Whether you're an experienced camper or just want to have a sleepover with your friends, learning how to fold and roll a sleeping bag the right way will help. Knowing how to juggle this skill will help you keep your sleeping bag clean and also prevent it from taking up too much space when you're not using it. To learn how to fold a sleeping bag correctly, start with the first step.

Step 1. Shake the sleeping bag
Lift the sleeping bag and shake it well; this will remove any crumbs and objects hidden in the fabric, such as a flashlight or some lost sock. Place the sleeping bag on a clean, dry part of the ground.

Step 2. Fold it in half, vertically
Close the zipper of the sleeping bag completely, then fold it in half lengthwise. Make sure the edges and corners are perfectly aligned, or you won't be able to roll it up neatly.

Step 3. Roll the sleeping bag tightly enough
Start from the open side (that of the head) and begin to roll it up by lying straight and pressing to eliminate the air.
- One trick is to put a camping tent pole or stick inside the end of the sleeping bag and roll the bag around the stick, rather than just around itself.
- As you roll up, use one knee to put pressure on the sleeping bag (between rolling movements). This will help keep it tidy and tight.
- Keep rolling until you've reached the opposite end.

Step 4. Secure the sleeping bag with the straps
Once rolled up it is necessary to fix it; it should be simple enough to do, as most sleeping bags come with elastic cords or straps attached to the bottom edge.
- Maintain pressure on the center of the sleeping bag by using one knee while pulling the elastic straps around the sleeping bag or while tying the cords. If you use cables, you can tie them with the same knot used to tie shoelaces.
- If the sleeping bag does not have straps or cables, simply tie a string around the sleeping bag.
- Once the sleeping bag is secured, you can gently pull out the tent pole or pole you placed in the center (if you have used it) and place the perfectly rolled sleeping bag into the carrying bag.