How To Take Care Of Hair Extensions

How To Take Care Of Hair Extensions
How To Take Care Of Hair Extensions

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The extensions are beautiful and perfect for lengthening your hair or for adding a pop of color. Plus, they help hide a wrong haircut or dye by allowing you to pull your hair up into a simple ponytail. However, you need to take care of them properly to make them last as long as possible.


Care for Hair Extensions Step 1
Care for Hair Extensions Step 1

Step 1. Wash the extensions

Gently! Fake hair absorbs your hair's natural oils making it greasy and causing the fibers it is made of to fall out. To wash them, immerse them in hot water in the sink. Apply a clarifying shampoo and rinse with cold water. Do not comb the extensions while they are wet otherwise you will tear the hair making it last less long.

Care for Hair Extensions Step 2
Care for Hair Extensions Step 2

Step 2. Keep your extensions hydrated, especially if you style them frequently

When the extensions are dry, comb them evenly with a leave-in conditioner. Do not overdo the amount of product otherwise they will become fatter than your natural hair.

Care for Hair Extensions Step 3
Care for Hair Extensions Step 3

Step 3. Remove the nodes from the extensions

Gently detangle them from dry with a wide-toothed comb.

Care for Hair Extensions Step 4
Care for Hair Extensions Step 4

Step 4. Use the styling tools only when the extensions are dry

Never dry them with a hairdryer. Attach them to the rest of the hair after drying it. If necessary, curl and straighten them for half the time it usually takes for natural hair. This will prevent them from breaking.

  • If possible, get two sets of the same extensions. Use a pair "just for curling" and a pair "just for straightening". This will cut the time it takes to comb in half and reduce any damage.

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Care for Hair Extensions Step 5
Care for Hair Extensions Step 5

Step 5. Comb the extensions into a ponytail only if they can be used for this hairstyle

Some extensions can break if collected in a queue. Read the manufacturer's instructions carefully. If the instructions don't mention specific directions about the tail, avoid this hairstyle anyway to be safe.


  • Cheaper extensions will not be of the same quality as more expensive ones. If you use them often, consider paying a little more for a better quality product.
  • Don't forget to take them off before going to sleep to avoid hurting your skin and not to ruin them!
  • If you can't find extensions of your hair color, dye your hair but not the extensions (the dye will ruin them).
