Do you want to find salvation, but you don't know how to do it? This article has the answers you are looking for. The method is simple to follow and the results last forever!

Step 1. Make others stay out of it; it is one thing only between you and God
To this day, it is likely that many have already promised you to change your life, but this article can do it for real. Succeeding is as simple as counting to three.

Step 2. Try to understand that you are a sinner
Ask yourself the following questions: "Have I ever put Our Lord in second place? Have I ever lied (a lie is a lie, no matter how small you think it is), stolen (cheated on an exam, got a packet of chewing without paying, etc.), hated (the Bible says that he who hates his neighbor is as if he were committing murder in his heart), had impure thoughts (the Bible says it is like committing adultery within oneself), cursed ("Oh my God !!! "), dishonored my parents or was I jealous of things belonging to another person?" The Bible says that all of us have sinned, and that disobeying one commandment is like disobeying everyone. Every sin deserves punishment, and Our Lord is a just and just God. He should give you the punishment you deserve: hell. However, he died for your sins and sacrificed himself to redeem you so that you may have eternal life as a gift.

Step 3. Repent of your sins and stop thinking only of yourself
This means abandoning the way you are walking to follow Jesus Christ. Alone, you can't do it, but the Holy Spirit will give you the strength you need if you pray to him. He is able to change you and turn you into a different person.

Step 4. Be happy and rejoice now that you have been forgiven (because when you ask for His forgiveness with your heart, He will always give it to you)
Have faith and he, with his mercy, will save you from hell.

Step 5. Talk to Our Lord
Pray every day: praying always helps whether it's a small request like asking God to help you pass an exam or a more serious one like asking him to help doctors figure out what's wrong with a person you love and who is sick.
It's a great feeling to know someone is always there willing to listen to you: this someone is Jesus Christ. Read several examples of people whose prayers God has welcomed Read the Bible every day: What would your relationship be with God if you were the only one communicating? You will never know what God answers you unless you read His word.

Step 6. Remember these verses:
'Jesus replied, "Most assuredly, I tell you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God."' (John 3: 5) '"Because God so loved the world, to give his only begotten Son, so that whoever believes in him may not perish, but have eternal life. "'(John 03:16)

Step 7. When you need help, pray to Jesus and invite him to keep his promises:
throwing all your worries on him, because he cares for you. (1 Peter 5: 7)
Jesus is someone you can count on. Talk to Him as you would a friend or brother and tell Him everything. He loves you as if you were a brother or sister so much that he sacrificed his life to redeem you! The Holy Spirit will never abandon you: he will give you comfort and will be a friend who will always remain by your side.
Jesus is a name we have heard from the day we were born, even though we didn't know exactly who this authority figure our parents often mentioned was. As we grew up, however, we learned more about the son of God who came down to earth for you and me in the form of a child to wash away our sins by scarifying himself on the cross. Who could possibly do the same for us besides Jesus Christ? If Christ loves us so much, we must believe that He will forgive our sins. He is the only way to salvation. Satan puts us to the test every moment of the day, but Our Lord is always beside us to try to get closer to Him. Difficulties do not arise to destroy us or make us suffer: they exist to make us even stronger. By resurrecting, Jesus defeated death and therefore has the power to forgive our sins: to save us from them. He restrains his anger; he will forgive us our sins. Believe in Our Lord because faith can work miracles. Trust in Him; he will not let you walk alone and will always hold your hand
- It is not always easy to be a Christian; you will have much to enjoy but also obstacles to overcome. These obstacles serve to make you stronger and to test your faith. You will be able to come out victorious or defeated. It is in these moments that you will have to rely on Jesus and pray. Praying always works. The Lord answers, "yes", "no" or "wait" by sending you signals. Don't believe that God's silence means "no"; he may operate in ways you do not expect, so that after you put your effort into it, there may come a day when you will notice a big difference.
- One door can close, but another can open. Work, friends, school, career and even family are all things that come and go.