The fact that you need to lose 50 pounds means that, most likely, your body weight and your BMI (body mass index) have reached a level high enough for you to fall into the category of people with mild or moderate obesity. When the superfluous weight reaches these excesses, you are exposed to the risk of a large number of diseases, including diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease. In addition to allowing you to generally feel better, losing weight will help you not to get sick and reduce the effects of existing pathologies. Obviously, losing several pounds can take a long and difficult process, but that doesn't mean it's an achievable goal! Read on, you will discover that thanks to adequate preparation, proper diet and regular physical activity it is really possible to make peace with the scales and take serious care of your health.
Part 1 of 5: Plan for Loss of Many Unwanted Pounds

Step 1. Talk to your doctor or a qualified nutritionist
To make sure your diet plan is safe and suitable for your needs, it is essential to rely on the expertise of a doctor.
- In addition to asking your doctor for advice, make an appointment with an experienced and qualified nutritionist: it could prove to be the winning move! Thanks to its preparation, it will be able to teach you how to lose weight in a healthy and healthy way, guiding you through the entire slimming process.
- If you have to lose 50 kilos, it is likely that you suffer from some chronic disease associated with being overweight or obese. For this reason, contacting your doctor becomes almost essential in order to determine a personalized diet plan appropriate to your state of health.

Step 2. Set goals
Losing 50 kilos means reaching a remarkable milestone that requires a long period of commitment and determination to be achieved. Setting realistic goals is very important, especially when you have a lot of pounds to lose.
- Losing weight at a faster rate could prove to be dangerous to your health. Furthermore, it could prove to be an unsustainable long-term goal, risking to compromise the results achieved.
- Setting an ambitious, long-term goal is important, but setting small sub-goals that allow you to stay motivated along the way is just as crucial. For example: lose 5 pounds in 4-6 weeks or lose the first 12 pounds in 3 months.

Step 3. Eliminate all unhealthy foods
Most likely, this is the most effective and immediate change you can make to get started on the road to weight loss. By leaving junk food in your pantry, the chances are high that you won't be able to resist the temptation to consume them. A healthy and positive environment can help you through the weight loss process.
- Throw away all sweets (including cookies, ice cream, and snacks), potato chips, crackers, and fizzy or sugary drinks.
- Instead of ending up in the waste bin, the unopened packages can be donated to the food bank in your city.
- "Out of sight, out of mind": not having this type of food at home will help you not to fall into temptation and to eat healthy.

Step 4. Plan your meals in writing
Starting a diet that will lead to you losing 50 pounds requires a complete overhaul of your eating and meal habits. Spending a few hours organizing your weekly weight loss program will help you establish the structure of a healthy diet.
- Consult a qualified dietician to make sure your diet plan is safe based on your health condition as well.
- Start by planning a week's meals. Don't forget to include breakfasts, lunches, dinners, snacks and sugar-free drinks.
- and your diet plan includes a calorie intake check, add the calorie count next to each meal and snack to make sure you don't exceed the permitted threshold.
- After a few weeks, you may be able to plan your meals in less detail, especially if you are able to get used to eating healthy, tasty and easy-to-prepare meals.
- If you start getting tired of your meals, revisit your diet plan with a little creativity. Do not go beyond the set boundaries, but look for new, tasty and healthy recipes that will help you stay on the right path without transgressing.
Part 2 of 5: Eating to Lose Weight

Step 1. Keep track of your calories
To be able to lose weight you will need to reduce the amount of calories you consume. A moderate calorie diet will help you reach your weight loss goals.
- In general, reducing your daily calorie intake by around 500 calories will allow you to lose roughly a pound or a pound per week. Such a degree of weight loss can be considered healthy and safe.
- Further reducing the number of calories ingested or consuming less than 1,200 per day is instead considered inappropriate and harmful to health. An extremely low-calorie diet is difficult to sustain in the long term and exposes you to the serious risk of a deficiency of the essential nutrients for the proper functioning of the body.
- If you intend to limit the number of calories consumed, use an online calculator to enter your height, weight and physical activity level data, it will help you determine your daily caloric needs within a dietary regimen.
- Your nutritionist will also be able to help you determine an appropriate amount of calories based on your weight loss goals.

Step 2. Include lean protein in every meal
When you want to lose weight, foods rich in lean proteins are essential allies. Protein allows you to feel satisfied with your meals and gives you the energy you need to lose weight.
- Whenever you eat something with meals or snacks, accompany it with a source of lean protein. This will make it easier to reach the recommended daily protein requirement.
- In general, women should consume 46 grams of protein per day, while males should consume 56 grams.
- Foods rich in lean protein include: poultry, lean cuts of beef, pork, eggs, fish, tofu, legumes, and low-fat dairy products.
- Reduce the amount of foods rich in fat proteins as, being very caloric, they can slow down the weight loss process. Foods such as fatty cuts of meat, sausages, bacon, whole dairy products, or skinless poultry should only be eaten occasionally.

Step 3. Make sure your meals are half made up of fruits and vegetables
Being very low in calories, vegetables will promote your weight loss and also allow you to have large meals that help you feel full for a long time.
- Include a variety of fruits in your diet plan every day or perhaps every week. You should ideally eat 1 or 2 servings of fruit per day. One serving of fruit is equivalent to about half a cup of clean, cut fruit, a small fruit, or about 100 grams of dehydrated fruit.
- Include a variety of vegetables in your diet plan daily. Aim to eat at least 3-5 servings of vegetables a day. One serving of vegetables corresponds to about 110-220 grams of leafy vegetables.
- Starchy vegetables such as carrots, peas and potatoes are also suitable for a diet food program. While containing a few more calories, they can be included in your meals.

Step 4. Eat whole foods
When choosing pasta, bread, rice and cereals, opt for the 100% wholemeal version as often as possible. Whole grains are high in fiber, vitamins, and other essential nutrients.
- Whole grains include: quinoa, oats, rice, bread and pasta made with whole wheat flour alone.
- One serving of whole grains is equivalent to about 50 grams of pasta or bread. Include 1 or 2 servings a day in your diet.
- When you want to lose weight it is good to keep track of the amount of whole grains consumed. While part of a healthy diet, when compared to lean proteins, fruits and vegetables, whole grains contain more calories and fewer nutrients.

Step 5. Have healthy snacks
Reducing the number of calories you eat and increasing physical activity may make you feel hungrier than usual. Snacks and snacks will help keep hunger under control and keep your weight loss process stable.
- Snacks should be included in appropriate situations. For example, nibble something in case more than 5 hours have to pass between meals or use snacks as fuel before or after exercise.
- In addition to meals, snacks will also need to be monitored closely. If you are not hungry or if the next meal is very close, skip the snack. Taking in extra calories when you don't need them could slow or hinder your weight loss. So learn how to snack smart.
- Within a weight loss program, snacks should not exceed 100-200 calories each. Choosing healthy foods will help you lose weight more easily, for example opt for: Greek yogurt, hard-boiled eggs, carrots accompanied by hummus or soy beans (about 35 grams).
- Replace your favorite snacks with something healthier. If you miss your favorite foods, try replacing them with healthier, lighter ingredients. For example, if you're in the habit of indulging in cookies after dinner, indulge your sweet tooth with 100 grams of ripe pineapple.

Step 6. Indulge in moderation
Staying on a diet means following a pre-established meal plan for a long period of time; from time to time, however, it is good to make a small exception to the rule. Depriving yourself completely of some varieties of food could in fact trigger a real desire to binge on them as soon as the diet is over.
- Occasional exceptions program. Include them in your diet plan as you wish, for example by planning a dinner at a restaurant or buying a small dessert. Planning a few concessions will help you keep a good balance and stay motivated over time. Whenever you indulge in an extra food, you can decide to compensate for it with 10 more minutes on the treadmill or with lighter meals during the rest of the day.
- Be honest about the "infractions" committed. Remember that exceptions should only be occasional, the frequency and modalities may differ from person to person, but they certainly must not become part of everyday life.

Step 7. Provide your body with sufficient water
An adequate amount of fluids allows you to stay hydrated, aiding the weight loss process. When you are dehydrated, you feel hungry and tired and you are driven to eat. The calories consumed to cope with dehydration can slow down, or even block, the weight loss process.
- Make a commitment to take at least 2 liters of liquid (clear and sugar-free) every day. Note that in addition to the amount described in this general rule, you may need other liquids.
- Unsweetened liquids include: water, flavored water, decaffeinated tea, decaffeinated coffee, and calorie-free sports drinks.
Part 3 of 5: Lose Weight By Exercising

Step 1. Rely on a personal trainer
Make an appointment with a personal trainer, he will help you create an exercise program that suits your needs. In addition to recommending a workout that allows you to lose weight in a healthy and gradual way, an experienced professional will be able to help you maintain the results achieved.
- Describe your goals to your personal trainer and show him your eating plan so that he can effectively plan your physical activity. If you prefer exercises in particular, don't be afraid to let them know. Also, if being overweight causes you physical pain, for example in the joints, ask them to explain, or show you, how you can relieve them through specific exercises.
- Often membership in the gym entitles you to a first free consultation with an experienced personal trainer.
- Normally, the proximity of a personal trainer is required only for the first workouts, until you master the planned movements. If you don't want to be followed by a long-term personal trainer, fear not, it's not necessary.

Step 2. Add cardio exercises to your training routine
Aerobic exercise will allow you to burn numerous calories. In addition to promoting the weight loss process, cardio exercises will guarantee numerous additional benefits, including an increase in energy and flexibility.
- The advice is to do 150 minutes of moderate intensity aerobic activity weekly. However, the more you exercise, the more calories you will burn, accelerating weight loss.
- If you are grossly overweight, start exercising slowly and gradually. If you can't keep up to 150 minutes a week, don't be discouraged, it's normal. Start with just 10 minutes a day.
- Here are some examples of cardio exercises: walk fast, ride a bike, use the elliptical at the gym, swim or do aqua aerobics.

Step 3. Add strength training exercises
Like aerobic exercises, strength-building exercises will also help you lose weight effectively. Include one or two weekly training sessions to improve physical strength.
- Strength training exercises promote the development of lean muscle mass. You should know that, when compared to body fat, lean mass allows you to burn more calories. Increasing lean muscle mass will therefore allow you to burn more calories even at rest.
- Strength exercises tone and firm the body giving you a leaner and more harmonious appearance.
- Strength-building exercises include weight lifting, yoga, and exercises performed with a body band.

Step 4. Find a workout you like
Finding a physical activity that you enjoy is very important because it helps you to be consistent and motivated.
- Try different varieties of exercises, based on your interests. Your goal is to find out what kind of training you are led to stick to in the long run.
- Think outside the box. Trekking, dancing, kayaking and team sports are effective and very fun forms of training.
- Modify your exercise routine. After some time, your usual training schedule may seem outdated or boring. Updating and modifying it occasionally will allow you to keep it interesting and fun.
- Working out with a friend will give you the opportunity to socialize and help you stay motivated. The chances of staying consistent and being able to achieve your goals will increase.
Part 4 of 5: Staying Motivated

Step 1. Write a diary
Studies have shown that keeping a journal when trying to lose weight increases the chances of success and reduces the risk of easily regaining the lost pounds.
- Writing a journal allows you to vent frustrations, disappointments and missteps. Your diary can prove to be an ally that can keep you motivated. Keeping track of your successes and collecting a series of positive mantras will help you take the correct steps towards the finish line.
- Buy a paper diary, download an app on your mobile or rely on an online site. Choose the tool you prefer, but the most important thing is that you write regularly. You won't have to do it every day, even two or three times a week will make a difference.
- Write down your measurements and the details of your meals, describe your progress and your feelings.

Step 2. Attend a support group
Being able to rely on a support group is very important when you want to lose weight, especially if the unwanted pounds are really a lot. Achieving the goal of losing 25 pounds will take a long time, and having a group of people who can encourage and motivate you along the way will be very helpful.
- Share your plans with friends and family. Ask them to help you stay on the right path by supporting, guiding and motivating you until you reach your goal.
- Also try to find a support group in the city where you live or online. Being able to talk to people who share your goals and challenges and get their support will help you stay motivated.

Step 3. Track your progress
The more pounds you are able to lose, the greater the motivation that will keep you going. The only way to know if you are making real progress is to regularly measure the different parts of your body.
- First, weigh yourself once or twice a week. The important thing is to always weigh yourself at the same time of day, punctually respecting the weekly appointment with the scale. The ideal time to weigh yourself is in the morning, before having breakfast.
- Remember that clothing also has weight. For the results to be as accurate as possible, weigh them while wearing only underwear.
- Measure your body. Use a dressmaker's inch to measure the circumference of the waist, thighs, arms and neck. As you lose weight, and thanks to regular exercise, you will notice that your body shapes will change for the better.
Part 5 of 5: Overcoming the Stasis Moments

Step 1. Document the weight stall
The phases in which the weight does not fluctuate are normal and it is good to take them into account when you want to lose weight. After losing a lot of unnecessary pounds and doing a lot of physical activity, the body tries to adapt to the new situation. Sometimes this process can result in a few days or weeks where you can't get the needle off the scales.
- Keep track of the weight stall. This is an important step because if the situation turns out to be stationary, you will need to review the terms of your diet, physical activity, and other behaviors to make sure they remain conducive to achieving your goal.
- If you notice that the tip of the scale does not drop beyond a certain weight, but you are certain that you are sticking to your diet and training plans, do not be frustrated by a simple interruption in the weight loss process. Trust yourself and continue on your way. Remember that stalls are normal and predictable. Don't give up or try to cut back on your meals even more in an effort to lose weight faster. Stick to the set plans.

Step 2. Reread the pages of your diary
Not only does journaling allow you to stay on the right path more easily and lose weight more effectively, it is also a great tool for consecrating progress and overcoming deadlocks.
- Beware of extra snacks and too many concessions. Even if you just indulge in a little treat from time to time, you can sometimes cause the weight loss process to slow down or stall.
- Review the details about your portions. Portions that tend to increase slightly, perhaps because they are evaluated by eye rather than with a scale, could be the cause of the stall.
- Likewise, make sure you eat enough. Excessively reducing the number of calories consumed or portion sizes can be an additional cause of stalling. A diet plan that provides insufficient calories and nutrients does not allow the body to lose weight in a healthy way and can result in a stall in weight loss.

Step 3. Modify your routine
If you are very nervous or frustrated about the deadlock in weight loss, try changing your routine. Add other exercises or modify your training plan to encourage a new recovery in terms of lost kilos.
Try different cardio programs that allow you to burn more calories - for example with HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) or circuit training. You can also start or intensify strength exercises to help increase your basal metabolic rate
- Prepare your own meals whenever possible. Eating out is fun, but finding healthy options that fit into a diet plan is next to impossible. If you are forced to eat out, ask for sauces and condiments to be served separately and avoid stir-fries.
- Get in the habit of brushing your teeth immediately after every meal. When there is a sensation of freshness and a pleasant minty taste in the mouth, you are less inclined to eat.
- Exercising will help you lose weight, but exercise alone will not allow you to lose the desired weight. Remember that to achieve your goals you will need to rely 70% on diet and 30% on physical training.
- When on a diet, it is normal to have to go through ups and downs. Just because you've made mistakes for a day or more doesn't mean you have to give up and give up on your dreams. If you were wrong, take advantage of the experience and get back on track.
- Sharing your weight loss goals with friends and family can be very helpful. In addition to offering you their support, they will avoid offering you wrong foods and behaviors.
- In between meals, keep your appetite in check by drinking plenty of water and other sugar-free liquids. Chewing gum will also help keep your mouth busy, making you feel like you're eating something.