How to Be a Better Girlfriend: 9 Steps

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How to Be a Better Girlfriend: 9 Steps
How to Be a Better Girlfriend: 9 Steps

Each love story is different from the other. Still, there are some universal qualities that every man looks for in his girlfriend, and none of this has to do with physical appearance. Read this article to learn how to revive your relationship and be a more loving girlfriend.


Method 1 of 2: Building a Healthy Relationship

Be a Better Girlfriend Step 1
Be a Better Girlfriend Step 1

Step 1. Be optimistic

If you do nothing but complain about your boyfriend or criticize him, he won't enjoy spending time with you. Changing your attitude and adopting a positive outlook on life will not only save your relationship, it will improve its quality and make you deeply happy.

  • Being optimistic doesn't mean hiding your true feelings from your boyfriend. A serious relationship requires transparency, honesty and mutual support. If there is something that bothers you, tell him about it; the important thing is that you don't get into the habit of always thinking badly about everything.
  • If something in your life is going wrong and you know it will negatively affect your mood, talk to him about it. This way, you will prevent him from finding you too moody or unpredictable.
Be a Better Girlfriend Step 2
Be a Better Girlfriend Step 2

Step 2. Cultivate your sense of humor

All couples experience ups and downs; what differentiates a lasting relationship from one destined to fail is the ability to laugh at it and to overcome difficult times together. Having a sense of humor can get you out of a difficult situation and prevent furious quarrels, making sure that your story remains exciting and fun even after so many years together.

  • For many men, a sense of humor always ranks high in the rankings when it comes to the qualities that the ideal woman should have, at the same level of physical appearance and a sweet and maternal personality. Having a sense of humor means both laughing at your boyfriend's jokes and being able to make him laugh in turn.
  • You don't need to be a professional actress to get your boyfriend's attention. Men like free-spirited, self-confident women who know how to let go. So dance like crazy, make funny noises, sing out loud, etc. Remind yourself that no one looks stupid while having fun.
Be a Better Girlfriend Step 3
Be a Better Girlfriend Step 3

Step 3. Always support him

Even the toughest of men has their moments of weakness. If his self-confidence is at an all-time low, help him by telling him how much you love him and reminding him of all his strengths. Treat him like a teammate, lift his spirits and tell him you cheer him on. Be interested in his ambitions.

Know when it's time to back off. Men love women who know how to support them, but without being "maternal" or condescending. Pull him up when he's feeling down, but don't rage on his mood yourself by constantly complaining about everything he does and always try to correct his behaviors that he doesn't want to change

Be a Better Girlfriend Step 4
Be a Better Girlfriend Step 4

Step 4. Accept his friends

You don't necessarily have to "love" them, but at least make the effort to get to know them and be friendly to them. Let her spend an evening with her friends every now and then, and in return, treat yourself to an evening with friends.

Be a Better Girlfriend Step 5
Be a Better Girlfriend Step 5

Step 5. Listen to it

If he's frustrated, angry, or bothered, let him let off steam at you without giving him answers right away. Remember that sometimes, a man simply needs to talk to get rid of a burden without being questioned or asked for further explanation. If he wants advice, he will ask you.

Method 2 of 2: Rekindle the Flame

Be a Better Girlfriend Step 6
Be a Better Girlfriend Step 6

Step 1. Be affectionate in public

Most men appreciate self-confident women who aren't afraid to show their feelings in public. This doesn't mean having to make out, but simply not being afraid to kiss him softly, put a hand on his knee, or run your fingers through his hair when you're out together.

Be a Better Girlfriend Step 7
Be a Better Girlfriend Step 7

Step 2. Spice up your sex life

When it comes to sex, men are mostly looking for an enthusiastic and confident woman. Be 100% present while you make love, let him know that he is going well, and try to be specific when you ask him to do certain things in a different way.

  • If you're worried that your sex life is getting boring, you may want to rekindle the flame of passion by showing off some sexy lingerie, using sex toys, or trying out a new position.
  • Text him hard and tell him how excited you are at the thought of seeing him. He will only think about you and your next date.
Be a Better Girlfriend Step 8
Be a Better Girlfriend Step 8

Step 3. Compliment him

Make him feel special by congratulating him on some of his qualities that go beyond the physical aspect. Compliments are especially important in lasting relationships, when you start taking many things for granted.

Be a Better Girlfriend Step 9
Be a Better Girlfriend Step 9

Step 4. Cultivate your own ambitions

Contrary to popular belief, many men find exciting a woman who knows what she wants, who is stubborn and struggles hard to be successful in life. Make sure you have your own interests outside of your relationship, whatever they are, and follow your dreams vehemently.


  • Men do not have the gift of reading minds. If you're worried that something is missing in your relationship or wondering what you could do to be a better girlfriend, talk to him.
  • Being engaged takes practice. The same goes for learning how to be a good girlfriend. All women make mistakes in learning how to make a relationship work.
  • Don't try to turn yourself into someone you are not to please your boyfriend. Make changes only if you see fit for yourself.
