Truth mirrors reality, and from this it logically follows that the best way to decipher the truth about yourself is to personally observe the reality of which you are a part, experiencing it. Language is the means by which the context confronting your awareness could be described rationally, realistically and respectfully. Browse through the parameters of existence through this article and at the same time through your personal reflections to come to terms with YOUR essence.

Step 1. Reflect on the concept of the Universe
Some claim that the Universe is as old as time itself. Considering this statement true, this would mean that time and space are inextricably linked, thus being able to presuppose some personification of the Universe as "a single being" that expands and changes from one moment to the next. This premise also does not allow the possibility of something that has happened to be able to go back.

Step 2. Reflect on planet Earth in relation to the Universe
- For example, reflect on the fact that planet Earth is a spherical and rotating part of the Universe, surrounded by a combination of air and water, which contains liquid fire within its core.
- Planet Earth rotates around itself in 24 hours, and most of its inhabitants spend about 12 hours in the dark when half of the planet is not exposed to the Sun, and 12 hours of light when half of the planet is exposed to the Sun. Furthermore, the planet Earth has a Moon that revolves around it, orbiting, and the Moon, the Earth and all the other planets of the solar system orbit the Sun (which is one of the many stars) in one of the many galaxies. The Moon completes an orbit around the earth every 28 days, while the Earth and the Moon make an orbit around the Sun every 365 days and 6 hours. There are approximately 30 days in a month, and there are 12 months in a year. The four seasons of the year are winter, spring, summer and autumn. The winter months are the coldest, while the summer months are the hottest.
- Planet Earth is a perfect habitat for plants, animals and humans. Biological entities have many ways to express their motor skills, some fly in the skies, others walk on land, and some even swim in water. The Sun is a sphere of gas that emits immense amounts of light, while the Moon is a spherical object of rock, with a reflective surface that receives and sends back the light of the Sun.

Step 3. Reflect on how the existence of your biological parents was necessary to allow your existence
Life is uniformly characterized by the existence of opposites. Each person has an existence prior to that of a well-formed adult. Furthermore, people can be female or male. Each person has the ability to grow and mature, acquiring the partial ability to produce other people, as long as no biological obstacles interfere.
- The occupant symbol represents the masculine, while the house symbol represents the feminine. An occupied house is usually associated with a pleasant experience, while an empty house is often associated with a negative experience.
- A child is an interconnected whole originating from the happy union of a father with a mother. In the reproductive process, the fertile female person hosts the unborn child within her body for about nine months, and endures separation when the child is born.
- An individual takes on a certain form based on their genetic inheritance and the environment. Parents have a duty to nurture the fruit of their union and to provide them with the tools to survive and grow independently.

Step 4. Reflect on what is needed to survive on a personal and species level
Each person needs air, water, food, sleep and physical contact for their personal survival (the temporal extension of their life span).
- The need for physical contact with respect to survival is much more acute during childhood, decreasing as the individual matures. A quantity of physical contact between members of all kinds is essential for the collective survival of humanity.
- However, at a certain point, both for natural causes and for causes dictated by man himself, it is impossible for every individual to continue their existence. Clothing, housing, means of transport and work as a source of economic supply are also necessary features of the modern lifestyle.

Step 5. Reflect on the relationship between your body and your mind and their ongoing interaction
Each person is provided with body, mind, will, emotions, and consciousness.
- The body refers to the presence of a person's physical strength, which is located in a certain space of the Universe, and the mindfulness of the Universe is the brain, a powerful processing tool capable of precise logic and wonderful creativity.
- The brain is that part of the body that coordinates the activities of the organism. The conscience of the individual occupies the Universe, and the perceptions of the Universe occupy the holistic conscience of the individual. The main emotions are love, fear, happiness, sadness and anger (or the impulse to protect one's ego, which is the sense of self-importance). Feelings of anger communicate that something is unacceptable for the person experiencing the emotion. Furthermore, consciousness emotionally rewards beneficial behaviors on a personal level and emotionally punishes destructive behaviors on a personal level.
- Human awareness resurfaces in dreams while the mind is asleep and is not conscious of the rest of the body until it awakens, in the same way that an unborn human being occupies the mother's body, and is not conscious of the world until it wakes up. the time for childbirth arrives.
- A mother's body can be occupied, partially occupied, or empty, in the same way that an individual's awareness can be awake, asleep, or dead.

Step 6. Meditate on the value of your natural reflexes, both body and mind
Each person has an innate propensity to move away from any source of unpleasant sensations, be they mental or physical, and to approach sources of pleasant sensations.
- A person who reciprocates the suffering of another who caused him painful experiences performs a type of mental reflex dictated by self-defense, while withdrawing a hand from a very hot surface is an example of a physical reflex of self-defense.
- Recognize the universality of an individual's inclination to laugh when he feels good and to cry when he feels bad. People respond in a natural pattern to certain types of music and movements, and laugh when tickled. There is a natural inclination to seek out pleasant situations and to move away from unpleasant ones. The presence of these opposing sensations is interpreted by many as an innate signal from each individual to survival and growth, rather than stagnation and death.

Step 7. Reflect on your freedom to make personal decisions within the realm of possibilities
- The will of a human being is functional when an individual is awake and voluntarily performs these mental and physical activities not dictated by reflexes. The choices that a person makes immediately influence the future in which he will live and live. People set various kinds of goals to suit their needs and desires, working hard to meet them.
- Some efforts are a means to an end, while others are an end themselves, and still others are hybrids. The ends for which human beings generally tend to seek a means are the will to live, the will to be happy, the will to be superior, the will to be connected, and the will to have an identity.
- Life is full of problems and difficulties to be avoided, solved or managed, and there are certain aspects that individuals simply have to learn to live with in the territory of life experiences. Challenges can be intimidating, but they allow for greater opportunities for development, showcase their strength and knowledge, allow us to love and be loved, and allow us to better appreciate the situations in which we feel comfortable. Life is the way it is, and it's up to each individual to love each other enough to be able to live it to the fullest.
- Each person has the ability to determine the range of possibilities at any time, and to personally decide on the course of any action or absence of action among his options, as well as having the ability to act without any determination being made.
- The ability to independently determine their own possibilities allows an individual to act without the need to refer to another person's instructions and without mimicking someone else's behavior. Furthermore, since it is possible, by the will of the human being, to dominate most of one's innate propensities, an individual is able to choose to go against what the mind suggests in a natural way to obtain exclusively pleasant sensations, and that a person has the ability to go against their natural instincts for sustainable means of survival and to thrive as an individual.

Step 8. Reflect on your cunning language skills as a sentient member of the human race
Human beings belong to the most advanced category in terms of communication skills (production of symbols or virtual reproduction of facts or events that can be real or imaginary).
- As a sentient being, each individual has the awareness of his own existence and the existence of his own awareness. While it is relatively simple for a human to see their body as part of the Universe, the mind appears more like a "mirror" of the Universe, and this "mirror" can distort itself so that people can adjust it to remember the past. observe the present or imagine future or timeless events.
- This means that the word is the mirror of consciousness, and that consciousness is the mirror of the common physical universe or the mental "universe" of each individual.
- The conscience of an individual vacillates between the mental realm of the brain and the physical realm of the body, and the voice of an individual can recreate the content of his own conscience through the use of words or silence. Words are packets of thoughts that can be used to convey ideas, feelings and requests from one mind to another.
- This extraordinary ability of the human being to communicate, in terms of production, use and exchange of information, allows two separate individuals to decide to combine their efforts to achieve a common result, and this is the reason why civilization always progresses. more over time.

Step 9. Reflect on your innate desire for superiority
Every human being has the natural ability and tendency to value himself and other human beings as individuals with respect to their own appearance and performance. Every human being also has a name as a point of reference, along with a reputation to maintain.
- The five ordinary senses that are used to make these assessments on a physical level are sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste, and each of them is sensitive to pleasant and unpleasant stimuli. The eyes represent the unity of love, the ears the separation dictated by fear. The nose protrudes like a mountain and the mouth is receptive to kisses. The skin captures the uniqueness of existence. Visions and sounds have characteristics that allow them to be recorded.
- Human beings feel the natural desire to feel sophisticated and notable physically and mentally, and also have an innate desire to appear and act more conspicuously than other individuals of their own sex. Physical and mental characteristics are inherited from parents. Some popular theories suggest that physical characteristics range from aesthetically unsightly or aesthetically defective at their lowest level to aesthetically pleasing at their highest level. Health and balanced fitness are usually seen as attractive qualities.
- The human skeleton is mainly composed of three cavities, or chambers: the skull holds knowledge, the rib cage holds strength, and the pelvis is where beauty lodges. It has been observed that male individuals tend to have superior strength, while women have better abilities in the sphere of physical beauty. It is also suggested that aesthetically pleasing features could be an indicator of individual health and show a high potential for survival and reproduction. Furthermore, apparently among humans, male individuals are slightly taller on average than members of the female species.
- A pear shape is considered normally feminine, the beauty of the abundance in the curvy pelvis reflects the separation between the ovaries, while the apple shape is considered typically masculine, the abundance of muscle strength in the chest and the V-shape of the pelvis reflect the unity of the testicles, while the skull is considered transcendent, since it contains the brain.
- People are predisposed to pride when it comes to strength, attractiveness, knowledge, height and fullness, and to shame about weakness, repulsion, ignorance, baseness and emptiness. The human being also has an innate desire to be noticed and observed by at least one other individual in the Universe apart from himself, and in general he has an innate fear of being rejected and of total loneliness.
- Each person has gifts, talents, abilities, skills, qualities and personal interests that increase his confidence in order to aim for success in relationships and activities. Some individuals feel comfortable looking for exciting situations, and have a strong sense of adventure.
- Regarding the competition for a loving partner, it is quite obvious that if one person is more attractive than another, it is very likely that the latter is more likely to be ignored by a potential partner, given the presence of the most attractive individual. People admire each other and an individual may feel uncomfortable or envious if he is placed in front of a contender who makes him appear inadequate in the competition for well-being, respect and love.
- The two main forms of love manifest themselves as the desire for the presence of a person or thing, and as the willingness to make an effort to help someone. Time, money, products, services, compliments, humor, advice, appreciation, affection and encouragement are all products of love. Sometimes when you love someone you have a feeling of jealous possession.
- Competitive trends between people can sometimes be dangerous to the safety of life, property and valuables, so authoritarian regulations and protection are often required to maintain peaceful and constructive interactions. Traditional ethical principles dictate that you shouldn't do to others what you don't think is right to be done to yourself, and that in order to enjoy a benefit, people must pay the cost.
- Each individual is naturally led to the search in life for pleasure, superiority, bonds and self-awareness to avoid death, inferiority, isolation, unawareness, and to have the freedom to choose what to say and what to do.
- Another unique ability of the human being is to show compassion, which allows individuals to put themselves in the shoes of others, and to be able to evaluate things as hypothetical experiences even going so far as to be able to anticipate what are the feelings that a person will feel by helping. or hurting another person in the real world, referring to him as that person who shares a common nature with other individuals.
- Observe your natural aversion to ignorance and your curiosity towards reality. Existence is both real and imaginary, or tangible and intangible.

Step 10. Holistic awareness is a virtual mirror or housing in which reality resides as knowledge when a person observes, experiences and learns
Human beings are rational organisms and the goal of understanding oneself and the environment in which they live is the brand that distinguishes the way people act. The psychological heritage of humanity establishes that freedom is guided by the fear of death, pain, inferiority, isolation and ignorance of the source, meaning and destiny of identity, in fact ignorance, weakness, ugliness, baseness and emptiness are hidden with shame, while knowledge, strength, beauty, height and fullness are displayed with pride, between the emotional punishment for the destructive use of freedom and the emotional reward for its constructive use.
- There is a clear distinction between beliefs and knowledge, between theory and facts. Beliefs and theories are possible depending on when they are rational, while knowledge and facts are true because they are based on the evidence of observation and experience. Some problems are based on simple opinions, personal judgments and preferences, but even in these terms being rational can improve the quality of the mind's functioning.
- Life can be a gift of love from a divine being who designed and created it or a casual product that derives from the normal unfolding of the cosmos. In any case, life is structured with creativity, rationality and dignity and allows us to be valid and useful, which we should be grateful for.
- People are able to investigate the fundamental basis of the existence of things and events, and their usefulness. People try to make sense of the mystery of existence and tend to be sorry that it is not possible.
- There are laws that are fixed, governed by nature, and flexible laws, governed by men, which bring order and dignity to existence.
- Furthermore, humans tend to feel a kind of mental distress when comparing the vastness of the Universe to the relatively small size of the human body, and there is always a feeling of fear that accompanies not knowing for sure what happened. in the distant past, and what could happen in the near or distant future.
- Ask yourself what your presence on Earth really comes from and what the real results will be. Aspire to grow physically and mentally to at least try to impress yourself, even if others refuse to admit your existence, or your virtues that manifest in your appearance and performance.
- Realize that maturity involves self-knowledge, an understanding of what you want, and the courage to manage your life. Expect to face problems and hardships on a daily basis, but appreciate that challenges are opportunities for growth. Fully understand that life unfolds one moment at a time, and that it is up to you to cherish and cherish each of these moments.
- Look in the mirror every day and do your best to make sure that you will earn and keep the respect of the person who looks back at you. Be your best friend and your worst critic, get to know each other thoroughly, so that the labels of others have less power over you.
- Imagine consciousness as the awareness of every aspect of reality. Imagine ignorance as the unawareness of every aspect of reality. Imagine learning as a process that expands your awareness of reality.
- Life is full of ups and downs, but you can breathe peacefully and find your inner calm within the cosmic flow that dominates us to keep you stable and push you to move forward. Breathing is composed of a contrasting symmetry of inspiration and exhalation, and with the same consistency and urgency you can struggle to welcome and show the perfection that life gives you.
- Keep in mind that it is necessary to make various kinds of efforts to facilitate the survival of humanity and make it live at ease, as well as to allow this awareness to encourage you to be ready and want to earn your place in the world.
- You inherited your life from your parents through a refined lineage that originated in an odyssey of mysticism, and your natural destiny is to try to maximize the quantity and quality of your life by celebrating that rare and precious chance to be you. same.
- The present is the only moment that really matters, practice right away giving the best of yourself in the present moment and always trying to keep your main priorities in mind.
- Music, movies, books, television, radio, the internet and travel are all great ways to understand the world around you.
- Realize that life is based on the constant commitment to preserve life itself according to positive standards in order to be able to fully appreciate its value and take advantage of its gifts, enjoying the pleasure provided by the five senses, appearing and acting in the best way to be observed, to love and to be loved and to get to know you thoroughly.
- For a normal person, existence contains natural and artificial appetites, and time, space, matter, energy and rationality with which it is possible to satisfy them.
- Always strive to maximize the quantity and quality of your life, to welcome and show perfection, to love and be loved, to make sense of you and everything around you and to make your life rewarding from start to finish.
- Constantly reflect on the human condition with an honest and objective mindset, but be careful that this reflection does not inhibit your ability to fully enjoy and appreciate your life.
- Don't allow the weight of your life to always rest entirely on your shoulders, take it as it comes, one day at a time.
- Never underestimate the importance of meticulous meditation on the human condition. If you do, you may miss a big opportunity or you may run into difficulties that you could have avoided.
- Do not panic when you find yourself confronted with the mystery and inexplicable confusion on an aspect of reality. Instead, try to calmly understand that sometimes it is simply impossible to get a satisfactory answer to some questions.
- Better to have a plan based on real possibilities to follow with precision and concentration, to avoid wasting precious time in any way.