Many people feel confused when they are invited to a Bar or Bat Mitzvah. What does this occasion celebrate and what gift to bring? A Bar or Bat Mitzvah has a special meaning and is a special ceremony because it celebrates the entry of a Jewish child at mature age and the confirmation of his faith (unlike Catholic confirmation). A better understanding of the ceremony and the traditions associated with it will help you choose the appropriate gift.
Step 1. Most adults give away money
Often, the money is in multiples of 18: € 18, € 36, € 72, etc. It is believed to bring good luck because the 10th and 8th letters of the Hebrew alphabet form the word "Chai", which means "Life". Chai is also a wish in toasts: “L'Chaim” which means “To life”.
Step 2. Know that family members give far more money as gifts than casual friends
Remember that a Bar or Bat Mitzvah is very expensive, especially if it takes place in a hotel or catering and includes live music and entertainment.
Step 3. Imagine how much it costs to invite you and your children too, if you have any
They feed expensive food. Try to at least pay the cost of the food if you can. If you can't, give what you can afford or buy a special gift for the child's birthday or Bar or Bat Mitzvah.
Step 4. DON'T give cash
Instead, use checks, and put the money in the Bar or Bat Mizvah gift card and present it when you walk into the party room or hall. Usually at the entrance you will find the family and the boy / girl celebrated to welcome you. If it's not there, you'll usually find a gift table.