and relax on the sofa.
If you feel the need to be distracted, watch television or read a book

Step 2. Do some stretching exercises
A good way to regain strength and help your digestive system after overeating is to practice a few simple yoga poses. With a little gentle exercise, you will be able to relax and digest more easily. Sit on the floor with your legs crossed, then perform a simple twist by twisting your torso to the left. Direct your gaze back as you take 5 deep breaths, then bring your torso forward. Repeat on the other side.
Repeat the exercise several times on both sides, but without deepening the twist too much. Make slow, controlled movements and stay focused on your breath

Step 3. Reduce your carbohydrate intake at your next meal
If you've had a large, high-carbohydrate meal, you can avoid them all accumulating in the form of fat by eliminating them from the next meal. For example, if you've eaten too much for dinner, avoid carbohydrates for breakfast.
For example, you can have a yogurt accompanied by fruit for breakfast, avoiding bread and cereals
Method 3 of 3: Recognizing Compulsive Hunger Disorder

Step 1. Assess if you happen to binge regularly
Overeating is sometimes normal and happens to everyone from time to time, but if you tend to overdo it every day you will end up damaging your health. If you can't avoid compulsive eating, you may be suffering from an eating disorder. Fortunately, compulsive hunger disorder can be diagnosed and treated. The characteristics and symptoms of compulsive hunger disorder include:
- Feeling unable to stop eating or unable to control themselves
- Frequent uncontrolled eating;
- Feeling very stressed or upset during or after a meal
- Note that compulsive hunger sufferers generally do not try to throw up after overeating, which bulimia sufferers do.

Step 2. Consider what causes the problem
It is still unclear what exactly triggers compulsive hunger, but an extensive list of potential factors has been compiled. It appears that those with compulsive hunger are also depressed or have been in the past. People who have difficulty managing their emotions sometimes tend to seek relief in food and eat in hopes of feeling better. Others, on the other hand, skip meals or impose very restrictive diets.
According to experts, there may also be a biological factor. The disorder can occur in many members of the same family and the causes could be genetic

Step 3. Seek help if you think you have Compulsive Hunger Disorder
A lot of people overeat and just because you sometimes eat a lot doesn't mean you're sick. However, if you tend to binge regularly or very often, you should talk to your doctor, especially if overeating makes you depressed or is impacting your physical or mental health.
- Your doctor will ask you questions about your eating habits and general well-being.
- After making a diagnosis, your doctor may refer you to a psychologist or psychiatrist.
- You may also need the help of a nutritionist to plan meals correctly.
- The causes of compulsive hunger disorder can be treated with antidepressant drugs that fall into the group of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (known by the abbreviation SSRI) or with anticonvulsants.
- In some cases, bariatric surgery (or obesity surgery), such as gastric bypass surgery, may be helpful.