Do you want to stay away from someone? Sometimes, rather than creating misunderstandings, it's better to compromise and walk away from a person you don't want to deal with. Read this article to learn how to avoid someone.

Step 1. Try to understand why you want to avoid that individual
Is it bothering you? Is he mean to you? Make sure you have a good reason and that you don't want to avoid it without a good reason.

Step 2. Think about where you are most likely to meet him
Where do you hang out with friends? Where does he live? What are the places where it is easier to meet him? If he goes to the same school as you, where can you find him during breaks? What class are you in? The more you know about the places that individual usually frequents, the more you will be able to stay away from him.

Step 3. Avoid eye contact with him
If you looked at him he would probably come over to talk to you. It would be strange if, despite wanting to avoid him, every time you meet him you stare intently at him.

Step 4. Talk to someone who knows the person you want to avoid
Be careful, because you can't trust everyone, especially if they are his friends. Tell them to let that person know that you don't want to see them anymore. However, this may not be the best choice, as it could boomerang and fall on you, as often happens.

Step 5. When you meet that individual, change direction
It might sound mean of you, but eventually he will get the point.

Step 6. Be careful not to hurt his feelings
Try to be nice, like he's coming to you to talk to you. Don't look away, don't stare at the clock, and don't snort. Don't offend him or you might make him angry and you might end up fighting.

Step 7. When talking to others, don't say horrible things about him
They'll just think you're mean and mean. His friends will steadfastly defend him with the result of making you other enemies that you might even argue with.

Step 8. Use a phone trick
When you select the ringtones on your phone, they start ringing, right? When your enemy approaches, start the ringer and pretend you are engaged in a telephone conversation. Do not use this trick if you are in school or in any other place where it is forbidden to use a mobile phone.

Step 9. Never, ever let a friend or acquaintance know that you intend to avoid it, unless you have a specific purpose
It may be that you and his friend find each other working in the same place and that you may need his help often, so don't antagonize him.
- Make the individual you want to avoid understand that you don't want to talk to them. If he speaks to you, answer him: "Sorry, I have to meet Giorgia at the gym in five minutes".
- Ask a friend to help you. Make him stand between you and your enemy to avoid any contact or conversation.
- If he continues to bother you, tell him frankly how you feel and why you are avoiding him. From then on (hopefully), you won't need to avoid it anymore.
- If there is extreme hostility towards you, ask for a legal order, such as a restraining order. This will make it clear to that person that you don't want to have anything to do with them.
- Don't try to contradict him when he speaks. Listen to it patiently. In this way the situation will remain under control and the spirits will not overheat.
- Once again, don't try to deliberately offend him or speak ill of him behind his back. Even if you're avoiding him, you don't want him to say bad things about you in revenge.
- Don't make that person believe that you are avoiding them because you actually like them.