Have you ever seen those couples walking down a corridor and suddenly the boy leans over to kiss her? Would you like to be in his shoes? If you use the right moves as tricks up your sleeve, and keep the right attitude, then you can do like him!

Step 1. Don't be shy; be enthusiastic
When you are close to your girlfriend, be yourself.

Step 2. Go to a romantic place
For example on the beach, in a restaurant, or at the cinema. Go to a place where you feel comfortable and that is not too busy.

Step 3. Be comfortable with her
Put your arm around her shoulders, casually and without thinking too much. This will let her know that you want to get closer.

Step 4. After you've made yourself comfortable, wait until your appointment is over to ask her for a kiss

Step 5. At the end of the appointment, have a little chat
Try flirting with her, and if she reacts well it means there's a good chance she likes you.

Step 6. Lightly draw your head in for a kiss, slowly
It is usually best to do this if the right signs are there and if she reacts positively.
- If you think it's polite, you can ask him, but take it as it comes! If you decide to ask her, you might say something like:
- I really like you … would you mind if I kissed you?
- Don't look like you're desperate for a kiss, or she'll eat the leaf.
- If you really love her, and she feels the same about you, just go somewhere where you can be alone. While you are there, approach and flirt with her, then approach for the kiss, remembering to smile before and after.
- Have fun!
- Do not be nervous. Practice with something, like stuffed animals, for example. It may seem embarrassing (especially if your mom or dad suddenly shows up!), But it can really help you.