How to Apply a Hair Mask: 11 Steps

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How to Apply a Hair Mask: 11 Steps
How to Apply a Hair Mask: 11 Steps

Do you want to moisturize and strengthen your hair? Make a mask. However, it is important to use it correctly for it to be effective. In fact, it should be applied to slightly damp hair proceeding from the roots to the tips. The shutter speeds vary depending on the product. To find the right mask for your needs and your hair type, you need to experiment.


Method 1 of 2: Apply the Mask Correctly

Apply a Hair Mask Step 1
Apply a Hair Mask Step 1

Step 1. Read the instructions carefully

Many commercial masks have specifics. Some are to be used only once a week, others require certain processing times. Not all products can be used interchangeably with regard to installation and frequency of use. Make sure you read the instructions carefully before proceeding with the application. If you experience adverse effects after use, you may not have followed the directions to the letter.

Apply a Hair Mask Step 2
Apply a Hair Mask Step 2

Step 2. If you have to apply a mask that could get very dirty, wear an old shirt, hairdressing cape, or other garment that you can easily turn it over

Clothes can be easily damaged during the procedure.

  • You can also wrap your shoulders with a towel during application;
  • Hairdressing capes can be found in shops that sell beauty items. You have seen them thousands of times in salons and beauty centers.
Apply a Hair Mask Step 3
Apply a Hair Mask Step 3

Step 3. Before applying the mask, wash your hair as usual and pat it dry with a towel:

they should be moist. Do not use the hair dryer before application.

Apply a Hair Mask Step 4
Apply a Hair Mask Step 4

Step 4. For ease of application, part your hair into 3 or 4 sections of similar size

For example, you can try making 2 sections on the sides of the head, 1 front and 1 back. Secure them with pliers or paper clips, then apply the mask to one area at a time.

  • For long, thick hair, 4-8 sections may also be needed;
  • If you have very short hair, there is no point in parting it.
Apply a Hair Mask Step 5
Apply a Hair Mask Step 5

Step 5. Apply the mask from roots to ends

To start, massage it into your scalp, then work your way up to the tips. Try to distribute it evenly by applying it with a gentle massage.

Pay particular attention to the tips, which are often prone to drying out and require more care

Apply a Hair Mask Step 6
Apply a Hair Mask Step 6

Step 6. After applying the mask all over the hair, take a comb with medium or wide teeth

Comb your hair to distribute it even more evenly.

This method is not recommended for all hair types. For example, if you have curls, you can simply untangle them with your fingers or skip this step

Apply a Hair Mask Step 7
Apply a Hair Mask Step 7

Step 7. After the exposure time, rinse the mask in the shower and apply the conditioner as usual to moisturize the hair

Method 2 of 2: Optimize the Effects of the Mask

Apply a Hair Mask Step 8
Apply a Hair Mask Step 8

Step 1. After applying the mask, cover your head with a shower cap or wrap it with a warm towel

Leave it on for 10 minutes, so that the active ingredients penetrate better into the scalp and act more effectively.

Apply a Hair Mask Step 9
Apply a Hair Mask Step 9

Step 2. Shutter speeds vary depending on the function of the mask

If you are using a packaged one, read the instructions. If you do it at home, times change according to the result you want to achieve:

  • If you are doing a protein treatment, leave it on for 10 minutes;
  • If you are doing a moisturizer, leave it on for 5-10 minutes;
  • Coconut oil masks should be left to act for at least 30 minutes;
  • Regenerating masks should be left on for at least 10 minutes, but for greater effectiveness it is better to let them act longer. Try to set aside at least 30 minutes.
Apply a Hair Mask Step 10
Apply a Hair Mask Step 10

Step 3. If you have particularly dry hair, cover your head with a towel, shower cap, or other headpiece, then leave the mask on overnight

Rinse it off the next morning. You will see that the hair will be visibly softer and hydrated.

Apply a Hair Mask Step 11
Apply a Hair Mask Step 11

Step 4. Should the mask become greasy on your hair, use less in the future, as it is possible that you have applied too much product

Reduce them and see if that solves the problem.
