Friends are the buds of friendship. Appreciate them and tie them to you with a gift or two.

Step 1. Learn about your friend's interests
If he loves dogs, there is no point in buying him a stuffed cat. If he is allergic to cheese, it is not a good idea to give him a form of aged parmesan. If it's a close friend, you probably know what they like. If, on the other hand, it's a friend you know less, try checking their Facebook profile or other social networks to find information. If that's not enough, talk to his other friends, parents, or siblings. Or ask him indirect questions. Ask what is the best gift she has ever received and which is the worst. You will probably get some ideas. All you have to do is observe and research your friend.

Step 2. Decide on your budget
The rule is: the longer your friend is and the closer you are, the more expensive the gift must be. This does not mean that you will have to buy a car. It means that for less close friends, expensive gifts are not needed. The best inexpensive gifts can be a keychain, notebook, or pen. Or you could just create something yourself. Use your creativity. Your friend will be very happy if he sees that you have used your time and effort on him.

Step 3. Take someone with you
If you wish, bring someone with you when you go to purchase the gift. If the person is a mutual friend, even better. It can help you make the best choice. Often at the time of choice we can feel confused, due to the large amount of items available. try to see what she really wants to save

Step 4. Wrap the gift
The package matters. If you wrap a gift with newspaper, it won't be very attractive. Close it with a bow, use some stickers and glitter, and write a nice cute message by hand if space allows.

Step 5. Include a ticket
No anonymous gifts in this case. It is rude to ask your friend about who gave him a gift. You can write a nice short message on the card. Or write a poem if it's a really special friend. You will brighten up his day.

Step 6. Register the gift
If you can't think of anything better, record a nice message and give it to your friend on a CD.

Step 7. Give the gift directly to the person
Don't ask someone to post unless you can meet your friend in person. In that case you will really need a postman.
- Make sure the gift is not unwelcome to your friend. Never give something that could offend or sadden him.
- In some cases, tickets are more meaningful than actual gifts. Write how much you appreciate your friend, and you'll make a great impression.