4 Ways to Make an Olive Oil Hair Mask

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4 Ways to Make an Olive Oil Hair Mask
4 Ways to Make an Olive Oil Hair Mask

Olive oil is a natural ingredient that benefits both when ingested and when applied to the skin and hair. When used as a hair mask and left on long enough, olive oil improves its appearance and texture, while also making it more manageable. Thanks to its emollient qualities, the hair also becomes more manageable and shiny and tends to break less easily. Olive oil benefits all hair types, from the smoothest and thinnest to the most curly and thick. By mixing it with other ingredients you can create a wide variety of masks to give strength and shine to all hair types.


Method 1 of 4: Make a Mask with Olive Oil and Honey

Make an Olive Oil Hair Mask Step 1
Make an Olive Oil Hair Mask Step 1

Step 1. Select the base of your mask by choosing a high quality extra virgin olive oil

You will need about 120ml. Extra virgin olive oil is more expensive than regular olive oil, but has a more pleasant scent and contains a higher amount of antioxidants and vitamins, thus giving more strength and shine to the hair.

If you want to further perfume your mask and give your hair additional benefits, you can infuse a dried sprig of rosemary or lavender in the oil, a few days in advance. Both fragrances will favor a pleasant relaxing effect

Make an Olive Oil Hair Mask Step 2
Make an Olive Oil Hair Mask Step 2

Step 2. Pour 60ml of honey into a glass container

Honey is a natural humectant (meaning it seals the moisture inside the hair) and contains antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds. Its properties make it ideal for those who want to treat dry, damaged and split ends hair. Compared to the processed one, raw honey guarantees even higher beneficial properties. Incorporate the olive oil into the honey using a whisk.

  • A glass jar with a sealable lid is the ideal container for this use (and for storing the remaining mask), however you can use any clean glass container.
  • If your mask feels too sticky, dilute it by adding an additional small amount of oil as you continue to mix.
Make an Olive Oil Hair Mask Step 3
Make an Olive Oil Hair Mask Step 3

Step 3. Pierce three vitamin E capsules and squeeze the contents into the mixture

You can find liquid vitamin E-filled capsules at the drugstore. The additional vitamin E will not only help repair damaged hair, thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties, it will bring relief to the scalp. Mix with the whisk until you get a smooth and manageable consistency. Make sure the mixture isn't overly sticky.

Make an Olive Oil Hair Mask Step 4
Make an Olive Oil Hair Mask Step 4

Step 4. Take a pastry brush and spread the mask over damp hair

Focus on the tips, which is the part that tends to be the driest and most damaged. Make sure you distribute the mixture evenly.

Make an Olive Oil Hair Mask Step 5
Make an Olive Oil Hair Mask Step 5

Step 5. Wrap your hair in a shower cap, bag or cling film

If you have long hair, before wrapping it, put it in a soft bun over your head and secure it with a hair clip. Leave the mask on for 90 minutes so that the oil and honey have time to penetrate deeply into the hair.

The heat trapped inside the plastic cover will promote the absorption of oil and honey by the hair

Make an Olive Oil Hair Mask Step 6
Make an Olive Oil Hair Mask Step 6

Step 6. Rinse your hair with warm water

Rinse thoroughly and thoroughly using warm, but not hot, water. Your hair will feel stiff or sticky to the touch, keep rinsing it until it's back to normal. Wash them with a mild shampoo and apply conditioner as usual.

"Sulfate-free" or "surfactant-free" shampoos are gentler on the hair. While they don't form the same amount of foam, they clean just as effectively

Method 2 of 4: Make a Mask with Olive Oil and Coconut Oil

Make an Olive Oil Hair Mask Step 7
Make an Olive Oil Hair Mask Step 7

Step 1. Select the base for your mask by choosing a high quality coconut oil

"Extra virgin" coconut oil is the best choice, but any oil with no added fragrances, flavors or dyes will do. Thanks to the composition of its fatty acids, coconut oil is particularly suitable for treating damaged hair as it is able to penetrate the shaft more effectively than other oils. It is also an excellent cure for dandruff and dry, itchy scalp, and has natural antifungal properties.

  • If your budget allows it, go for raw organic coconut oil, it is by far the most effective on hair. Like raw honey, even raw coconut oil, at a low temperature, can tend to solidify in the container, in this case it will be sufficient to heat it in the microwave for 10-20 seconds, until it liquefies.
  • The lightness of this mask makes it ideal for fine or thin hair.
Make an Olive Oil Hair Mask Step 8
Make an Olive Oil Hair Mask Step 8

Step 2. Blend 2 parts of coconut oil with 1 part of extra virgin olive oil

Mix them inside a sealable glass container. If you have short hair, 2 tablespoons of coconut oil and 1 tablespoon of olive oil should be enough. In any case, you can adjust the quantities according to the length and thickness of your hair.

Make an Olive Oil Hair Mask Step 9
Make an Olive Oil Hair Mask Step 9

Step 3. Apply the oily mixture to your hair

Use your hands and massage the oil into your hair. Focus on the tips as they tend to be the driest and most damaged parts. Distribute it evenly between the strands using your fingers or a wide-toothed comb.

Make an Olive Oil Hair Mask Step 10
Make an Olive Oil Hair Mask Step 10

Step 4. Wrap your hair

If you have long hair, put it in a soft ponytail or bun, then wrap it in a shower cap, plastic bag, or cling film.

Make an Olive Oil Hair Mask Step 11
Make an Olive Oil Hair Mask Step 11

Step 5. Leave the mask on overnight

During the night, coconut oil will have time to penetrate deeply into hair, including those with the most damaged shaft. The next morning, rinse your hair with warm water and wash it with a mild shampoo, then apply the conditioner as usual.

Method 3 of 4: Make a Mask with Olive Oil and Banana

Make an Olive Oil Hair Mask Step 12
Make an Olive Oil Hair Mask Step 12

Step 1. Peel and mash a ripe banana in a medium-sized bowl

Bananas are fruits rich in nutrients, including vitamins A, E and antioxidants, capable of improving hair health. The sugar and pectin in bananas also help seal moisture in the hair. This mask is perfect for all those hair that has dried out due to excessive coloring and treatments.

Make an Olive Oil Hair Mask Step 13
Make an Olive Oil Hair Mask Step 13

Step 2. Add 60ml of extra virgin olive oil

Stir vigorously using a whisk, until the mixture is quite smooth. There may be a few lumps of banana left, this is normal, just try to break up the larger pieces.

If you have a blender, you can use it to make a banana puree and mix it with the oil. In this case you will get a smoother and more emulsified mixture

Make an Olive Oil Hair Mask Step 14
Make an Olive Oil Hair Mask Step 14

Step 3. Incorporate 1 teaspoon of honey

Thanks to the large amount of antioxidants, raw organic honey is ideal for this preparation, however any type of honey will do well. Make sure the mixture is perfectly blended.

Make an Olive Oil Hair Mask Step 15
Make an Olive Oil Hair Mask Step 15

Step 4. Massage the mixture into your hair

Focus on the tips, i.e. the parts that normally tend to be the most damaged. Make sure the mask is evenly distributed between the strands, and that you don't have large pieces of fruit in your hair.

Make an Olive Oil Hair Mask Step 16
Make an Olive Oil Hair Mask Step 16

Step 5. Wrap your hair in a shower cap, plastic bag or cling film

If you have long hair, before covering it, put it in a soft ponytail or bun, or secure it with a hair clip. Leave the mask on for 30 minutes.

Make an Olive Oil Hair Mask Step 17
Make an Olive Oil Hair Mask Step 17

Step 6. Rinse your hair thoroughly with warm water

This mask is pretty sticky, so make sure you get rid of all of it! Wash them with a mild shampoo and apply conditioner as usual.

Method 4 of 4: Make a Mask with Olive Oil, Avocado and Honey

Make an Olive Oil Hair Mask Step 18
Make an Olive Oil Hair Mask Step 18

Step 1. Choose a ripe avocado

Squeeze the more rounded end, that of the petiole, slightly, if you feel it give way slightly, it means that the fruit is ripe. Avocados are rich in vitamins A and E and in monounsaturated fats, substances that give shine and moisture to the hair. The oils contained in avocado are very similar to those naturally present in our skin and hair, which makes this mask ideal for dry or frizzy hair.

Thanks to the high levels of monounsaturated fatty acids, avocado is particularly recommended for natural hair that needs an extra supply of moisture. This mask is also excellent for very thick, curly or uneven hair. For very fine or thin hair it can be too heavy

Make an Olive Oil Hair Mask Step 19
Make an Olive Oil Hair Mask Step 19

Step 2. Extract the avocado pulp with a spoon

Mash it in a bowl using a fork and turn it into a smooth paste. A jar is not suitable for this preparation because to properly crush the fruit you will need more room to maneuver.

Make an Olive Oil Hair Mask Step 20
Make an Olive Oil Hair Mask Step 20

Step 3. Incorporate 2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil and 2 tablespoons of honey

Stir to mix the ingredients evenly. The mask should take on a light green hue and its texture should be as smooth as possible.

If you have a blender or hand mixer, you can use it to blend and emulsify the mixture with ease. The result will be perfectly smooth and airy

Make an Olive Oil Hair Mask Step 21
Make an Olive Oil Hair Mask Step 21

Step 4. Distribute the mask on damp hair

Focus especially on the tips, usually the part that tends to be the most damaged. If you have greasy roots, just apply the mask to the ends and lengths. You can spread the mixture over your hair using a kitchen brush or your fingers.

Make an Olive Oil Hair Mask Step 22
Make an Olive Oil Hair Mask Step 22

Step 5. Secure your hair

Wrap them in a shower cap, plastic bag, or cling film. If you have long hair, before covering it, put it in a soft ponytail or bun, or secure it with a hair clip.

Make an Olive Oil Hair Mask Step 23
Make an Olive Oil Hair Mask Step 23

Step 6. Use heat

This mask guarantees the best results when combined with the use of heat, but be extremely careful not to risk melting the plastic on your hair! Use a hair dryer set at minimum speed and direct the jet of air on the hair for about 15-20 minutes. Alternatively, expose yourself to the hot sun for 30-45 minutes.

Make an Olive Oil Hair Mask Step 24
Make an Olive Oil Hair Mask Step 24

Step 7. Rinse carefully with warm water

As this mask is quite thick and sticky, you may need to massage your hair while rinsing. Complete the treatment by washing them with a mild shampoo and apply the conditioner as usual.


  • You can use any leftover mask by massaging them on your hands and cuticles and then rinsing them and guaranteeing the skin an excellent beauty and healing treatment.
  • If you want to perfume any of these masks, add a few drops of essential oil. Try lavender for a relaxing effect or the mind for an invigorating action.
