How To Put On Lip Gloss: 6 Steps

How To Put On Lip Gloss: 6 Steps
How To Put On Lip Gloss: 6 Steps

Table of contents:


Can't you ever put lip gloss on right? Do you think it is impossible? Here is a guide that will tell you step by step how to do it correctly. If you already have a foolproof method, read on and maybe add it to this guide.


Apply Lip Gloss Step 1
Apply Lip Gloss Step 1

Step 1. Choose a shade that suits your face

Apply Lip Gloss Step 2
Apply Lip Gloss Step 2

Step 2. If you are using a liquid lip gloss, place the applicator on your lips and rub it in circular motions

Apply Lip Gloss Step 3
Apply Lip Gloss Step 3

Step 3. If you are using a lip gloss stick, place it directly on your lower lip and apply it in circular motions, then repeat the process on the upper lip

Apply Lip Gloss Step 4
Apply Lip Gloss Step 4

Step 4. Join your lips and rub them together to evenly distribute the lip gloss

Apply Lip Gloss Step 5
Apply Lip Gloss Step 5

Step 5. If you are using a tube lip gloss, put a drop on your finger or brush, then spread it over your lips

Apply Lip Gloss Step 6
Apply Lip Gloss Step 6

Step 6. If you use lip gloss after putting on your lipstick, apply only one drop; Many guys don't like feeling lip gloss when kissing


  • Put on the lip gloss while looking in the mirror to avoid mistakes. Apply it with the stylus on your lower lip, then rub your lips together to distribute it evenly.
  • Do not share the lip gloss with anyone.
  • Fish oil is helpful in making lip gloss last longer, so try a good quality one.
  • Sometimes mix different lip glosses to get particular shades. Create the color you prefer!


  • Try not to dry the lip gloss after applying it, as this will take away the shine, its strong point!
  • Some guys don't like feeling lip gloss during a kiss, so try to wear very little.
  • The lip gloss sticking out of the lip line is really unattractive!
  • Don't squeeze your lips together or you'll end up with lip gloss in your mouth.
  • Do not confuse lip gloss with lipstick: the former is shiny and transparent, the latter generally has a more matte appearance.
