With this article, you'll find out how to get Instagram to ask for your approval before any photos you've been tagged in are posted on your profile.

Step 1. Open the Instagram application
The icon looks like a multicolored camera.

Step 2. Tap the profile icon
It is located at the bottom right and depicts the silhouette of a person.

Step 3. Tap the "Photos in which you are" icon
It is represented by a tag that contains the silhouette of a person. It is located under your profile information.

Step 4. Tap the icon with three dots
It is located at the top right.
The three dots are horizontal on the iPhone and vertical on the Android phones

Step 5. Tap Options

Step 6. Tap Add Manually
A blue check mark will indicate your selection. Now, before a photo is shown on your profile, Instagram will have to ask your permission. If you decide to post it, you can tap the image, then your username and then "Show on my profile".