Do you want to express some of your personality permanently? Are you too young to get a piercing? Giving a pop of color to your hair is the best thing to do!

Step 1. Decide what color you want
Make sure it's a color you are determined to wear for weeks or months, as it will be permanent.

Step 2. Go shopping, and get:
- The dye you prefer (permanent or semi-permanent).
- Tinfoil.
- Clothespins.
- Plastic comb.
- At home, get an old shirt that you don't mind ruining.
- Hair dye kit.

Step 3. Choose an afternoon when you have nothing to do
This thing can take your time.

Step 4. Select the locks of hair to be dyed with clips

Step 5. Attach the selected strands to keep them separate from the rest of the hair
Hair dye can get messy and you need to try to use it evenly.

Step 6. Follow the instructions on the bleach package
Use all the mixture, even if you think it is too much - better to have plenty of it than not to have enough.

Step 7. With a plastic comb, distribute the bleach on the selected strands, repeat until you have a generous amount on each strand

Step 8. Wrap the strands in aluminum foil
Wait about 30 minutes.

Step 9. Remove the foil and check the color
Does that seem clear enough to you? It may take longer if you have already bleached your hair in the past.

Step 10. Rinse the product, making sure to get rid of it completely
You can use shampoo, but never conditioner! It may interfere with the color. Make sure you don't lose sight of the strand of hair while you wash it.

Step 11. Dry your hair with a towel or hairdryer

Step 12. Reattach the dyed locks with bobby pins or bobby pins

Step 13. Open the paint pack and follow the instructions
If it is a semi-permanent dye it should already be mixed; if it isn't, follow the instructions to do so.

Step 14. With a new comb, distribute the color in the strands
Use a larger amount of dye than the amount of bleach because the dye is not as powerful.

Step 15. Depending on the brand, you can also wrap the strand in aluminum foil
Some instructions will tell you to dry with hot air, to make the color brighter.

Step 16. Optional:
if you use a semi-permanent dye you can put on a night cap and sleep on it, so the color will soak your hair and be more alive.

Step 17. Wash your hair
Now you can use the conditioner.

Step 18. Congratulations
You can show off your personality anywhere now! Go like this!
- NEVER use homemade bleach. It is too aggressive and you may end up with a burnt scalp and fallen hair. Use a 30-volume bleach (40 if you have extremely dark hair).
- Choose a color that will brighten your hair, especially if you have it dark.
- If you use a semi-permanent dye, your blow dryer, curling iron or straightener may take the color away, see the instructions to make sure you can use these items on your new colored hair.
- The lighter your hair will be after bleaching, the brighter the color will be in the end.
- It is important not to buy products that are too cheap when it comes to hair. After all, it's your hair, and you don't want it to get damaged.
- It would be better if the lock to be dyed was not on the top of your head; better to do it somewhere in the middle of the hair, on the sides or back.
- If you use a semi-permanent dye, you can mix the leftover with conditioner, and use it every time you shampoo, to prolong the color. Obviously, use the tinted conditioner only on the strand you dyed.
- Try to avoid bleaching your hair until it is white, or you will remove all the natural pigment from it.
- Don't leave the bleach on for too long! You can seriously damage your hair. If you really want them lighter, reapply it only after a day or two because the hair needs rest between one bleaching and the other.
- Some bleaches do not require the use of aluminum foil. If the instructions say so DO NOT use it!
- Make sure you're ready for this step, it's permanent!
- Dyeing can do damage, make sure your hair endures discoloration and tinting.
- The semi-permanent dye lasts for a couple of weeks.