3 Ways to Attract Women

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3 Ways to Attract Women
3 Ways to Attract Women

While it's impossible for all women in the world to want you, there are many things you could do to increase your chances of attracting as many of them as possible. If you are interested in knowing how to attract the eye of a particular woman, read How to Attract a Woman. If you want to know how to attract a variety of women, look no further, read this article.


Method 1 of 3: Be comfortable with yourself

Attract Women Step 1
Attract Women Step 1

Step 1. Trust yourself

The first step in conquering a woman is to like yourself. If you're not satisfied with who you are, chances are that the woman in question won't be impressed by you either. Here are some ways to gain confidence in who you are:

  • Be aware of your qualities, such as your sense of humor, or your ability to put people at ease, and emphasize them in front of all the new people you meet.
  • Work to correct your flaws. Nobody is perfect, but you can always become a better person by making an effort to improve yourself.
  • Self-confidence is the key to success. However, if you show yourself "too" complacent, you may be arrogant and that's not good.
  • Learn to be self-deprecating. Making jokes about yourself from time to time will make people realize that you don't take yourself too seriously; as long as you don't demean yourself.
Attract Women Step 2
Attract Women Step 2

Step 2. Be comfortable with your appearance

You don't need to have the physique of a body builder to look fit, healthy and satisfied with your body. If you accept your body, you will become a girl magnet. Here are some tips to improve your feelings about your body:

  • Be brave. Take a dance or yoga class. Not only will you improve your looks, but you will definitely meet some girls.
  • Going to the gym a couple of times a week will improve your heart, muscle tone and self-esteem.
  • Eat healthy food. Eat three balanced meals a day and eat lots of fruits and vegetables. Avoid fatty or elaborate dishes as much as possible and only indulge in them once in a while.
  • Dress well. Wear pants that match your size, clean shirts, and shoes that match your outfit. Making the effort to look beautiful will be a way of showing girls that you are capable of serious commitment, and not just for clothing.
Attract Women Step 3
Attract Women Step 3

Step 3. You must like what you do

If you want to attract girls, you have to be in harmony with yourself, and also with your job. If work or study does not satisfy you, it will show immediately, and women will be put off by your negative attitude. Here's what you need to do:

  • If you have a job, try to enjoy it as much as possible by building good relationships with your colleagues, appreciating the difficulties of each day, and trying your best to feel good about yourself.
  • If you study, focus on your favorite subjects to highlight your passions. You will improve as a student, deepen your knowledge and appear more interesting.
  • Cultivate hobbies to improve your life. If you don't have a hobby yet, choose something to be passionate about, such as running, reading novels, modeling, etc. By pursuing your interests, not only will you be more attractive to women, but you will even become a better person. The important thing is that your hobbies do not become an obsession.
  • Let's face it - maybe you're having a time in your life where you don't like what you do. Go out of your way to change this and, in the meantime, minimize complaints so that you are not considered a pessimist.

Method 2 of 3: Be Dynamic

Attract Women Step 4
Attract Women Step 4

Step 1. Be cultured

Women will be attracted to you if you are a man of the world, capable of seeing things from a different perspective. If you work to increase your culture, not only will you be more attractive to women, but you will also have a deeper insight into life. Here's how to do it:

  • Learn a new language. You will appreciate a new culture and moreover, if you are fluent in a sexy language such as Italian or French, girls will be pleasantly impressed, especially if you flatter them in a foreign language.
  • Read books from a wide range of genres. Novels or essays by different authors will make you discover and appreciate the enormous variety of the world. In addition, they will provide you with topics for discussion with the girls.
  • Travel if you can. Visit the world, or at least your country. You will learn a lot of things and meet a lot of interesting people, including sexy women.
  • Watch a lot of movies. Both classic and modern movies can help you appreciate the complexity of life. Your passion for cinema will allow you to impress women by sharing your opinion on films when you invite them to a date at the cinema.
  • Interested in different cuisines. Don't limit yourself to pizza and pasta. Try your neighborhood's new Korean or Burmese restaurant; you could take her there for your appointment.
Attract Women Step 5
Attract Women Step 5

Step 2. Build numerous healthy and exciting relationships

If you are on good terms with your family and if you have an eclectic group of friends, girls will want to be a part of your life. Women are wary of guys who don't have friends or close relationships with their families because they think you can't get along with people, or that you don't give importance to friendship. Here's how to have good relationships with people:

  • Try to have regular contact with your family. The way you treat your family, especially your mother, says a lot about you; girls are attracted to loving children. You don't want to be considered a mammon, but showing them how much you love your mother from time to time will make them perceive you as a loving person.
  • Create an eclectic group of friends. While being everyone's best friend in a party or at work can be fun, having a diverse group of friends will make you a more interesting person. It's okay to be friends with several people in your party, but if you also make friends with your soccer buddies for example, you will learn more about the world. In addition, women will like your ability to get along with more people.
  • Delete all dead weights from your friends list. If you're dating a rough or unpleasant person, even if you've been friends for years, you should start reevaluating your friendship. Also, if you date someone who is deeply irritating or rude, women will think that since you date, you are too.
Attract Women Step 6
Attract Women Step 6

Step 3. Learn to do some useful things

If besides the theory, you know the practice, girls will be drawn to your manhood and your being pragmatic in doing things. Here are some examples:

  • Learn to cook. Start by adding some small recipes to your repertoire. Once you've perfected a dish, like steak or salmon, you can invite her to dinner. You will look sexy with the chef apron behind the barbecue or in front of the stove.
  • Learn to be helpful around the house. Whether you know how to fix a leaking faucet or a broken table, girls will be drawn to your savoir faire and may even call you to come to the rescue.
Attract Women Step 7
Attract Women Step 7

Step 4. Develop your sense of humor

Even if you are interesting and cultured, you won't get very far if you don't know how to make a woman laugh. With the right sense of humor, you will have a better chance of attracting her to you. Here's how to do it:

  • Be smart. You don't have to be the loudest, most outgoing person in the room, just make a wry, edgy comment at the right time to impress a girl.
  • Say it right. If you have a funny comment to make, make it out loud so that you hear it on the first try. If you have to repeat it, it will never have the same effect again.
  • Don't be inconvenient. Make the right jokes with the right people. If you are with your best friend you can indulge in obscene jokes, but in the company of new people, a girl or her parents, it is best to avoid.

Method 3 of 3: Make Her Feel Special

Attract Women Step 8
Attract Women Step 8

Step 1. Don't be afraid to compliment her

Overdoing is not necessary, the right compliment at the right time can be enough to fascinate a woman, because you will show yourself honest and able to say what you think. Here's how to do it:

  • When you meet a girl for the first time, tell her that you like one of her jewelry, her hair, or another of her accessories.
  • Once you know more, you can be more direct and say, "Did they already tell you that you have very expressive eyes?", Or "You have a very sweet smile." Don't be afraid to make her blush.
  • Notice some of his character traits. Listen to what she says and tell her that she is a very good friend or that she has a strong sense of humor.
Attract Women Step 9
Attract Women Step 9

Step 2. Show interest in the life he leads

Your girlfriend will be impressed by your interests and your point of view. However, you must make sure that the interest is mutual and that you too are impressed by what she does. Here's how to show her you care:

  • Remember the things he tells you. If on the second date you bring up a small detail that emerged during a previous conversation, such as the name of her sister or the foreign city where she studied, she will understand that you care about her.
  • Ask her the right questions. Do not give her the impression that this is an interrogation, however, she will have to think that you are interested in knowing her opinion. Start with simple questions on neutral topics; once you get to know each other better, you can dig deeper and ask her more personal questions. For example, you might ask her how she reconciles work with private life or what kind of relationship she seeks with a man.
  • Tease her. When you get to know her well enough to know what her weaknesses are, don't be afraid to tease her as long as you are sure she is playing along.
Attract Women Step 10
Attract Women Step 10

Step 3. Be considerate

If a woman cares about you to the point of agreeing to go out with you, you need to keep her interest in you high. Here's how to let her know that you care about her during your date:

  • Be a gentleman. Open her up, bring her some flowers, offer her your coat if she's cold.
  • Make small gestures. Text her during the week to show her you think about her. Give her small gifts.
  • Tell her you had a great time with her. Be honest. If you had a blast, let them know if you want to see her again.
  • Once you are more comfortable, try to get closer to her and break the barrier of contact. Become an expert on How to Touch a Girl.
