You welcomed Jesus Christ as a young man, but now you begin to think that Christianity is a child's thing. You think you've gotten too big and now it's time to look for something new. After all, it's just a lot of sheep and an old man in a dressing gown, isn't it? You are wrong! Christianity is a relationship with Jesus, the son of God. Sometimes teenagers feel really connected to Jesus, they dedicate themselves to their beliefs both in the Church and at home, but once they get to school, they return as they always did. Read on to find out how to grow in Christ and remain devoted no matter where you are and where you are.

Step 1. Read
Let's say you received an email from one of your close friends that you haven't heard from in a while. What do you do? You read it, of course!
- God wrote you many letters, did you read them? No need to take your dusty Bible and read it all in one go. You would never be able to grasp the right meaning.
- Read other books, such as those that talk about religion, where they often deal with and quote the Bible; then, however, you should read some chapters of the Bible that refer to the matters dealt with in those books.
- Try going to specialized bookstores, such as those of Edizioni Paoline: you will find many books dedicated to teenagers, even religious novels, designed for girls and boys of your age. Ask the clerk for some advice, in the end you will discover a fun way to get closer to God!
- A good standard Bible reading time is ten to twenty minutes a day, no less. Of course, you can devote more time to it if you want.
- Ask your religion teacher to recommend a few books to help you learn more about the Bible.
- Do a search on the Internet, you will find forums and sites that may be useful to you.

Step 2. Live your faith
You can feel the presence of God's power in your life and understand true happiness which is more than just a religious concept, it comes from having the Holy Spirit in your life. And then, you can grow your faith by praying to the Holy Spirit.

Step 3. Share your faith with other believers
This has a deeper meaning than going to charity peaches in the parish.
- It means to speak. It means praying together. It means talking about how much God is doing for your life. It means relieving those who feel unmotivated.
- It means no gossip! If you are a Christian, it will be helpful for you to get to know other Christians who can help you. Other Christians will encourage and listen to you. You also need advice. And you also need to offer your suggestions when you can.
- You can find many devoted Christians at school, but the best place to look for Christian friends is, of course, the church. Choose them carefully though, only those who look and act like true devotees, not those who attend the oratory just to play soccer.

Step 4. Learn
Once you become more devoted to Cristp, things should change. As Steven Curtis Chapman said, "What about the difference? What about the change? What about forgiveness? What about a life that shows how it's changing?"
It is time to show how much you have changed to people of the opposite sex by maintaining your integrity and following the teachings of the Church and Jesus regarding sex.
- If you are a boy and know English, read Every Young Man's Battle: Strategies for Victory in the Real World of Sexual Temptation.
- If you are a girl and know English, read Every Young Woman's Battle: Guarding Your Mind, Heart, and Body in a Sex-Saturated World.
Be a Devoted Christian Teenager Step 05 Step 5. Live
!! Be different in the way you live life. Be mature and act accordingly.
- This doesn't mean you have to look completely different, but it does mean you shouldn't dress flashy, including those dresses with a logo on the chest that give the impression that your breasts are about to explode. Listen to good music and avoid inappropriate videos.
- The only way to truly live in a way that honors Christ is to know Christ. You will never know him completely, but in the course of your life, as you pray and read the Bible, you will learn to know him better.
- Act like Jesus by leading a worthy life. Once you get to know Christ better, then you will understand how to live. Think What would Jesus do?.
- Never be afraid to confess your sins to God, even if you believe He will hate you and send you to hell: He will not, because you have confessed your sins - and He has promised that He will not use never your sins against you.
- You can share your faith, but you cannot force others to accept, believe, or love God.
- Remember that you are not alone, and that extraordinary things happen when you allow Christ to work within you.
- Serve the next! Serving others strengthens your relationship with Christ, and demonstrates that you are a compassionate person. Try to help others as much as you can, and God will bless you!
- Feeling that God is distant is at the root of feeling too busy and in a stalemate with Jesus.
- Try not to preach too much to your friends. It's okay to give advice with a Christian touch, but if you overdo it, they'll think you're trying to convert them.
- You can become a more devoted Christian by being inspired by the examples of other young people who have been touched by Jesus - search the internet for their stories, you will find plenty!
- If you begin to feel apathetic towards God on your way, know that all Christians go through phases of doubt and depression, but with the Lord's help they can (and do!) Escape from you.
- In addition to dating Christian friends, buy magazines like Jesus. Avoid magazines you find on newsstands, which tend to talk too much about gossip and are full of horoscopes, which are not good.
- Everyone sinning sooner or later. It is a natural part of life to need forgiveness. But remember to look at the signs before crossing the street. You may not get hit by a car the first time, but you're still taking a big risk. Whether or not you get hurt the first time, the Lord has a good plan (forgiveness, with responsibility, the power of the Holy Ghost, the blessing of His love, and grace with the consequences).
- Don't just listen to opinions, act in a certain way because you want to dedicate yourself to Christ.
- Don't make the same mistake a second or third time. There is probably someone looking at you as an example, so try to walk a straight path!