How to Live in Communion with Jesus: 10 Steps

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How to Live in Communion with Jesus: 10 Steps
How to Live in Communion with Jesus: 10 Steps

Jesus gave his life for us so that we could live intensely. He freed us from our sins by paying our huge debts. So why not put your life at the service of the Lord? Living for the Savior has a greater sense than living for ourselves. How to follow in His footsteps, so that many are saved through our presence thanks to His intervention? And how to save at least some, if we are unable to save many? Below, you will find some important steps that will help you bring out your inner essence in life.


Live for Jesus Step 1
Live for Jesus Step 1

Step 1. Pray:

By praying, we establish a personal relationship with God. We can talk to Him, considering Him as a father, or we can recite the prayer given by Jesus through His disciples: "Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be your name, come your kingdom., your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us our daily bread today, and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil ". Recite it and then use it as a model of prayer to communicate with the Lord.

Live for Jesus Step 2
Live for Jesus Step 2

Step 2. Live the way God called you:

Every man is precious in the eyes of the Lord. God always wants men to live happily, thrive. Get into the good habit of reading Christian texts, watching spiritual programs, and helping others.

Live for Jesus Step 3
Live for Jesus Step 3

Step 3. Follow the teachings of Christ:

The teachings of Christ are present in the Bible and in the church. Go to mass on Sunday and give thanks to the Lord for saving us from all problems and difficulties.

Live for Jesus Step 4
Live for Jesus Step 4

Step 4. Honor God :

Praise, thank and offer yourself to your neighbor, as well as to the Lord. He is omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent, as is His Spirit that dwells in you. We have to thank Him for who we are today. God is love. He invites us to live in His kingdom at all times. It is our choice to accept or decline. Welcome Him with open arms.

Live for Jesus Step 5
Live for Jesus Step 5

Step 5. Love the neighbor:

When (while) we love our neighbor, we love ourselves. We are all part of a unity, even if we each live in a different physical body: we are a whole within Christ. God's gift of love brings happiness, success, patience, harmony, peace, integrity, honesty, kindness, and hope.

Live for Jesus Step 6
Live for Jesus Step 6

Step 6. Follow good and righteousness:

In itself it is a great thing to do good by acting with goodness (in the manner of Christ). If you are not righteous, you are doomed to failure. We must overcome any iniquity thanks to Jesus who supports and strengthens us. Our Lord has already conquered the world forever.

Live for Jesus Step 7
Live for Jesus Step 7

Step 7. Read the Bible:

Spend 5-10 minutes a day understanding Jesus' life and His Love in our daily life. Meditate on the word of God. Our God lives in us. We just have to discover Him within us through Jesus Christ, not only by desiring or getting an idea of Him, but also through His perfect principles.

Live for Jesus Step 8
Live for Jesus Step 8

Step 8. Share your gifts:

Jesus gave His life for us, a gift of salvation for men. We must share the blessing, the wisdom, the richness that characterize us - whether large or small - and thus, we will be able to carry our faith in many areas and in many ways. What we give we will receive multiplied, enriched and overflowing.

Live for Jesus Step 9
Live for Jesus Step 9

Step 9. Encourage the next:

We need to motivate, inspire, strengthen and encourage. Behave this way, at least with someone who is not part of your family or closest acquaintances, but who may be living near you. In turn, God will bring you many, if not millions, to be an example of.

Live for Jesus Step 10
Live for Jesus Step 10

Step 10. Collaborate with others:

What you claim may be different from what another person thinks. What you say may be different from what you hear. Hence, we should consider working together to mutually understand our points of view and live with enthusiasm.


  • Jesus knocks on the door in our heart. Open the door to Him to enter and work through us for our good and that of God's children.

    Jesus said, "Whatever you did to one of these least of my brothers, you did it to me" (Matthew 25:40)

  • Close your eyes when you pray. Seek the presence of God. Jesus Christ is open to all.


  • Don't condemn yourself for not being perfect or great. You insist, trying to make your contribution. Get up and recover when you stumble in front of some idea, word and deed, yours as well as anyone else's.
  • Don't hinder, criticize, condemn and complain, but

    give your contribution so that every Christian does his part.

  • Do not trivially interpret the word of Jesus: live for it and in it.
  • Do not use the name of Jesus to satisfy wrong "needs". Seek a higher calling.
