How to Introduce Yourself in German: 6 Steps (with Pictures)

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How to Introduce Yourself in German: 6 Steps (with Pictures)
How to Introduce Yourself in German: 6 Steps (with Pictures)

Talking about yourself in German is very easy: it only takes you a few minutes to know how to have a simple conversation with your friends.


Method 1 of 1: Questions

Talk About Yourself in German Step 1
Talk About Yourself in German Step 1

Step 1. Wie heißt du?

: "What's your name?".

  • To answer, all you have to do is say Ich heiße _, that is "My name is …". Ich means "I", heiße "I call".
  • For example, you could say Ich heiße Maria, "My name is Maria.".
  • An easier way to put it is as follows: Ich bin _, which means “I am…”.

    Talk About Yourself in German Step 1Bullet3
    Talk About Yourself in German Step 1Bullet3
Talk About Yourself in German Step 2
Talk About Yourself in German Step 2

Step 2. Wo wohnst du?

: "Where do you live?".

  • Here's how to answer:

    • Ich wohne in _, which means “I live in / in…”.
    • Example: Ich wohne in Italien, “I live in Italy.”.
    Talk About Yourself in German Step 3
    Talk About Yourself in German Step 3

    Step 3. Wie alt="Image" bist du?

    : "How old are you?".

    • If you're going to give this information, here's how to respond:

      Ich bin _ Jahre alt="Image", ie “I am _ years old.”. Jahre means "year", alt="Image" "old"

    Talk About Yourself in German Step 4
    Talk About Yourself in German Step 4

    Step 4. To tell your age, first you need to learn numbers

    Read this article.

    Example: Ich bin zwölf Jahre alt="Image", “I am 12 years old.”

    Talk About Yourself in German Step 5
    Talk About Yourself in German Step 5

    Step 5. Wie geth es dir?

    : "How are you?".

    • If they ask you this question, here's how to answer:

      • Mir geht es…; to this sentence, you will need to add one of the following words:
      • First ("very well").
      • Sehr gut ("very well").
      • Gut ("good").
      • Nicht so gut ("not so good").
      • Schlecht ("very badly").
      • Faul ("lazy").
      • Launisch ("in a bad mood").
    • One of these words will allow you to finish the sentence.

      Example: Ich bin sehr launisch, “I'm in a very bad mood.”

    Talk About Yourself in German Step 6
    Talk About Yourself in German Step 6

    Step 6. Danke dir, "Thank you".

    Education is key in a conversation


    • The German W is pronounced like our V. For example Wo wohnst du? is pronounced "vo vonst du?".
    • The German J is pronounced like our I. For example, Ja is pronounced "ia" (it means "yes").
    • Und du? means "And you?". Example: Ich wohne in Tokyo, und du?, "I live in Tokyo, and you?".
    • Use Und du? when a person asks you a question and then you want to ask them for the same information.
    • The ß is pronounced as a double "ss". You will read it often. Example: Ich heiße Maria, "My name is Maria.". We write ß if the previous vowel is long and ss if the previous vowel is short.
    • If you know English, it will be easier to study German, especially since many words are similar.
    • Also remember that the ch sound is not like ours; in some words it is pronounced as the sc for "monkey", in others as a kind of aspirated c.
