How to be mysterious to attract people

How to be mysterious to attract people
How to be mysterious to attract people

Table of contents:


Can't you flirt? This article, written especially for girls, is perfect for you. There is a secret weapon that, until now, has remained silent in your subconscious: the mystery. By learning to manage the art of being mysterious, you will be able to conquer the guy you like and have him at your feet!


Be Mysterious to Attract People Step 1
Be Mysterious to Attract People Step 1

Step 1. Be vague

The key to being mysterious is to make people curious. If someone asks you what you did over the weekend, answer vaguely, such as "I met some friends and we did things in town." If they ask you more questions, don't say anything and smile mysteriously.

Be Mysterious to Attract People Step 2
Be Mysterious to Attract People Step 2

Step 2. Learn to smile mysteriously

A sly smile is perfect. Tilting your head slightly and raising your eyebrows a little will make you even more inscrutable.

Be Mysterious to Attract People Step 3
Be Mysterious to Attract People Step 3

Step 3. Write a diary

When you are around the guy you like, write in your diary, or pretend. When he or someone else approaches, close the cover slowly and show your mysterious smile once again. If the guy who interests you begins to feel attracted to you, show him your diary without him asking you; or, let him read over your shoulder. This way he will understand that you trust him.

Be Mysterious to Attract People Step 4
Be Mysterious to Attract People Step 4

Step 4. Learn many dark anecdotes

During conversations with the guy you like, or with anyone else, listen in silence and make a comment on the subject in a low voice. If he comments on your acquaintance (with a compliment), look down shyly. Shyness is very important in creating mystery.

Be Mysterious to Attract People Step 5
Be Mysterious to Attract People Step 5

Step 5. Dress mysteriously

Don't wear anything flashy or skimpy. Wear baggy jeans (nothing tight), without holes. Wear slightly loose or long shirts, such as tunics. Long skirts are perfect, and the same goes for flashy earrings and loose hair. If you wear a jacket, choose one with many pockets (to make people curious about the contents); wear sneakers or ballet flats. Your style must be discreet and cute. Put different items in your pockets, take them out every now and then. See if the guy you like notices him. For example, if you take a wrench out of your pocket and he sees you, smile and put the object away. That way he'll think you're funny and full of surprises!

Be Mysterious to Attract People Step 6
Be Mysterious to Attract People Step 6

Step 6. Look away

People will have the impression that your mind is always immersed in your thoughts and you will be even more mysterious.


  • If there is a problem, always have the solution.
  • Smile often mysteriously.
  • Learn many random facts, curious, interesting or unknown stories and tell them at the first conversation opportunity.
  • Every so often, observe the guy you like in silence, blink your eyes and slowly move your gaze in another direction when he looks at you.
  • Speak only when others speak to you.
  • Don't spend too much time in the same place; keep moving makes people curious.
  • Be shy, and then smile a lot.


  • Don't be too mysterious. You may seem wary and push people away.
  • After you get it, stop being mysterious, but not quite. Always keep his interest alive. Let him wonder what your next move will be.
