How to Apply a Clay Face Mask

Table of contents:

How to Apply a Clay Face Mask
How to Apply a Clay Face Mask

If you don't have the time or money to go get a clay beauty mask done in a spa, you can do the same treatment right at your home. All you need is the product you like best, some free time and some water for rinsing. The clay has excellent moisturizing, purifying and toning properties and is also suitable for sensitive facial skin. Once tried, this mask is sure to become one of your favorite beauty tools!


Part 1 of 2: Apply the Clay Mask to the Face

Apply a Mud Mask Step 1
Apply a Mud Mask Step 1

Step 1. Remove the mask from the package

Collect a small amount using your middle and index fingers. To begin with, it takes very little, plus by proceeding in this way you will avoid dirtying your clothes or surrounding surfaces. If you want to thicken the clay layer on your skin, you can add more later.

Remember that it is easier to add more clay than to remove any excess

Step 2. Spread it on your skin

Apply it to the center of your cheeks, then start spreading it over the rest of your face as well, including your forehead, temples and chin. If you don't want to have too much trouble removing it after the exposure time, it is best to apply only a thin layer.

Note that the thicker the clay layer, the longer you will be able to hold the mask in place because it will dry out less quickly

Apply a Mud Mask Step 3
Apply a Mud Mask Step 3

Step 3. Avoid the eye area

You can spread the clay all over the rest of your face, but you should avoid applying it near the eyes. In this area, the skin is extremely delicate, and you would also run the risk of letting the clay come into contact with the eyeball, especially when it is time to remove it with water. Look in the mirror while applying the mask to your skin to be able to accurately avoid the eye contour area.

Apply it with particular care on the points of the face affected by impurities, such as pimples and blackheads, but be careful to spread it with extreme delicacy so as not to risk further irritating the skin

Apply a Mud Mask Step 4
Apply a Mud Mask Step 4

Step 4. Wait 15 minutes

After spreading the mask evenly, leave it on for a quarter of an hour or until the clay begins to dry out.

Step 5. Remove the mask with water

Take a clean cotton cloth and dip it in warm water. Squeeze it hard, then use it to gently scrub the skin on your face and get rid of the clay. Rinse it and squeeze it several times until you have almost completely removed it.

  • Remove the mask very gently. If you rub your face too hard, you risk damaging it, as it is very delicate.
  • If you have difficulty removing the clay, soak the cloth in warm water and place it on your face for 30 seconds to soften it. Then proceed as described above.

Step 6. Rinse your face

When you have removed most of the mask with the cloth, gently sprinkle the skin with warm water. In this way you will be able to eliminate even the last remaining clay residues.

Avoid using cold or hot water. The skin may be shocked or excessively dry

Step 7. Dab your face to dry it

Take a clean soft towel and use it to gently pat the skin; remember not to rub it so as not to damage it, it is very sensitive.

Part 2 of 2: Using the Clay Mask Effectively

Apply a Mud Mask Step 8
Apply a Mud Mask Step 8

Step 1. Select the best mask for you

In perfumery, the options to choose from are truly numerous. Read the description on the labels to find the one that best suits your skin type. You should choose according to your characteristics and needs, for example:

  • If you have dry skin, opt for a moisturizing mask that contains oils that can restore the right level of moisture.
  • If you have acne, you should choose a mask that helps regulate sebum production and clear clogged pores.
  • For sensitive skin it is best to use a mask that contains minerals that can reduce inflammation.
  • If you have combination skin, consider using two different masks in different places on your face (for example one formulated for dry skin on the cheeks and one for oily skin on the T-zone).

Step 2. Tie your hair

If they are long, it is best to gather them in a ponytail to prevent those around the face from getting dirty or sticking to the clay as you apply the mask.

If a little clay still gets on your hair, simply moisten it with a wet cloth and rub it gently to remove it

Step 3. Clean your skin with water or steam

Before applying the mask, it is very useful to eliminate impurities and excess sebum that may have accumulated on the face. In addition to making the treatment more effective, this initial cleansing will allow the clay to adhere more easily to the skin. You can wash your face as you normally do or make a steam mask.

Using steam is an excellent way to open pores. The clay will be able to penetrate better, purifying the skin more thoroughly

Step 4. Apply a moisturizing cream or oil

Pour a small amount into the crook of your hand, then rub both palms together. At this point, gently tap your hands on your face to distribute the oil or cream evenly. Depending on your skin type, you can also moisturize it before applying the mask, as the clay tends to dry out.

To ensure proper hydration, you can apply the cream or oil even after rinsing the mask

Apply a Mud Mask Step 12
Apply a Mud Mask Step 12

Step 5. Don't use clay too frequently

When used correctly, this type of mask can improve skin health. However, as it tends to dry out, it shouldn't be used more than once a week. Only if you have oily skin, you can try repeating the treatment every 3-4 days to try to regulate sebum production.
